Saturday, May 18, 2013

A really big -think Ocean Liner size - Asteroid is coming close to Earth this month…but don’t worry!

      Good Day World!

A big asteroid will cruise by Earth at the end of the month, making its closest approach to our planet for at least the next two centuries.

The May 31 flyby of asteroid 1998 QE2, which is about 1.7 miles (2.7 kilometers) long, poses no threat to Earth. The space rock will come within 3.6 million miles (5.8 million km) of our planet — about 15 times the distance separating Earth and the moon, researchers say.

But the close approach will still be dramatic for astronomers, who plan to get a good look at 1998 QE2 using two huge radar telescopes — NASA's 230-foot (70 meters) Goldstone dish in California and the 1,000-foot (305 m) Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. [Photos: Asteroids in Deep Space] (Full story here)

I put together a board for Learnist recently that you may find interesting called “How to catch an asteroid: no really!

Time for me to walk on down the road…

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