Tuesday, August 20, 2019

UPDATED - Donny Thought the Danes Were Dummies

Good Day World!
Update: 6:30 PST - 8/20/19
Trump Cancels Denmark Trip After PM Says Greenland Not For Sale

Trump didn't seem to understand that Greenland was not for sale. The semi-autonomous Danish territory in the Arctic has never been up for sale.

Related: 'Final Proof That he Has Gone Mad': Danish Politicians Reject Trump's Interest in Greenland

What Donny doesn't seem to understand is that the Danes aren't dummies. Why in the world would they ever sell such valuable real estate?

Trump's vision for Greenland was - a golf course and hotel - along with whatever valuable resources lie beneath a mile of ice.

It's just another visible sign of how delusional he is. He tweeted a photo of Greenland with a Trump Tower in the middle this morning. Here's how that went over...

Related: Greenland's Leader Rips Trump: Idea of Buying 'Territory Not Something To Joke About' 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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