Monday, October 27, 2014

What a Weird and Wonderful Beard Competition

IMAGE DISTRIBUTED FOR JUST FOR MEN - The Just For Men World Beard and Moustache Championships crowned 18 title winners, highlighting the best and bold...

Photo by Craig Mitchelldyer / AP

                                                        Good Day World!

Snidley Whiplash” would have been envious.

Over 300 dudes gathered for the Just For Men World Beard and Moustache Championships in Portland, Oregon on Saturday, Oct.25th.

Talk about knarly beards. The competition, held at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront and Keller Auditorium, awarded 18 titles in categories ranging from "Dali" to "Fu Manchue" and "Freestyle Full Beard."

Nine foreign countries fielded competitors for the unusual competitions.  Judges looked for moustaches and beards that enhanced, "appearance, style and personality."

There was some controversy about the event.

Another World Beard and Moustache Championship protested the Portland event on Friday, calling the event "a fraud."

But that didn't stop the contest from being entertaining. People had a lot of fun. Go Here for a slideshow of cool beards and staches.

I hope the contest comes back next year, as I might enter it. I once won a beard contest 30 years ago. Maybe it’s time to come out of retirement and see if my whiter version stands a chance!

Time for me to walk on down the road…  

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