Monday, March 29, 2010

Feds: Militia members sought to spark uprising

The Faces of Domestic Terrorists - This is the result of inflammatory rhetoric. People start believing that our President is the Anti-Christ, and that all police and government bodies in America are working for the devil. This group is the tip of the iceberg. Don’t be surprised to see more of this kind of thing happen as Tea Baggers call for revolution and other extreme Conservative groups ramp up the hate meter.This is the kind of extremist scum that believes in the destruction of democracy to achieve their own selfish violent ends. Take a good look at them. One day it’s going to be your neighbor if things don’t change. They wanted war, but got caught before they could attack.

They also do it in the name of religion, which is really sick. When people like Sarah Palin call for the rightwing nuts to “Reload” and to “take their country back” this is the result. Mainstream Conservatives are swimming in the same pool as the militias and other radical anti-government groups these days. Unless the rhetoric is toned down, expect to see more of this kind of thing.

Eight arrested, one on the run; they allegedly plotted to attack police

Toxic Chemicals found at military bases and aboard ships poses a serious health threat


From Jim Davis (Veterans-For-Change):

“As most are aware, seen on TV, in the newspapers, and from veteran sites across the country, TCE/PCE is a major issue.

TCE a chemical degreaser used on all bases and board ships is a carcinogenic chemical, and on the many military bases nationwide was disposed of into the ground behind buildings eventually contaminating the ground water and getting into the drinking wells.

Same thing with PCE which is a dry cleaning chemical used both on bases and off base nationwide, also being disposed of into the ground and eventually contaminating the ground water and getting into the drinking wells.

Most recently CNN did a broadcast show highlighting the male breast cancer cluster surrounding Camp LeJeune, North Carolina.


Personally I feel the anchor didn’t bother to do his homework very well, didn’t bring to light all the other medical issues or the families harmed by these chemicals.

There is also currently a bill in committee to award benefits, but in my humble opinion is limited in scope and restrictive to those who served at Camp LeJeune and doesn’t mention any of the 130+ bases nationwide listed on the EPA Superfund list.

Veterans-For-Change has a bill which was drafted back in February 2009 along with a petition to which we’re trying to collect at least 40,000 signatures in order to get either a Senator or Congressman to sign off and present the bill to the floor which will not only address TCE but PCE as well, and opens it up to all military, veterans and family members who served at any base where these chemicals were used and disposed of improperly thereby contaminating all who drank the water or who used the chemicals in their daily jobs.

Veterans-For-Change needs your support desperately to meet the number of signers on the petition. This is NOT an electronic petition, but a hard copy petition. We ask that everyone please go to, and if you’re not a member to please subscribe, go to the documents section, then to the TCE/PCE and other Chemicals section and download the petition.

Sign and try to obtain at least 10 more signatures and mail the complete form into our California office ASAP.

Should you have any questions, please click HERE and send us an E-Mail and we’ll be more than happy to reply!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

As It Stands: If the truth sets you free, the Catholic Church is in captivity


Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 03/28/2010 02:26:41 AM PDT

Facts can fracture foundations, but once they are exposed they can also be repaired. The current scandals involving the Roman Catholic pedophile priests in Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the United States, the Netherlands and Italy are rocking the church's credibility and stability to the core.

When Pope Benedict XVI recently sent a letter to Ireland apologizing for the chronic child abuse within the Catholic Church, after offering no help to three official Irish investigations that revealed 100 years of abuse in the Dublin Archdiocese and the rural Ferns diocese, he followed the road paved by his predecessors. Over 15,000 victims of sexual abuse by priests have been discovered thus far.

In his letter, the Pope urged priests to confess if they're child molesters, but didn't say what he'd do with them when they did. He mentioned facing the law. But whose law? The Vatican's track record with the church's pedophiles is not very reassuring. The church outright refused to help in the 2001-2009 probes that revealed the scale and longevity of the abuse suffered by Irish children throughout the 20th century.

GO here to read the rest.

UPDATE: Web site carrying today’s column (11:45 a.m., PST):

Wayne SeelingerNew Jersey Church Insurance Specialist

UPDATE: Former Eurekan, Kay Ebeling, shares her story of early age abuse in the Catholic Church. Go to her blog City of Angels: Action 2010 for the whole story.

An article (March 27) by her appeared in AlterNet.

Special thanks to you Kay for fighting for justice. Someday, people like you will force changes within the Catholic Church. Someday, they won’t protect pedophiles.

Image: Jeff AndersonU.S. lawyer takes on Vatican over abuse cases

updated 1 hour, 9 minutes ago

He shared documents with New York Times, sees Ore. lawsuit as critical

Saturday, March 27, 2010

What was the most costly punctuation error in history?

Probably the comma left out of the computer program for NASA's Mariner I Venus probe, which resulted in the craft's destruction.

Want to know some more interesting tidbits? Go here.

Monty was getting sick of explaining to people why he had to take his fish out for fresh air…

Hey! Wait a minute! Fish don’t breath…

photo source

How Crazy is the Conservative rhetoric lately? You decide


MMFA President Burns: "Glenn Beck Is The Single Most Dangerous Person In This Country"

No Surprise That Harris Poll Finds Republicans Believe GOP Smears Of Obama

No…Beck doesn’t mean to really riot…or does he? Click link below.

