Thursday, March 15, 2018

Where Does Trump Find These People?

Good Day World!

"I pick good people."  - Donald Trump on the campaign trail

Remember how Trump bragged during the presidential campaign about how he'd only appoint the best people to his administration?

Funny what a difference a year makes. That first round of government appointees, including a couple of key cabinet positions, are almost all gone now.

Fading memories of ass-kissers who couldn't cut the mustard. Every one of them left under a dark cloud. 

Trump's new generation of puppets is being announced almost daily.

The most recent was Larry Kudlow, a TV personality, has been tapped as an economic advisor by Trump. He's replacing Trump's longtime lawyer and buddy, Gary Cohn.

Like all of Trump's second generation administration, Kudlow is uniquely unqualified for the job.

His biggest recommendation was that he flip-flopped on his dislike of tariffs to fall in with Trump's lonely position on the hot-button topic.

If you thought Rex Tillerson was unqualified for his appointment to Secretary of State, his successor is even worse.

Mike Pompeo, whose made licking Trump's shoes into an art form, was tapped to take Rex's place. As for diplomacy experience, the man doesn't have any. Kissing American politicians asses is different than sucking up to heads of state.

Trump happily touted Pompeo's new position on twitter, noting that they think alike. Now that's scary. It's also how he got the job as CIA chief in the first place.

And look at who Trump appointed to take Pompeo's place...Gina Haspel.

In case you don't know who she is, let's just say she made her mark with the agency by using torture techniques (including waterboarding) in a CIA house in Thailand.

The rest of the story is the White House purge isn't over yet.

I can see Ben Carson, Scott Pruitt, and Betsy DeVos following shortly because of the sandals they're involved in and actually embarrassing the White House (which isn't an easy to do).

F.B.I. deputy director, Andrew McCabe, appears to be in Donny's sights. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is reviewing a recommendation to fire him just days before he's scheduled to retire on Sunday.

Though no decision has been made as of this writing, the scuttlebutt at the Justice Department expects him to be fired before Friday.

Why? Because Trump is a vindictive asshole and wants to jeopardize McCabe's pension after serving honorably for 21-years.

The million-dollar question is, where does Trump find these piss-poor people? What rocks does he overturn to locate so many scumbags?

It's like he's purposely picking the most unqualified candidates possible for each position. Out of spite. After all, he came into Washington as the self-avowed Disrupter-in-Chief.

It's getting harder to find candidates for positions in the Trump administration every day. The fear and loathing that takes place behind those hallowed doors has taken it's toll.

Consider this, Trump is already replacing his great picks after just one year in office. What will the next three years bring to the revolving door in the West Wing?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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