Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another Thread for the day

I can't believe what a couple of big babies the Clinton's are! Now Hillary is hinting that she wants her supporters to "speak up" at the Democratic National Convention and allow them to nominate her as the Dem's choice for president. Excuse me? I thought we were finished with that nasty little process after the primaries.
That doesn't appear to be the case. Bill keeps whining that he's not a racist (by the way who called him that?) and has been emitting sound bites that are less than supportive of Barack. Insiders say Bill still has his dander up about no one showing him any respect for his presidency. I suppose the "no one" he's talking about is Obama. In Bill's lust-driven mind, Obama should have been bowing every time he sees "Master Bill," and praising his wonderful presidency that saw such monumental failures as NAFTA!
Hillary is really a case though. This is a woman who was sure the presidency was going to be handed to her on a plate because; a.) she's a woman and it's time for a woman president (regardless of how qualified she is) to lead this country, B.) she quite naturally assumed she was going to inherit the presidency because she is of the royal American blood that has controlled our top office for the past 22 years!'s either the royal house of Bush or Clinton during those dark decades, and C.) she's not a black man with a Muslim sounding name - therefore she will get all those white supremacy votes that will make the difference and assure that the Democrats get in the Oval Office.
It's time for change all right! But it may not happen if the Democratic Party is torn over who their candidate will be!

The Thread:

"Are the Clinton's dividing the Democratic Party and paving the way for John McCain?

Thursday Thoughts about Television

Another day in Paradise folks! I finished a future column yesterday about television. I touch on it's early history and the cultural impact it has had on Americans. The love/hate relationship with the Boob Tube has been going on since the first telecast in 1928.
Once upon a time it was safe for all family members to watch tv, but that has changed these days. Your kids could be watching an adulterous affair in Prime Time, or Tia Tequila whose "reality" show involves men and women trying to woo her!
A generation of couch potatoes have passed their constant viewing habits on to the next generation which has become "the overweight generation." TV's as babysitters is commonplace.
Still, there are good things on tv and it really boils down to watching it in moderation. You can drink too much water and get sick. The same goes for tv. You can watch it constantly while your health fails from lack of exercise. And don't forget about the subliminal messages that are beamed out 24/7 on the tv. The key is to be selective about what you watch and how much you watch it.
The evolution of tv's has been nothing short of amazing. The latest models make you feel like your right there with whatever your viewing.

TODAY'S THREAD: Would our lives be healthier if televisions were never invented?


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Parting shot for the day

"I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food."

W.C. Fields

Just Say No to Satanists

Happy Hump Day bloggers! After many hours of research I've decided not to write a follow-up to my Satanist column from last month. After following links provided by MS Napolis, and actually reading her 132 page archive site, it appears that her ongoing battle with Satanists will never end. She has a somewhat questionable past with some mental problems, and I hestiate to take up her story when it's going to the courts. Perhaps if she wins some sort of settlement from the people she accused of being Satanists, a story might be there. The whole story sounds too personal and I have reservations about giving it print time.
Instead, I've tackled another very controversial subject - animal activists who act like domestic terrorists! If you've never heard of ALF (Animal Liberation Front) then prepare to be shocked at their tactics. I'm sending that column in to The Times-Standard today for future publication.

The Thread for the day is:

Animal activists believe that any means possible should be used to stop animal research - even to the point of throwing fire bombs at a family's house in Santa Cruz last week. Do you think these people are domestic terrorists or just animal lovers who are going too far?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Satanists Pursue Researcher

If it's Tuesday then it's time for "As It Stands," in the McKinleyville Press. Today's column deals with some boozy mammals that can out drink humans. Tree shrews rock when it comes to world class boozing!

This morning I got an email from a Satanic Ritual Abuse Researcher/Investigator Diana Napolis, M.A. Why would I get a letter from this person? Simple. I wrote a column about a Satanist who was in family court trying to get more custody time with his two daughters, recently.
I was flooded with emails at the time and there were over 5000 hits on the Online edition! Anyway, this person Napalois, wants me to know she's suing some people who she says are Satanists and that they have been harassing her for years - even to the point that they caused her to have a nervous breakdown! MS Napolis has been employed as a Court Intervention Social Worker at Child Protective Services in San Diego. Among other things she established a Ritual Abuse Court Cases Project while there. She goes on to site numerous newspaper and book sources (with links) that talks about these Satanists - and some infamous ones who have been caught for - among other things - Ritual murders and cannibalism.
Her archives are about 124 pages long and full of backround material.

My problem is I'm not sure what to do with this story? I already wrote one column about Satanists and I don't want to appear to be a sensationalist whose out for nothing but shock value. You know. Kinda like the print, radio, and television media today!

