Friday, September 16, 2011

Albino seal pup shunned by his colony – saved by photographer

Sitting all alone on a beach, this little seal is an outcast from the colony.

Its crime? Having reddish-brown fur and the palest of blue eyes. The rest of its sleek black family took an instant dislike to the ginger pup, leaving it to fend for itself.

The loneliest seal in the world: This rare brown furred pup was spotted on the beach at Tyuleniy Island, Russia

The pictures were taken by Anatoly Strakhov, who spotted the seal on Tyuleniy Island, Russia.

The loneliest seal in the world: This rare brown furred pup was spotted on the beach.
Hiding hole: The seal, which is almost blind, had been hiding under a pile of logs when he was first spotted

Hiding hole: The seal, which is almost blind, had been hiding under a pile of logs when he was first spotted.

The photographer, 61, said: ‘He was hiding and waiting for his mother to come and feed him. ‘He had a very strange color fur and looked different from his two black brothers. I was pleased to be able to capture such an unusual animal, but the poor seal is almost blind and so was unlikely to survive in the wild.’

 Shunned: The pup sits on is own up the beach while other seals group by the water's edge

Shunned: The pup sits on is own up the beach while other seals group by the water's edge

Luckily, Mr Strakhov was with staff from a dolphinarium who took it into their care.The pup – whose color is the result of an accumulation of iron in its fur – might have had more luck in the U.S. One of the biggest concentrations of red-haired seals is in San Francisco.   source

Pair takes dead pal to strip club, man adopts duck as best friend, and teenager emerges from woods after five years

Good Morning Humboldt County!

The coffees hot and it’s that time again when we look at our trio of headlines to start the day. They’re all about people today. Slightly offbeat people…but interesting.

Cops: Pair took dead pal to strip club

In a real-life version of the movie "Weekend at Bernie's," two men drove around with a dead friend's body, used his ATM card and visited a strip club, police said. Robert Jeffrey Young and Mark Rubinson were charged with abusing a corpse, identity theft and criminal impersonation. They were freed on bond, according to the Denver Post. It's unclear how Jeffrey Jarrett died, but the men were not charged in his death. The cause has not yet been determined as toxicology tests are still under way, the paper reported.

This story will quack you up!

English-speaking boy emerges from German woods

Berlin police are investigating the story of an English-speaking teenager who appeared in the German capital last week saying he had lived the previous five years in the woods with his father, a spokesman said Friday.

Michael Maass said the approximately 17-year-old boy appeared Sept. 5 at Berlin's city hall and was then taken in by a youth emergency center.

Time to walk on down the road…

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mystery of appearance of armless hot dog sculpture solved

What a relief! The case of the mysterious Hot Dog Man statue has been solved.

The statue, which appeared on a Council Bluffs, Iowa, street corner near a school, prompting a call to police by a citizen who thought it was a man in costume , has been claimed by its rightful owner, The Daily Nonpareil reports.

What proof of ownership did Curtis Wennhold offer that the statue, which was missing its arms, was his? The arms, said police Capt. Terry LeMaster, according to the Nonpareil.

“(Wennhold) has the arms; to me, that’s enough proof that it is his,” LeMaster laughed. “We’ll be glad to give it back to him.” Wennhold told police he found the statue in California and brought it to his Council Bluffs yard, LeMaster told the Nonpareil.

The captain said a group of teenagers saw the statue and decided to take it. In lifting the 400-pound hot dog into a vehicle, the teens managed to break off the arms, one of which was applying ketchup to the wienie's head, the other holding mustard.

The statue-nappers took Hot Dog Man home, LeMaster told the Nonpareil, but they soon became "creeped out" by its leering expression, took it to the corner of Harmony Court and Benton Street, and left it. LeMaster told the paper that the teenage culprits had been identified but that no one involved in the case wanted to press charges. After some paperwork is taken care of, Hot Dog Man will return home with Wennhold, LeMaster told the Nonpareil. And then the widespread attention the statue's appearance attracted is likely to die down — police said they received tips and offers to take it from as far away as Australia.  Via Weird News

Part II – More stupid laws in 10 California cities


Don’t worry. I’ll be featuring every state in the union after I’ve exhausted all the dumb laws in each. Currently, I’m looking at cities In California:

Arcadia - Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.

