Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mueller Encourages Congress To Act On His Report

Good Day World!

"No matter what historians claim, BC really stood for Before Coffee." - Cherise Sinclair, Master of the Mountain
Reflecting on yesterday's surprise public appearance by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, I find myself going back to one sentence he said;

 "If We had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so."

Mueller, in his understated way, set the record straight about his report, and while doing so exposed Attorney General Bill Barr's partisan attempt to protect Trump by purposely re-interrupting, actually flat out lying about, what Mueller concluded in the report.

In his brief 9-minute speech, Mueller made it clear his hands were tied by Justice Department regulations from the get-go that wouldn't let him charge a sitting president.

It's also clear that Mueller handed over a roadmap to impeachment. Despite Barr's conclusion on the day he released the report (after sharing it with Trump) that it was time to move on because Mueller had exonerated the president on all counts.

The pressure on Nancy Pelosi from Democrats to file an impeachment inquiry has increased tenfold after what some see as a last call from Mueller for justice.

It's also interesting to note that Mueller announced his retirement, after 50 years of service, at the same time.

The White House response was predictable...time to move on. But it isn't time at all after Mueller's last clarion call for justice.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

No Surprise: Trump's Acts Like an Ass During Japanese State Visit

                                         Good Day World!

"Coffee, because crack isn't accepted in the work place." - Barista Life

There's some things you can count on in life.

Taxes. Getting older. A Congress so dysfunctional that when a bill does get passed - any bill - both sides do a victory dance for a week. Then Trump vetoes it.

And, the one thing Americans can count on about Trump is that he will embarrass the hell out them when he visits other countries. From the Surrender in Helsinki to love letters with Kim, he has stripped away all dignity in foreign affairs.

Trump's making lasting relationships with every dictator in the world and throwing our traditional allies under the bus.

Trump's latest state dinner event in Japan is a perfect example of how twisted he really is. 

First, he berates the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe about trade inequality, and then goes on to praise Japan's biggest enemy in the world, North Korea.   

In a stunning display of stupidity Trump said - during the elaborate Emperor's dinner - he had no problem with North Korea firing off missiles again! 

Abe definitely has a problem with it, and told Trump it was a violation of the current UN restrictions of no missile testing.

When national security adviser, John Bolton, said the same thing about his idiotic assertion, Trump doubled down (as usual) and said Kim just wanted his attention, and had no intention of starting any trouble.

As the polite Japanese dignitaries listened in stunned silence, Trump upped the ante and suggested Kim was a pretty smart guy because he said Joe Biden had a low IQ. Which of course, is part of Trump's current smear campaign and was heartedly received by the orange ape who agreed with Kim.

Now, wasn't that cozy? Is Kim sending Donny a message like some pundits believe? Or, is Kim trying to get Putin jealous by flirting with Donny? Who knows? 

By degrading a former vice president of the United States with the eager assistance of a bloodthirsty tyrant, Trump has sunk to another new low.

In his lizard brain he sees Biden as a competitor for the presidency next year, and is doing everything he can to demean him.

I'm trying hard not to think about Trump's upcoming visit to England, where he's set to meet the Queen, Prince William, Kate Middleton, and Prince Harry for lunch. Notably, Meghan Markle won't be there because she doesn't like his Orangeness. 

Fun fact: Markle voted for Hillary Clinton.

It's going to be a long time before America can restore its image in the international community. Hopefully, the healing process will begin next year when Trump gets driven out of office.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

2020 Fake Elections: 'Did They Really Say That?'

                                         Good Day World!

"Coffee helps me maintain my "Never killed anyone" streak. - Anonymous

After a crazed rightwing idiot doctored a video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, making it look like she was drunk when speaking, we entered another phase in the Trump era.

Full on political fake attacks are already setting the tone for next year's election. What happened with Pelosi is going to become increasingly common as Trumpies become more blatant in their use of doctored photos and videos.

Trump loved the fake Pelosi video so much he re-tweeted it. Even when confronted with the fact that it was faked by slowing the video down 25 percent, Trump shrugged it off.