TODAY's THREAD - Should I pursue this story and do another column on

Monday, August 4, 2008

Readers Speak Out

What a great response to yesterday's column! Kelly Krueger - SFO-WSW - sent me a nice email and a press release announcing that Cochlear has reached a milestone in hearing restoration with 120,000 Cochlear implants after one more surgery by Dr. Thomas Roland, Jr. MD of NY Langone Medical Center.
As I mentioned in my column these implants have the ability to restore hearing to the totally deaf. A modern miracle for sure. I'll never forget the look on my Dad's face when he first heard words - the doctor asked me to speak to him. He looked surprised. Then the biggest smile you ever saw spread across his face and he gave me the okay sign! What a moment that was!


"Will drilling for oil save the American economy?"


"It takes hundreds of nuts to hold a car together, but it only takes one to scatter it all over the highway."
-Evan Esar

OR TWO....

"You have achieved success if you have lived well, laughed often and loved much."

-Unknown Author
Confucius Say...

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."


Einstein Quotes:

I love to travel, but hate to arrive."


Today's Joke

Did you hear about the dyslexic devil worshiper?
He sold his soul to Santa!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Great reader imput!

Hat's off to Joe George for the nice - and very informative email - regarding todays As It Stands column on ear implants. Joe told me that he has had a cochlear implant and the VA did it for free! He also said that they provided the most updated model (Harmony) to him. And get this fellow veterans...his ears weren't service-connected and he still got the very expensive surgery (Joe says it would run about $50,000 if you had to pay for one!) done down in San Francisco. He point out that you can get free transportation down there with the Vet Van in Eureka and that they put you up for free when your down there. It was really heartwarming to read about how happy he is about being able to hear his grandchildren talking to him.
Thanks Jack for men
tioning my blog on your great blog today. The McKinleyville Press rocks and I hope all my readers enjoy your whole newspaper as much as I do! Don't forget to tune in and pick up the Mack Press every Tuesday. I want the world to know that Jack gave me my first break at resurrecting my old column As It Stands a couple of years ago. He's always been supportive and is a great copy editor and headline writer. Beside that...he's a great guy.
Onward and Upward.

Today's As It Stands

If it's Sunday then it's time for As It Stands! Today's column is - Prosthetic ears, thieves, and payback. This, unlike last week's column on McCain, is not a real controversial column.
It's more to educate people about ear implants, what they involve, and how common they are becoming in our society today. I do mention thieves that are stealing them thinking they are Blue Tooths. It's really amazing how stupid some people can be!
When my Dad got his he was one of the first in the country to do so. It was a big thing and I went to Good Samaritan Hospital in Portland with him when he had the procedure done in 1985. I wrote about it in the newspaper that I was editor of - The Desert Trail in 29 Palms.
If you have a friend or loved one that has extreme hearing problems then you might even look into these ear implants. They are so advanced now that new born babies can get one! There is some small controversy among the deaf community as to even getting these implants. Apparently some people think that if they were born deaf - for example - then that's the way God wanted it and man shouldn't mess around with such things! To me, that's a pretty narrow view, and one that I don't subscribe to. Bu, it takes all kinds to make up this world doesn't it?
If you haven't read the column yet just go over to my Links - and you can find the Times-Standard there with it.
You can make comments at the end of this blog - just look for the part where it says Dave Posted this at - the time - and then the word comment. Next to it is a little icon - a piece of paper and a pencil. Hit comments and then follow the instructions.


"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing"
- Helen Keller

Confucius Say....

"Everything has it's beauty but not everyone sees it."

Famous Quotes

"I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious."
-Albert Einstein


"We'll let our friends be the peacemakers and the great country called America will be the pacemakers."
G.W. Bush
Houston TX - 09/06/2000


According to New York mayor Michael Bloomberg, there are almost two million New Yorkers who speak little or no English.
I had no idea there were two million cabdrivers in New York!


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Savoring Saturday

Shirley and I love our weekends. We enjoy having more time together after a hectic week. The weekends are the week's reward for your labors.
It's getting harder to watch all of the political bullshit surrounding this presidential campaign. McCain's team is leading the way by taking the low road and making false accusations against Obama. Usually the real mud-slinging starts about two months before an election, but that's not the case this year.
Personal attacks are the Republican way, as taught by Carl Rove in the last election. Trying to minimize Obama by calling him a celebrity - and comparing him to Brittany Spears and Paris Hilton - is just a childish way to attack a person. It's like throwing shit against a wall and seei ng what sticks in what quarters. A lie out there long enough has a way of gaining life and people looking for reasons to not vote for Obama seize upon these false characterizations with glee.
Like it or not, this election is about the old and the new. McCain represents more of the same Bush regime, and Obama represents change.
The good old boys in the Republican Party don't want change, they like the way things are. Why shouldn't they? The party is so entwined with the Big Oil companies they might as well call themselves the Black Gold Party, or the Grand Oil Party! It's shameful.
But before you think I'm some dyed-in-the-wool Democrat think again. When I look at how inept our Congress is I see two parties unwilling to compromise and vote in a by partisan way.
I see two parties that have separate agendas - and neither are doing any good for the average American. The American people are the real losers when it comes down to this damn two-party system.
We really don't get a choice in elections. We get two hand-picked party darlings. Take it or leave it. If the mainstream media was really doing it's job we should be hearing about the other parties -yes there are actually other political parties in this country. There are other candidates like Bob Barr of the Libertarian Party, who are running for president.
So how much do you hear about them? Practically nothing because the news organizations are controlled by the two dominant parties; the Democrats and the Republicans. In a conspiracy that starts at the White House and trickles down to the news rooms, these parties control America. They try to convince us that we just need the two-party system by giving them tons of public recognition. Out of sight...out of mind. That simple.
How could we have let this happen in a democracy? Generations of Americans have been brainwashed into thinking they only need two parties to pick a president from. The end result of all of this is that you really don't get a choice. Your force fed two party hacks and told it's the "American Way." I just have two words to say about that- actually a hyphenated word - bull-shit!