Baldwin Park - Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool.

Blythe - You are not permitted to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least two cows.

Carmel - A man can’t go outside while wearing a jacket and pants that do not match.

Chico - One must obtain a permit from the city to throw hay in a cesspool. Full text of the law.

             It is illegal to own a green or smelly animal hide.Full text of the law.

Cathedral City - It is prohibited to sleep in a parked vehicle.Full text of the law.

             Persons may not ride their bicycles through the “Fountain of Life”.Full text of the law.

Dana Point - One may not use one’s own restroom if the window is open.Full text of the law.

El Monte - Pinball machines are outlawed, as well as mock horse racing games.Full text of the law.

Eureka - Persons may not sleep on a road.Full text of the law.

Fresno - No one may annoy a lizard in a city park. Full text of the law.


‘New Reality’ for postal service, Pat Robertson says it’s okay to divorce spouse if they have Alzheimer’s, and a dazzling fireball in the Southwest skies

Good Morning Humboldt County!

Grab a chair and a cup of hot Joe and off we’ll go! Today’s headlines are a mixed bag of realities. Pat Robertson says it’s alright to divorce your spouse if they have Alzheimer’s. Where’s the love? Your mail is not going to be as fast anymore, and people are dazzled by bright lights in the Southwest.

Struggling Postal Service announces ‘new reality’

The U.S. Postal Service, burdened with huge financial losses, said Thursday that it was facing a "new reality" that would include shutting a slew of processing facilities, changing service standards for first-class mail and cutting up to 35,000 positions.

The moves will mean mail will no longer reach most customers the day after it was mailed. "We are forced to face a new reality today,” said Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe in a statement. “First-Class Mail supports the organization and drives network requirements. With the dramatic decline in mail volume and the resulting excess capacity, maintaining a vast national infrastructure is no longer realistic." The news comes after the agency recently announced it was studying shutting hundreds of post offices across the nation as its business erodes amid the growing use of e-mail and other Internet tools. The agency has reported a series of financial losses that have pushed it to the edge of insolvency.

Pat Robertson: Divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable

Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson told his "700 Club" viewers that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's is justifiable because the disease is "a kind of death."

During the portion of the show where the one-time Republican presidential candidate takes questions from viewers, Robertson was asked what advice a man should give to a friend who began seeing another woman after his wife started suffering from the incurable neurological disorder.

"I know it sounds cruel, but if he's going to do something, he should divorce her and start all over again, but make sure she has custodial care and somebody looking after her," Robertson said.

Multicolored fireball in sky dazzles Southwest

A brilliant bright light seen streaking over the Southwestern sky Wednesday night was most likely a fragment of an asteroid that entered Earth's atmosphere, a NASA scientist said.

Residents from Phoenix to Las Vegas to Southern California's coastal areas reported to local authorities and media outlets that they saw the light move quickly from west to east at around 7:45 p.m. PT (10:45 p.m. ET). Experts said a fireball — or very bright meteor — was likely to blame.

"I saw something that looked like a falling star but it must have been a fireball in the atmosphere," one witness told NBCLA. "It was huge. It had a green glow in front of it and a white tail. It looked like green fireworks going across the sky."

Time to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ban proposed on electronic cigarettes on planes

(AP) -- The Obama administration Wednesday proposed banning the use of electronic cigarettes on airline flights, saying there is concern the smokeless cigarettes may be harmful.

"Airline passengers have rights, and this new rule would enhance passenger comfort and reduce any confusion surrounding the use of electronic cigarettes in flight," Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood said in a statement.

The ban would clarify an existing Transportation Department rule prohibiting smoking cigarettes or similar products on airline flights. The proposal would apply to all domestic airline flights, as well as scheduled flights of U.S. and foreign carriers to and from the U.S. The department is also considering whether to extend the ban to charter flights.

