Thursday, August 23, 2018

GOP Circling Wagons as Trump's Corruption Catches Up To Him

Good Day World!

He's down, but not out.


It's going to take more than a charge of fraudulent use of campaign funds to hogtie America's Liar-In-Chief. It's kid's stuff compared to the scale of his other lies.

As a nearly paralyzed GOP Congress is trying to cope with each new revelation of corruption Trump brings into the party tent, they're forced to set aside legislative business and go into a defensive crisis mode.

In the beginning, there were two men in congress that endorsed candidate Trump for president: GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter and GOP Rep. Christopher Collins.

It's obvious what kind of political backers Trump got early on...corrupt individuals who saw a kindred spirit. 

1) Yesterday, GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, and his wife, were indicted on 60 counts of corruption - misuse of campaign funds to the tune of $250,000. 

2) Recently, Republican GOP Rep. Christopher Collins of New York has been indicted on charges that he used inside information about a biotechnology company to make illicit stock trades.

That was a warm-up. Let's get to the meat...

Trump's fixer, Michael Cohen flipped on him in court yesterday and pled guilty of 2016 campaign violations that were carried out under Trump's instructions.

Trump's one-time campaign manager, Paul Manafort, was convicted on eight felony counts two days ago. Next, he has to stand trial for more felonies in another court, which will involve his Ukrainian and Russian connections. Mueller may have plans to get involved in this trial.

Consider this; Trump is going to have to talk with Mueller - in one way, or another, before his investigation will wrap up. The stonewall (not to be confused with THE WALL) game played by his crazed lawyer Rudy G., and the White House lawyer team, won't go on much longer.

Gutless House Speaker Ryan, when confronted with Cohen's guilty plea that incriminated candidate Trump of campaign finance fraud told the press:

"We are aware of Mr. Cohen's guilty plea to these serious charges. We will need more information than is currently available at this point."

The rest of the spineless GOP jellyfish are staying quiet, hoping they'll somehow survive the upcoming midterm elections.

It hasn't been easy with the tide of corruption Trump brought into the West Wing, and his non-stop attacks against the free press.

Trump is running out of time before the court's, and congress, send him to a very bad place in the penal system. If he's lucky, he may end up in a cell with that "...very brave man," he admired in the media yesterday...Paul Manafort. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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