His favorite liar, Sarah Sanders, explained that he was just getting back at Pelosi for making a negative comment about him. Like that was an excuse for an American President's conduct. It was nothing more than school yard bullshit.

By the time November 2020 rolls around, people are going to be so confused between what's real, and what has been doctored on the internet they're not going to want to vote.

With a president who cares little about reality, or the country, we know what to expect from Trump's campaign. With over 10,000 lies attributed to the orange ape thus far, we can fully expect more of the same in the months ahead.

What's weird, and shocking, is how Trump takes every event he goes to, and treats it like another rally for his base; praising his supposed accomplishments and popularity.

No matter what the occasion, he shamelessly lies about facts and defies his own experts on everything from national security to immigration.

At the rate we're going now the future looks like real fake news - from doctored videos to photos - is going to cause chaos.

"We're already at the point where we're wondering: "Did they really say that?" 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, May 27, 2019

A Word or Two About Memorial Day

                                          Good Day World!

"THE MUFFLED drum's sad roll has beat The soldier's last tattoo; No more on Life's parade shall meet That brave and fallen few. On Fame's eternal camping-ground 5 Their silent tents are spread, And Glory guards, with solemn round, The bivouac of the dead."

Bivouac Of The Dead, by Theodore O'Hara
I often find that when talking to friends and family there's some confusion about what Memorial Day is really all about.

Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and Patriot Day blend together for many Americans. 

Setting the record straight...

Memorial Day (the last Monday of May) is a day to honor those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle. This definition comes from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

I would like to take a moment here to remember a veteran, and good friend, James Roberts; who I fought alongside with in Vietnam, and Cambodia (where he was killed in action in 1970).

Moving on:

Veterans Day (November 11th) honors everyone who served the military.

Patriot's Day (September 11th) honors civilians who died during the 2001 terrorist attacks against our nation. 

Here's a good article about the differences - and origins - of Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Traveling Trump Reveling in Attention Allies Are Offering

Good Day World!

A strong earthquake rocked Tokyo shortly before Trump arrived there yesterday in an ominous start to his Asia Tour. 

He loves being treated like "king" for the day. Donny is being feted in Japan - he also gets to give a sumo wrestler a trophy. 

Something his aides have said he was eagerly looking forward to. Those same aides and other presidential staff have chosen not to tell Donny the whole Emperor transfer thing has nothing to do with him.

It is an honor to be the first national leader to witness the historic moment when the old emperor steps down and the new one assumes a new reign in their history.

I expect Donny will be a good boy and not cause a fuss during the solemn ceremonies as long as no one translates and tells him he's not the star of the show.

With England coming next it's going to be another fete Donny day when he meets with the king and queen, and Prince Charles.

As long as he doesn't leave the palace and wherever the government is putting him and Melania up, there should be no ugly incidents.

I mention this because the majority of people in the UK hate The Donald!  Expect to see the Baby Trump blimp over London in honor of his orangeness.

He certainly not getting a Sword Dance ceremony like the Saudis treated him to a couple of years ago. If the royals want him to see some of the country, he and Melania will have to ride in an armored car.

Also on the tour agenda:

South Korea, China, The Philippines, Vietnam. I'm not going to even speculate how he'll embarras our country during these stops. It's too overwhelming!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Time For Men in White Jackets To Visit 'Stable Genius' in White House

                                           Good Day World!

"When I wake up in the morning, I just can't get started until I've had that first, piping hot pot of coffee. Oh, I've tried other enemas. - Emo Phillips  

Do you recognize this tune from the popular TV series Cops, "Bad boy, bad boy, whatcha going to do when they come get you?"

Good. You can see where I'm going with this. Trump is not just your garden variety bad boy. To the dismay of millions of Americans, he's the president.

Not only is Trump a bad boy, he's a mad boy most of the time. His unscripted rants against nearly every government agency and judge who dares to defy him have become a hallmark in the orange ape's tool box.