E-cigarettes, as they are popularly called, are designed to deliver nicotine or other substances to the smoker in the form of a vapor. They are powered by small lithium ion-batteries. Industry officials say there is no possible harm to the public from their use.

"Everybody knows that when you are smoking on an airplane that's an absolutely a no- no. But this is not smoking. This is vaping," Ray Story, CEO of the Tobacco Vapor Electronic Cigarette Association, said.

The Transportation Department is "asking for something that makes zero sense because this product emits nothing," Story said. "I don't think the masses have been educated enough to know this isn't smoking."

But the department said there is a lack of scientific data and knowledge of the ingredients in electronic cigarettes. The Air Force Surgeon General issued a memorandum highlighting the safety concerns regarding electronic cigarettes and placed them in the same category as tobacco products, the department said.

Several states have taken steps to ban either the sale or use of electronic cigarettes. Amtrak has banned the use of electronic smoking devices on trains and in any area where smoking is prohibited. The U.S Navy has banned electronic cigarettes below decks in submarines.

The e-cigarette association, which represents 25 manufacturers and distributors, says on its website that there are five ingredients in the devices: nicotine, water, coriander, citric acid, and fragrant orchid element.

The Satirical Art of Paul Kuczynski - Stop and Think


Go to this website to see numerous other examples of this talented artist’s work.

Study says laughter is physical, Cherokee Indians oust black members, and the truth about eye boogers

Good Morning Humboldt County!

Here we are again. It’s that time when the coffee is on and we greet the day with a few news items. It looks to be another nice today. Thanks for stopping by. Enjoy:

Laughter is a physical, not a mental, thing, study suggests

Laughter is regularly promoted as a source of health and well being, but it has been hard to pin down exactly why laughing until it hurts feels so good. The answer, reports Robin Dunbar, an evolutionary psychologist at Oxford, is not the intellectual pleasure of cerebral humor, but the physical act of laughing.

The simple muscular exertions involved in producing the familiar ha, ha, ha, he said, trigger an increase in endorphins, the brain chemicals known for their feel-good effect. His results build on a long history of scientific attempts to understand a deceptively simple and universal behavior. “Laughter is very weird stuff, actually,” Dr. Dunbar said. “That’s why we got interested in it.” And the findings fit well with a growing sense that laughter contributes to group bonding and may have been important in the evolution of highly social humans.


Cherokee Indians: We are free to oust blacks

The nation's second-largest Indian tribe said on Tuesday that it would not be dictated to by the U.S. government over its move to banish 2,800 African Americans from its citizenship rolls. "The Cherokee Nation will not be governed by the BIA," Joe Crittenden, the tribe's acting principal chief, said in a statement responding to the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Crittenden, who leads the tribe until a new principal chief is elected, went on to complain about unnamed congressmen meddling in the tribe's self-governance. The reaction follows a letter the tribe received on Monday from BIA Assistant Secretary Larry Echo Hawk, who warned that the results of the September 24 Cherokee election for principal chief will not be recognized by the U.S. government if the ousted members, known to some as "Cherokee Freedmen," are not allowed to vote.

The dispute stems from the fact that some wealthy Cherokee owned black slaves who worked on their plantations in the South. By the 1830s, most of the tribe was forced to relocate to present-day Oklahoma, and many took their slaves with them. The so-called Freedmen are descendants of those slaves. After the Civil War, in which the Cherokee fought for the South, a treaty was signed in 1866 guaranteeing tribal citizenship for the freed slaves.

Are yours crusty or wet? The truth behind eye boogers (ew)

Some of the evidence of a night's sleep are visible when you lift your head off the pillow -- bed head, morning breath, dried-up drool, and eye boogers.

And while the cause of most of these sleep remnants is fairly obvious, the reason behind those sometimes-sticky, sometimes-crusty gobs of crud that can dot the lashes or cling to the corners of the eye is less clear. Why do our peepers churn out this gunk at night and what's in the stuff? For answers to these important questions, Body Odd turned to an eye expert.

