Tuesday, July 23, 2013

As It Stands blog: Say it ain’t so…another star ballplayer on steroids

     Good Day World!

Baseball. America’s game.

It’s Ground Hog Day in baseball as history keeps repeating itself. Apparently ball players feel they have to take illegal drugs to compete in spite of nearly a wasted generation of players that won’t make it to the Hall of Fame because they cheated.

MLB announced that Ryan Braun has been suspended for the remainder of the season for “violations of the Basic Agreement and its Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program.” In other words, the former MVP got caught juicing!

With the baseball world still reeling from the news of Ryan Braun‘s suspension for his connection to Biogenesis, many are naturally wondering what is in store for Alex Rodriguez.

Well, if what ESPN’s T.J. Quinn is hearing is accurate, it doesn’t bode well for him.The case against Rodriguez includes the possibility that he interfered with the investigation, so MLB is expected to go after him harder than they did Braun.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Monday, July 22, 2013

As It Stands blog: Droning on Monday: bounty on drones considered in Colorado

  Good Day World!

Drone on…

We’ve all heard stories of drones hunting down the bad guys overseas in the war against terrorism and anyone who defies us. Unmanned drones are becoming increasingly popular and they come in all shapes and sizes.

As you read this there are hobbyists flying drones throughout the USA. There are small unmanned surveillance drones that are used by some police departments to track speeders and bad guys.

Americans have indicated in recent polls that they don’t mind the use of drones on our enemies. But the line gets drawn when it comes to using drones to spy on us…for whatever reasons.

Most Americans are still stunned after hearing about PRISM, the spying apparatus used on all Americans and not just terrorist suspects. Right about now some folks are showing what they think about little unmanned drones that don’t identify themselves.

Take this story: 

“The farming and ranching town of Deer Trail, Colorado, which boasts that it held the world's first rodeo in 1869, is now considering starting a 21st century tradition - paying bounties to anyone who shoots down an unmanned drone.

Next month, trustees of the town of 600 that lies on the high plains 55 miles east of Denver will debate an ordinance that would allow residents to purchase a $25 hunting license to shoot down "unmanned aerial vehicles."

Similar to the bounties governments once paid to hunters who killed animals that preyed on livestock, but only after they produced the ears, the town would pay $100 to anyone who can produce the fuselage and tail of a downed drone.

"Either the nose or tail may be damaged, but not both," the proposal notes.” (Read the full story here)

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Sunday, July 21, 2013

As It Stands: 3 good reasons why most people don’t trust politicians

By Dave Stancliff/For The Times-Standard


 Just three reasons not to trust politicians! I realize there are myriad reasons to point out but space forces me to only consider three.

 I’ll start off with my favorite reason and the easiest to  defend; politicians lie. Politicians lie about things substantive and trivial.

 Two quick examples: Anthony Wiener’s denials of his physically self-adoring tweets, and Paul Ryan’s physically self-adoring claims of having run a sub-three-hour marathon.

Most politicians are liars and narcissists. It isn’t too big a stretch to see the connection. Narcissists are arrogant, self-important, see themselves as special, require excessive admiration, have a sense of entitlement, and are exploitative.

 Politicians count on followers believing their lies, even in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary. They basically live in an echo chamber in which everyone watches the same news channel, listens to the same talk radio, reads the same newspapers and web sites, and hangs out with like-minded people.

 Like politicians in past generations, today’s politicians believe if you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth. It’s a simple but effective approach that has worked for politicians since they started courting voters in ancient times.

 What it all comes down to is politicians lie when it’s in their favor. They consider the cost/benefit ratio and lie like carpets if it helps! It’s a calculated tactic used when they create or shift a narrative, attack an opponent, or respond to indefensible claims against them.

 The second reason is politicians are puppets. They dance to the tune of their backers. I don’t care if they’re Democrat or Republican, politicians need money to campaign. It’s the source of the money that creates puppet-masters and puppets.