After Trump's latest breakdown a couple of days ago in the White House, and outside in the Rose Garden, it's plain to see he's teetering on insanity.

Related: Psychiatrists Say Mueller Report Offers More Proof of Trump's Mental Decline

Related: "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" 

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is more aware than most when it comes to getting under Trump's thin skin. When she suggested he needed a family intervention two days ago Trump lost his shit!

What followed next was eerily similar to another time when Trump demanded all of his cabinet members sitting around a table to show their loyalty in a short fawning speech that would have made Mussolini proud.

This time, Trump had his minions stand behind him in a semi-circle during a hastily called press conference in the Rose Garden, to testify how calm he was during his three-minute meeting with Democrats the day before - where he actually lost his shit again!

This self-appointed "stable genius" lies so much that it's impossible to take anything he says seriously. Especially when he demonstrates his ignorance in foreign affairs and our government in general.

Perhaps George Conway, husband to Kellyanne (I gladly lie for Donny) Conway, put it best when he gave Trump this nickname; Deranged Donny. 

Has a ring of truth to it, don't you think?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Ghost of Trump's Financial Records Past Are Haunting Him Today

Good Day World!

"Coffee! Coffee! It's our drink! If we don't get it, we can't think." - Unknown

Donny is scared.

His usual orange hue is a pasty white as he tries to deal with the ghosts of his financial past that are emerging from subpoenaed banks and other financial institutions.

His worst fears are being exposed to the light of day. 

The corrupt phantoms of his past are being exorcised in the halls of Congress, the state of New York, Virginia, and Washington DC.

The world is going to find out just how corrupt Trump and his family are after Congress gets all of his financial records. Two banks, Wells Fargo and JD Bank, have already given lawmakers financial records.

The skeletons in Trump's sordid history are being dug up every day and that bone pile is becoming impressive enough to call for impeachment.

The real bad news for Donny is that the hauntings have just started.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Trump Temper Tantrum Will Hurt Americans ...Again

Good Day World!

"Come here you giant cup of beautiful coffee and lie to me about how much we're going to get done today." - Unknown

Yesterday morning Trump threw a temper tantrum that almost guarantees no legislation will be passed until after the 2020 elections.

As Trump temper tantrums go, this one rate a 10 out of 10.

was more than a line in the sand, it was a bulldozer digging a deeper divide between Congress and the Executive Branch.

So, where does that leave Americans who expect laws to be passed to meet their many needs?

In limbo. At least for now. It's going to take Trump quite awhile to cool down after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced he was trying to cover up the investigations.

Observation: Trump does not respect women, especially strong women who successfully oppose his agenda.

What was supposed to be a meeting on a bipartisan infrastructure plan turned out to be a five minute temper tantrum from Trump, who then walked out on the democrats gathered in the White House.

Minutes later a pissed-off Donny waddled out to the Rose Garden and told reporters he would not work with the democrats until they stopped all of their investigations on him.

With that declaration, all rumors of war between Congress and Trump have become official. Communication has become another casualty as Trump seeks to cover his ass, and that of his corrupt family. 

The royal baby is going to spend the rest of his time in the White House pouting and obstructing justice. Good luck to the Republican party who've decided to change his diapers until the bitter end.

Someone needs to have the Trump Baby Blimp tethered near the White House until Trump is done acting out and ready to perform his job like an adult.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Post Trump America: The Reconstruction

Good Day World!

After voters kick Trump out of the White House next year (if he's not impeached prior to the elections), the nation faces a modern day reconstruction era to undo the damages he's done to our democracy and unity.

Like the Civil War, it's going to be a challenge to unify those Americans that were under Trump's spell, and to reintroduce them back to a democratic society that doesn't tolerate monarchy.

The fact of the matter is there will always be Americans who live on the fringes of society that believe in anarchy; who are racists, who are religious zealots, or xenophobes.

Traditionally, they have been a minority without the power to change laws, or the very tenants of our democracy and our Constitution.

However, since Trump slunk into office with the help of the Russians, all of our values, ethics, and unity have been under assault. The trolls waiting under rocks for their day, were given free reign when the orange ape preceded to rape all we hold dear in America.