"In all due respect, I'm not sure it's credible to quote leading news organzations about...
oh never mind."
Tempe AZ , in the 3rd presidential debate

Here's a thought

"The more things change, the more they remain insane."

Michael Fry & T.Lewis ___________________________________________________________________

Confucius Say....

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."



Success doesn't come to you, you go to it."

-Marva Collins

Famous Quotes

"I don't pretend to understand the universe. It's much bigger than me."
-Albert Einstein

Olympic Excitement

"There's excitement in the air over Beijing Olympics. Also lead, zinc, arsenic, benzene, sulfur dioxide..."
-David Letterman


"To be amused by what you read - that is the great spring of happy quotations."

-CE Montague

Friday, August 1, 2008


Good day to you! Here's a reminder; you can make comments on each of the blogs I post by going to the end of the blog and hitting the Comment spot by the pencil and paper icon.
A good way to start a day is with a smile. You might get a kick out of the fact that the world's oldest joke has been traced back to 1900 BC! It is a saying of the Sumerians, who lived in what is now Iraq, that - "Since time immemorial; a young woman did not fart in her husband's lap."
There's a 1600 BC gag about a pharaoh, said to be King Snofru, which says, "How do you get a pharaoh's attention?
ANSWER: you send a boatload of pretty women dressed only in fish nets and tell him to go fishing!"
Those ancients were really crack-ups weren't they?
I found this wonderful information on a site called DAVE TV, which comes from England.
The site says: The Home of Witty Banter. Well what do you expect from a Dave? We're usually funny.

Knock Knock. Whose there?
Dave's Not Here!
-Cheech and Chong

There's even a funny movie out called MEET DAVE. And if you want to read something funny from As It Stands - see this week's column in the McKinleyville Press "Did you ever Moon someone?"
Next week's column for the McKinleyville Press is about little mammals that can out booze any human! A must read for people who think their good at holding their booze.



"One of the indictments of civilizations is that happiness and intelligence are so rarely in the same person."
-William Feather



here is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world, than for bread."


Confucius Say...

"Be not ashamed of mistakes and thus make them your enemies."



Conan O'Brian had this to say about Dunkin Donutes:

Dunkin Donutes announced that they are going to start offering their customers "healthier choices." From now on when customers enter Dunkin Donutes employees will tell them where a good restaurant is located."



"Rarely is the questioned asked: is our children learning."

Florance, SC 01/11/2000


Thursday, July 31, 2008

As It Stands Attacked!

There's always one sour apple in the barrel. My last As It Stands column about McCain possibly having PTSD was verbally assaulted by a cranky retired sailor. He sent me a scathing email and a letter-to-the-editor at the Times-Standard where the column ran. He called my column a cheap shot at McCain. Thus far, he's the only person who has expressed anger of the column. All the veterans I talked with about the article said it was outstanding. My veteran activists pal, Carl Young, also gave me good input on it and he said that the people he knows who read it liked it. The moral of the story is you can't always please everyone all the time. No should I. An opinion piece is meant to be intelligently debated. When people respond via email or letters to-the-editor that means their reading my stuff. I couldn't ask for more.

Cough..cough...cough..thoughts on the Olympics

I can't help wondering how the athletes are going to compete outside in Beijing with skies that are so badly polluted. Less than one percent of the 500 Chinese cities have clean air. Respitotory disease is China's leading cause of death.
The Chinese are planning emergency measures for the Olympics. For example, protestors will only be run over with Hybrid Tanks!
I'll bet there's going to be a run on gas masks for the visitor's who have to sit in the outdoor stadiums. I did hear that there are going to be flowers, very hardy little flowers, everywhere.That, however, isn't enough to even think about going to a dirty affair like this promises to be. Free Tibet!

A Good Thought

"When life's problems seem overwhelming, look around and see what other people are coping with. You may consider yourself fortunate."




"American's will put up with anything providing it doesn't block traffic," Dan Rather once said.


Famous Quotes

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile."

-Albert Einstein


Idiot Bush Quotes

"What does that mean, outrages upon human dignity? That's a statement that is open to interpretation."

G.W.Bush at a White House Press conference. 9/15/2007


13 Trump Appointed Judges Try Bullying Columbia University Law Students ...Just Because

      A group of Trump appointed judges  are vowing to not hire Columbia University law students or undergraduates because they don't ap...