 Since the beginning of the Industrial Age in America, corporations have played an enormous part in politics. With their backing presidents, senators, and governors have been elected. This is common knowledge, but worth remembering.

 For most Americans the biggest challenge today is to find a politician who represents them and not their party brand and corporate backers.

 Billionaires tried to buy the last presidency, the final step in the progress of the corporation takeover in America. It didn’t happen, but the threat remains that our next president won’t even have to campaign, he/she will simply buy the office.

 Our political system is designed for puppets, supposedly elected by the people for the people, but in fact human Howdy Dowdys! Their cords are carefully manipulated by the likes of the Koch brothers and other rich power mongers.

 I don’t have anything against puppets as such ( I think Sesame Street is great) but when it comes to representing me in Congress (or elsewhere) I’ll pass on them. Granted it’s hard to see the strings pulling some political puppets, but trust me…they’re there!

 The third reason for not trusting politicians is they’re bigger phonies than actors. How can you ever believe what they say? They can look you in the eye and lie without blinking. Look at Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton.

 In the greater scheme of things politicians are actors (my apologies to actors). They follow a script and put on a good show.

They convince you they’re sincere and compassionate by kissing babies and appearing at charity events. As we know, some actors have become politicians completing the loop.

 Ronald Reagan for example. He was a natural. Remember how grand he sounded when he told Gorbachev to “Tear down this wall” referring to the Berlin Wall?

 Good theatre. Good politics. I just keep in mind that both are staged. Productions as it were. It always bothers me to see how phony politicians can be. How can I, or you, trust them?

Trustworthiness is left on the doorstep when politicians pander for causes supported by corporations or wealthy individuals.The way I look at it, phonies have things to hide.

 They don’t want you to know they once smoked marijuana while they attack medical marijuana patients. A certain president comes to mind.

  By now you probably wonder if I think we could do without politicians. I can’t deny they’re part of our government and we need a government - even one as dysfunctional as the current Congress. 
 As It Stands, that doesn’t mean I have to like politicians!

Friday, July 19, 2013

As It Stands blog: Monkeys get bad rap in virus movies & scientists unearth largest known virus yet!

   Good Day World!

If there’s one thing that really bugs me it’s viruses! I couldn’t sleep for a week after the movie “Outbreak” came out thinking about monkeys spreading the deadly virus in a neighborhood near me! Forget about Vampires, Werewolves and Zombies, a deadly virus can reach you anywhere, in any place, and you can’t even see the suckers coming!

How scary is that? It seems to me that monkeys need to get better agents because they tend to be the one’s who spread deadly viruses around in the movies. Ever see the movie “Contagion?” A virus spread by monkeys kills millions of people in a matter of days, and someone has to figure a way to stop it.

How about “28 Days later?” It’s about an animal activist who sets things in motion by releasing chimps from a lab. Once again, primates take the heat. At least monkeys weren’t the villains in The Andromedia Strain. Six monkeys were not blamed in this original virus movie.

But enough of the movies and monkeys. Let’s turn to what’s happening in the real world. Here’s an interesting article that may just make you feel a little squeamish…don’t worry, no monkeys are involved!

“Giant viruses, more than twice as big as the last largest known viruses, have now been unearthed from sludge across the world, researchers say. Even more titanic viruses might await discovery, the scientists said, and they may have features that could blur the lines between life and viruses, which are not considered to be living things. Ten years ago, researchers accidentally discovered mimivirus, what until now was the biggest, most complex virus known.

Now the research team that discovered those giant viruses have unearthed two more that are even bigger. The shape of these new viruses, which resemble ancient Greek jars, reminded the scientists of the myth of Pandora's box, giving the germs their name — pandoraviruses.” (read the story here)

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Thursday, July 18, 2013

As It Stands blog: A new Cheney in the senate? Are you Linkedin? Change Tumblr passwords ASAP!

Good Day World!