It's a matter of conjuncture how much damage Trump has done thus far, and will do before the 2020 election.

I suspect it's going to require a major healing among the armed camps that have sprung up in defiance of Trump, and those who supported Trump without reservation.

Our next president is a major component in how successful a reconstruction era will be. Obvisiously we need a unifier, someone that represents all that is good in this country. 

Someone who really understands the art of the deal and can get major legislations passed in Congress by compromising and who respects the role Congress plays in our society.

I'm still trying to make my mind up who that person would be that could fairly lead this country. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Cadet Bonespurs Tries To Woo Military By Pardoning War Criminals

                                          Good Day World!

Once again Cadet Bonespurs, aka Trump, is trying to get military service members to like him. 

The problem with that is they remember his boast about giving them their first pay raise in a decade. They knew better than that, they annually get pay raises.

In Trump's latest bid to get acceptance from the members of our military is just another example of how misguided (and uninformed) the orange ape is.

Apparently Trump ordered the Pentagon to get paperwork on military members serving time for war crimes, and those accused of them with the intention of pardoning them on Memorial Day.

Trump singled out the latest war criminal, Special Warfare Operator Chief Edward "Eddie" Gallagher, as someone he's considering pardoning - even though his trial is not over yet. 

Gallagher's trial is set for May 28th, when other SEAL Team members are scheduled to testify to his crimes. They may never get the chance. What the hell kind of message does that send to the rest of the world? What kind of message does flaunting the rule of law send to those serving our country? As a combat veteran, I'm thoroughly disgusted with Trump's pathetic attempt to elevate murderers to get some military votes. Subverting the military justice system for political reasons is another demonstration of Trump's utter lack of rules, morals, and ethics. He sees pardons as a political toy to either help people he likes, or as a way of drumming up support for his base. His abuse of presidential pardon power has been on display since his first day in The White House. Because Trump is NOT a stable genius like he claims, he doesn't see any downside to his quasi-patriotic ploy. But there is one. Millions of veterans and active duty members who believe in the law, and don't think war crimes should be rewarded are going to speak out. If Trump goes through with his cheap trick for attention he's going to lose more voters than gain them. Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Burning Question: What Happens When Trump is Exposed?

                                          Good Day World!

"The fact is I don't know where my ideas come from. Nor does any writer. The only real answer is to drink way too much coffee and buy yourself a desk that doesn't collapse when you beat your head against it." - Douglas Adams  

Thanks for stopping by.Today's subject is logic.

I embrace logic when examining a situation, or an event. Especially if the event is possibly one that could change the world.

For example:

Fact: There's currently 29 investigations into Trump's corrupt activities in and out of the White House.

Question: Even if most of these investigations last over a year, what are the odds that some will come to an incriminating conclusion against Trump before that? I think it's logical to suggest at least one, if not more, will pin Trump's ass to the wall.

My reasoning: After reading this article (Deutsche Bank Staff Saw Suspicious Activity in Trump and Kushner Accounts) in the New York Times yesterday, it's apparent the judge handling the case is going to instruct Deutsche Bank to give Congress the financial  records on Trump despite his lawyers best efforts.

Observation: The above article brought Jared Kushner into the ring of deceit and corruption. I suspect Congress will have to file separately to get Kushner's records (if they choose that route). 

The Burning Question: How will Americans react if Trump is brought before the justice system (what's left of it after AG Barr became Trump's personal lawyer), and indicted for high crimes, ranging from conspiracy with Russia (the Deutsche connection is going to open that nasty little box when they see money laundering and possibly other illegal activities there) to obstruction of justice?

The bottom line is if a majority of Americans aren't offended with Trump after these bombshell revelations, Congress is afraid to file for impeachment.

Playing the devil's advocate, I would suggest Democrats pick up the damning facts and go after him right away, instead of waiting for fickle polls.

But then, I'm not a politician who will to do anything to get re-elected, including rejecting the right thing to do for personal interests.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...