Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Senate caving in to seating Burris as next senator from Crimeland USA, otherwise known as Illinois!

As the senate goes through the motions to seat Roland Burris today, I'm struck by how high corruption reaches into the halls of Congress!

How could a governor involved in a scheme to sell a senate seat get away with appointing someone to the Barack Obama's old job?

Why was Burris Blago’s senate pick?

Burris donated $4,500 to Blago’s campaign for Governor, he even donated as early as June which was the same time Blago was deep in scandal. Basically  Blago just got his damn way. Lets not forget that Burris and ex-Black Panther, Bobby Rush, were trying to inject race into this whole thing.

This guy is from old school Illinois politics, he isn’t even “Change”.  This type of distraction is what Blago wanted. This whole situation is very apparent to me. Obama didn't want the distraction this appointment was causing so he basically told Senate leader Reid and others to cave in, and let Burris have his way.

As usual, back door deals continue to be the modis operandi of our politicians, from the bottom to the top. I'm disgusted at the way this is going down. Secret deals are made and everything is supposed to "go away."

photo courtesy of HistoryMakers

Monday, January 12, 2009

I hope one of you guys have an eye out for Sarah Palin

Update on Movie Theater Gunman by informed reader



Yesterday I spoke to Jim personally.( Had his cell phone number in mine all along, but didn't realize it) He explained the actual details of the incident differed greatly to the news report.
He was released from jail 72 hours ago and is on house arrest. The attempted murder charge was dropped. He was and is licensed to carry a concealed weapon.
It was not PTSD. He was not the one throwing popcorn nor was he the once confronting another patron in the theatre because of their loundness.
He was being beaten by a small mob having gotten involved when the a woman was punched in the face defending her husband who was defending their family.
It made great headline news the day after Christmas Day but his story is far from over.
Posted by Anonymous to As It Stands at January 12, 2009 4:11 PM

I want to share this rare insight on a man who has been described as a "crazed gunman." The moral of the story is don't judge someone unless you've walked in their shoes. This guy is an Iraqi veteran, and I suspect he has PTSD. I think this should be considered when authorities sentence the man. He served his country. As a combat veteran myself, I can't help feeling for this man who made a mistake. AnonymousI put a post up yesterday on his story and this person submitted the following comment:
Anonymous said...

The last time I saw Jimmy (James Joseph Cialella) was at a church service where I am an associate pastor.
         I'd not seen him for quiet a while and he told me he'd recently returned from serving in Iraq, just gotten married and was looking forward toward getting his degree. I remember thinking how awesome it was that he'd pulled his life together, as I remember the struggle he had in his late teens and early twenties.
       I'd have had him home for a cup of coffee afterwards, but my wife and I had already made plans for our Sunday afternoon.
We're in Florida at the moment with family and it was a considerable shock to see Jimmy's pic on the Internet with the accompanying story regarding what he did (allegedly) at the Riverview Movie Theatre.
       I'd introduce Jim to our Sr Pastor on this particular Sunday who thanked him for serving in Iraq and warmly invited him to return again soon. I forwarded the news piece to my Pastor, and later on in a follow up phone call he said something to the effect that he was glad he preached a good message that day considering that Jim did not shoot us at church.
       So here it is, a guy who I genuinely like being commented on as a crazed gunman. I don't know how that makes me feel about the kind of people who I believe the best in until the prove themselves otherwise.
Guess I just wanted to share the human side of this guy who's life will never be the same, as he walks out the consequences of his criminal insanity in accordance with the letter of the law of the land in which we live.
       Bless you and if you do not know that Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life, I'd encourage you to consider this fact for yourself.

December 30, 2008 6:21 PM



Some great record albums from between the 20s and 40s



via Google images

My list today is really very simple...

via funnypill.com

National safety group urges cell phone ban while driving

When California passed its first cell phone law, I knew that it just didn't solve the problem. People were still texting while driving, which was actually more dangerous!

After some guy caused a train wreck that killed over twenty people, California lawmakers hastily added texting to the misdemeanor list. My gripe is that people ignore these laws everyday. I still see the same amount of people playing with hand-held cell phones as their driving.

One of the reasons is the ridiculously low fine imposed. A ticket for $20 bucks, or even $50 bucks is chump change to most people. It sure isn't going to deter people from yakking on the cell phone as they hurtle down the road.

A national safety group is advocating a total ban on cell-phone use while driving, saying the practice leads to fatalities. I really think this is a well-written article. Click here for the full story in the Chicago Tribune.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slow Driver Stories? You should have seen this guy!

image from humor-in-photos

Today's Big Coal column travels through cyberspace

I received an interesting email this morning from Charlie Peters,
 who read today's Times-Standard column on coal:
 Big Coal:energy source should be cleaned up or shut down
 Mr. Peters forwarded my column to the Honorable
 Darrell Steinberg to read, along with his own comments - as follows:

California CalEPA Secretary Linda Adams, signed a MOU with the UN in China on earth day. China gets about 50% of the world carbon tax and the China government gets a 50% tax of the credits.
** China goods and services may increase
** We pay the carbon tax and EXXON, GE, Wal-Mart, BP, DuPont, GM, IBM, Microsoft, SHELL and friends may all share in the public/private partnership of corporate and NGO welfare.

Point of contact
Charlie Peters

Clean Air Performance Professionals

84 Hoy Ave
Fords NJ 08863

Point of contact telephone number
(510) 537-1796

Point of contact fax number
(732) 738-7625

Point of contact e-mail address

Vendor or product information
CAPP is an award winning international coalition
interested in protecting personal property and the environment.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing this information
 as a free and open service to the public. The EPA does not endorse any company
 or product identified on this or any subsequent pages listed herein, and makes 
no claims regarding the accuracy, validity, or effectiveness of this or any other
 product or service represented by these data. 

Today's As It Stands in the Times-Standard: Big Coal

Once upon a time, I believed the future of coal looked promising.

That was in 1980, when I was the regional editor for the National Woodstove and Fireplace Journal, a trade magazine.

I wrote a number of articles on how clean-burning anthracite coal was, and in general promoted coal, along with wood burning stoves and fireplaces.

Since then I have learned that coal has more problems than benefits. The most recent argument against using coal came up in December, when a major coal-ash spill coated a neighborhood in Tennessee near the Kingston Fossil Plant.

For the rest of the story click here.

Lighter side of sports: The GarabageTime All Stars

Blog Beak Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...