"The general consensus is that this debris is the stuff leftover from dried out tears," says Dr. Sherleen Chen, director of the cataract and comprehensive ophthalmology service at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston. Tears are made up of water, protein, oils, and a mucous layer known as mucin, which typically coat the surface of the eye to moisten and protect it from viruses and bacteria.

But when your eyes are closed and your eyelids are not blinking, dirt and debris within the eye isn't continually washed over by tears, which would help to dilute them. So at night, dryness causes the stuff in tears to precipitate out, explains Chen. Then the crud collects toward the inside corner of the eye, where tears usually end up.

Time to walk on down the road…

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Fisher House opening has special meaning to me and my family


My wife Shirley (photo right) had the opportunity to talk with Senator Elizabeth Dole (photo left) during the opening of the most recent Fisher House in Washington D.C.

marching guys

The Fisher House Foundation welcomed the newest Fisher House on the grounds of the Washington DC VA Medical Center on Thursday, September 8. The 16,800 square foot, 20-suite home is just walking distance from the VA medical center, offering first-class accommodations.

shirley & sheriShirley (left) and our Sister-in-Law Sheri Holloway (right). Sheri’s husband (and Shirley’s brother) Tom, was being treated at the Washington D.C. hospital for Leukemia. Shirley and Sheri were honored at the opening as the first official guests in the new facility for families with veterans in the hospital for extended stays.

The Thursday evening reception/dedication was filled with nearly 200 well-wishes, including Senators Bob and Elizabeth Dole, to celebrate the opening of another home to support our service members and their families.


I expect to see my bride of 37 years on September 30th, when I pick her up at Sacramento Airport. She’s been there for six weeks. The really good news is that Tom’s cancer is in remission (tested his bone marrow a couple of days ago) and his treatments seem to be doing the job. Shirley reports that all the staff at the VA hospital have been fantastic. She was especially impressed by the Fisher House representatives and Elizabeth Dole (who she said was a sweetie). Special thanks to Ashley Estill who took these photos.
Photos by Ashley Estill - Media Relations Assistant | *Fisher House Foundation  To see more photos go here.

Itchy things, Insulin nasal spray may slow Alzheimer’s, and new Dad’s may be wired for nuturing

Good Morning Humboldt County!

Welcome to this morning’s coffee klatch. Grab a cup of coffee and join us. With all the things happening today I picked these three for your amusement and edification. Enjoy:

Spiders! Ants! Did that make you itchy? Here's why

WARNING: Reading the following post will make you itchy.

There probably aren’t any tiny ants feeling their way over your limbs and across the back of your neck right now. But wouldn’t you feel better scratching anyway?

Why is it that seeing, discussing, or even just thinking about creepy crawlers makes us feel itchy all over? It turns out the experts aren’t sure.

Insulin nasal spray may slow Alzheimer's

A new study released Monday shows that insulin applied daily through a special nasal spray might be a treatment that slows or stops the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. That’s hopeful news for millions facing the memory-robbing disease, because nothing has been successful at halting its awful progress.

In the small study, called a Phase II, researchers from the Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle, enrolled 104 people with Alzheimer’s or mild cognitive impairment. The participants were given 20 IU (international units) of insulin, 40 IU of insulint or a saline placebo. Memory, cognition and functional ability were measured before and after treatment. Some of the participants also received lumbar punctures to test cerebrospinal fluid and brain scans before and after treatment.

Image: father and baby

Testosterone takes a dip in new dads, may wire them to nurture

Fathers may no longer have the excuse that they aren’t born for child care. Actually, they’re designed for it, according to a new study that finds a significant drop in testosterone levels in new dads, suggesting that men may be wired to nurture.

Northwestern University anthropologists speculate that the drop in the primary male sex hormone signals that fathers evolved to care for kids, not just to hunt for game and drop it in mom’s lap.

Their findings are published in the latest issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Time to walk on down the road…


Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...