It’s Thursday. Pot Luck Day at As It Stands. I’ve cobbled together a few items for you to chew on. Nothing too heavy. Just a few slices of life:   

Dick Cheney (aka Darth Varder) has a Daughter, Liz, who is Running for a Senate Seat in Colorado

Liz Cheney launched her campaign for Senate on Wednesday by calling the 69-year-old Republican senator she's looking to unseat "confused." Daddy told her to say that.

Cheney made official her Republican primary challenge in Wyoming to veteran Sen. Mike Enzi on Wednesday, calling for a "new generation"(read evil empire)of conservative leaders in Washington.

The only question now is Darth Vader’s evil empire about to expand? Liz Vader…has a ring to it, don’t you think?


I’m feeling helpful today so I’m going to hook you up with the next article:

How to Ask for a LinkedIn Introduction — and Get One

By Carol Ross

Ross is a Bell Labs engineer turned career coach, entrepreneur, speaker, and writer. She has created career development programs to help talented midcareer professionals be more successful in a competitive, increasingly digital marketplace. Contact Carol on LinkedIn or by email.



Warning! Warning!

Use Tumblr's iPhone or iPad apps? Change your passwords now!

After discovering an issue which could allow passwords to be compromised, Tumblr has released what it describes as a "very important security update" for its iPhone and iPad apps and asked users to change their passwords.

It seems that, under certain circumstances, the prior versions of the iPhone and iPad apps would allow an individual with malicious intent to "sniff" — or intercept — passwords as they are in transit across a local network.

The latest update — version 3.4.1 — fixes this issue, but Tumblr asks that those who've used prior versions of the apps should update their passwords on Tumblr and anywhere else they may have used the same password.

Time for me to walk on down the road…


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

As It Stands blog: Are ‘Dabs’ & Pot Concentrates the New Crack?

  Good Day World!

 On April 7, 2013 I wrote a column - Faster is not always better: THC 'dabs' can be dangerous Apparently it’s resonated with some people and continues to pop up in the 10 Most Viewed stories for The Times-Standard on a daily basis.

As of this writing it’s #7. Check back tomorrow and it may be #2. For the last 90 days, this column has crept back into circulation as one website after another continues to pick it up. No wonder. Concentrated marijuana is becoming more well known every day. What started in California and expanded to Oregon, has now swept across the county. You’ll be hearing more in the moths and years ahead about these “dabs” or concentrates – for better or worse.

The day after my column came out, April 8, 2013, “Drugs Forum,” an online drug information website had this reader feedback:

“Hey guys,
Last night I took one of the biggest dabs of my life. I purchased a gram of Green
Crack wax concentrates from my favorite dispensary and loaded up a full dab, yes a full! Normally a half dab gets me good but I felt like going all out. I looked at the mini oil rig peice and felt a nervousness and anxiety hit me, if that means anything. I took the whole dab on one hit and it went down fast. Lungs were full of concentrate wax. Exhaled and it didn't feel right. Well first of all, its was almost impossible to breathe normally cuz of the size of hit and thickness of wax. I felt like something hit me in the brain super hard and I was dizzy. The difficulty to breathe might have made me have an anxiety attack but it took me 10 minutes to return to normal calm mind. Do you think anxiety caused this pale/ sweating response? It was really unpleasant. Or could it have been a super large hit? Not used to milking a bong with wax! Any response helps. thanks!”

The Atlantic Wire came out with a good piece on “Dabs” a month later – The Amateur's Guide to Dabs – on May 15th, 2013. It’s got more information than I was able to squeeze into my short column.

More recently this website – Treatment Line offers treatment alternatives for addicted for Dabbers. It also provides a lot of good information and is worth checking out. Read Potent Marijuana Concentrate (BHO) Is Anything But Harmless

Finally AlterNet came out with this article on July 1, 2012: It asks, Is 'Dabbing' the Crack of Pot? Good question. Is it? What are your thoughts on the subject? (Note: if you’d like to email me any comments please send them to richarddavestancliff@gmail.com )and I will keep them confidential.

Time for me to walk on down the street…


He's Back! This Time in Drag

While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman...