Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mark your calendar - civil rights groups set for showdown with Tea Party on MLK march anniversary

Civil rights groups set for showdown with Tea Party on MLK march anniversary

Excuse my irreverence, but Aug.28th is shaping up to be a real 3-ring circus.

When you look at the players, Glenn Beck, and the Rev.Al Sharpton, there’s only one logical conclusion; it’s going to be ugly.

Expect high drama, mobs of pissed off people, and some real interesting speech’s. I hear the darling of the drilling crowd, Sarah Palin, will be yapping about her dream…to make a lot of money. May I suggest to all those who attend one of these dueling events that you bring your cameras (cell phones will do in a pinch).

I suspect it will be an historical day; a demonstration of intolerance for the 21st Century. Doesn’t it make you proud just thinking about it?   

Read More: Glenn Beck, Marc Morial, March on Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, NAACP, Rev. Al Sharpton, Tea Party

African-American leaders denounced TV and radio pundit Glenn Beck's Tea Party rally next month that will occur on the same date and at the same spot where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech nearly 50 years ago.

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