"You Need To Riot": Right-Wing Uses Violent Rhetoric

The Poll Comes After More Than A Year Of Conservative Media Figures Forwarding Outrageous Smears Of Obama... Rush On Harris Poll: "The Facts Are Facts. The President Is A Socialist"

Beck Responds To Passage Of Health Care Reform With Violent Rhetoric... Beck Laughably Denounces The "Politics Of Fear"... Boehlert: Fox News, Health Care, And The Right-Wing Nervous Breakdown

Chaotic politics: how ugly will they get before people realize they are out-of-control?

The so-called “Conservative Woodstock” is happening today at Searchlight, Nevada.

I figure this will produce some great photos like the one on the right. The world will get to see what these wackaloons believe.  Hint: Reality is NOT on the agenda. Rhetoric will rule. Note: guy in lower right corner wearing t-shirt that Glenn Beck is his hero! I guess that sums it up. Meanwhile, at least  one Tea Party candidate is in trouble with the law. 

Nevada tea party candidate facing felony charges

What Happens When Congress Fails to Do Its Job?

“What drove Bayh from office, rather, was that he'd grown to hate his job. Congress, he wrote in a New York Times op-ed, is "stuck in an endless cycle of recrimination and revenge.

The minority seeks to frustrate the majority, and when the majority is displaced it returns the favor. Power is constantly sought through the use of means which render its effectiveness,once  acquired, impossible."

Friday, March 26, 2010

What we have here is a failure to communicate

 Being uncooperative as usual, Steny defied  people to arrest him.

He knew he could always plead that he couldn’t read.

He also knew, if all else failed, he could count on the governor’s word that he would be granted free reign if he modeled for the sign to the right.

 photo source 

Things to do with Cats – Part One – You can Dance with Them!

Photo source

Fox News: Threats against Democrats are wrong, but ...

I can’t begin to describe how disgusted I am with the Republican Party, and the wing nuts who are threatening legislators. There’s NO EXCUSE for threatening violence. I don’t give a damn what kind of spin Fox and others try to put it…this shit has to stop or the polarization will lead to the destruction of this nation. It’s that simple. If it were the Democrats, I’d say the same thing. This time it isn’t. The Republican Party needs to get it’s act together or all their creditability (what’s left to the party) is going to disappear forever. They can start by listening to their leaders, and not TALK SHOW hosts who inflame viewers for ratings!


Amid reports that several Democrats in Congress have been the targets of death threats, racial and anti-gay epithets, and have had their offices vandalized for their votes on health care reform, several Fox News personalities have been quick to first condemn the threats but then immediately make excuses for the threats. Others have appeared to dismiss the seriousness of the threats.

Doocy: "So why are people angry? Maybe because they didn't want this bill?" Teasing a segment about the threats against Democrats, Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy said: "Meanwhile, some House Democrats getting extra security after a series of death threats and even a little vandalism over their health care votes. So why are people angry? Well, maybe because they didn't want this bill?" [Fox & Friends, 3/25/10]

Fox & Friends airs viewer emails comparing threats against Democrats to American Revolution, William Ayers. After Carlson said, "The most important thing is what you think about all of this, because you are the ones that are going to go to the polls eventually," Fox & Friends aired several emails from viewers that condemned the threats but immediately appeared to defend the actions. One email claimed that Democrats are using the threats "to gain sympathy. Like Rahm Emanuel said, 'you never waste a crisis.'" Another read: "[W]hat did they expect when they basically stole from the...American people. What do they think 1776 was about & wasn't there some violence back then?" A third email said: "I don't like violence & it is wrong. Having said that, why should Democrats be surprised? Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground bombed the Pentagon & now he is a 'respected' speaker of the left. Why should Democrats expect anything different?" [Fox & Friends, 3/25/10] Excerpt from the emails:


Beck: Obama is "poking and prodding" people to commit violence. ... "They need you to be violent. They are begging for it." On his March 24 Fox News show, Glenn Beck referenced the "crazy tea baggers in the streets" and said, "Why would a government continue to poke you and poke you and poke you and poke you? Why would they say these things? Why have these people said these things about good Americans?" Beck later said: "This might be the most dangerous monologue I've ever done, because I am telling you now -- they need you to be violent. They are begging for it. You're being set-up. Do not give them what they want." [Glenn Beck, 3/24/10]

photos, video, and text via Media Matters

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Initiative to legalize marijuana qualifies for November ballot


Looks like we’ll be voting on cannabis legalization.

“State election officials announced Wednesday that an initiative to legalize marijuana will be on the November ballot, triggering what will likely be an expensive, divisive and much-watched campaign to decide whether California will again lead the nation in softening drug laws.”


“But the measure, known as the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of 2010, goes further, allowing cities and counties to adopt ordinances that would authorize the cultivation, transportation and sale of marijuana, which could be taxed to raise revenues. It's this feature of the initiative that supporters hope will draw support from voters who are watching their local governments jettison employees and programs in the midst of a severe budget crisis.”

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...