Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Racist Bully Trump Renews Attacks Against Immigrants

Good Day World!

Here's how classy our president is; On Easter Sunday he stood next to the Easter Bunny and touted our military.

Think about it. On a day of peace, which Easter Sunday is known worldwide for, our dictator-in-waiting also decided to boot the Dreamers out of the country.

His rants on DACA leave no doubt that he could care less about those 800,000 people currently in limbo.

He blames the Democrats of course, but anyone following what's happening in Congress knows full well he cares more about his multi-billion dollar wall than in granting any kind of amnesty for the Dreamers.

What's happening is Trump has nearly gotten rid of all of his official babysitters, with the exception of chief-of-staff, John Kelly, who has become just another puppet willing to put up with anything Trump does. No matter how illegal.

It's apparent Trump has shook off all his restraints after a year-and-a-half, and has returned to his normal self - a damn racist bully!

Trump's willingness to play on deep-seated fears of the "other," helped get him elected in 2016. 

"They" were invading America,Trump argued. "They" were challenging "our" values, changing the face of America in ways that were deeply damaging to the country.

Trump has continued to blow the dog whistle as President - insisting that on everything from immigration to trade, America is under very serious threat from the "other," and that unless things change, we will lose what is fundamentally American.

Look for a relentless focus on the wall and the threats posed by allegedly unfettered immigration between now and November.

Trump is hoping to pump up his base to back up GOP midterm candidates. Political pundits believe a Blue Wave is coming in November, and this is Trump's way of fighting back.

I really wonder if anyone in Congress is ever going to stand up to Trump's racist agendas?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, April 2, 2018

It's Political Deju Vu Time Folks!

Good Day World!

It's political deju vu time.

You may think it's 2018 and the midterm elections are coming up, but the Republicans think it's still the 2016 election.

Rick Wilson, a Florida-based Republican strategist and ad-maker, said the GOP's strategic bet is that shifting the focus back to Clinton "lets Republicans and Donald Trump pretend like the 2016 campaign is still going on."

Conservative news outlets have never stopped covering her with election-year intensity.

Democratic campaign officials say the GOP's throw-back message reflects the lack of an effective new one in what promises to be a tough year for Republicans.

They may have a point, but it still energizes the haters in the party.

Trump, who is already holding 2020 campaign rallies in key presidential swing states feature "lock her up!" chants.

If you've been following the GOP it's like the election never ended.

Some 17 months after Election Day 2016, Fox News is still devotes roughly equal time to Trump and Clinton, according to an analysis by the liberal media watchdog Media Matters — despite the fact that one is now a private citizen, and the other president of the United States. 

The question is how prolific Trump's base really is. The idea that they will rise in great numbers in November, united in their hate for Hillary is a flawed one in reality.

The Democrats are getting their message out and it's all about the here-and-now. Some are running on "hate Trump" platforms, but most have turned to messages that appeal to the majority of Americans.

It's no coincidence that the GOP has made villains of two women, Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi. It's a reflection of the male-dominated Trump crew of puppets.

I'm looking forward to the day that Mueller exposes Trump's corruption and collusion with the Russians. I expect the chants of "Lock him up!" will ring through every city in the nation!

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Money Jesus Blesses The Money Lenders and the Wealthy

Good Day World!

It's Easter, so let's talk about Jesus Christ shall we?

Nowadays, we have the traditional Jesus Christ, you can read all about him in the Bible, and then we have Money Jesus.

Trump's pastor, Paula White is one of many extreme televangelists who preaches about Money Jesus.

She has long been a controversial figure in Christian circles, where many find fault with her promotion of the "prosperity gospel" which teaches that God bestows health and wealth on true believers, particularly those who donate money to ministers.

White's theology borders on heresy according to many Evangelicals. Still others, claiming to be Evangelicals, go along with her hypocrisy.  

In White's version of Jesus, and God, the moneylenders (reviled in the Bible) are blessed, and the wealthy are walking in the footsteps of Money Jesus.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to suggest money is the real God to extreme Conservatives who try to cloak it in a parallel universe where the Bible has been radically revised.

Today, in churches across America, prosperity preachers are asking for money. Morally confused followers are showering them with it, in expectations of buying a spot place in Heaven.

True believers, those who do follow the Bible's teachings, need to pray for the lost souls following Trump, Paula White, and the rest of the hypocrites hiding behind religion in our nation today.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Saturday, March 31, 2018

Stay Away From My Damn Coffee!

Good Day World!

As I sip my morning brew, I have a message for the Council for Education and Research on Toxics:

Lay off the attacks on my Java you clueless morons! 

A preliminary decision from a California superior court judge in Los Angeles ruled against companies like Starbucks who argued that coffee is a healthy drink.

Purveyors of coffee were told they might have to put up a warning that tells their customers there is a possible cancer link to their morning jolt of Java.

Companies have until April 10 to file objections against the ruling.

For the record, the Council for Education and Research on Toxics filed this lawsuit in 2010. 

No decision has been made yet, but this latest review by a California Supreme Court Judge said the defendants don't have enough proof to avoid putting up warnings about coffee.


Coffee has been shown, over and over again, to be a healthy beverage. All this lawsuit does is make a mockery of Prop 65, confuse customers, and does nothing to improve public health.

Coffee has been much studied over the years, and research has shown that it provides several health benefits, including lowering your risk of early death.

It may reduce your risk of heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's and even some cancers like melanoma and prostate cancer.

It seems there's a trend with food and beverage products where they undergo attacks every few years or so, and are later found to be safe.

It's happened with other products, and will continue to happen when you have morons with selective agendas and the money to file frivolous lawsuits.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, March 30, 2018

Trump Unleashed: Who Needs a Chief-Of-Staff?

Good Day World!

Fair warning...Donny is looking at getting rid of his chief babysitter, John Kelley, so he can go totally rogue!

Kelly's influence with The Donald has been waning lately.

Witness the fact that just about anyone can come into the Oval Office and chat it up with our Liar-In-Chief now.

When Kelley was first appointed he stopped that revolving door and tried to tighten up the West Wing. His efforts have proved useless.

Someone floated the idea to Trump that he didn't need a chief of staff. His little brain has been working on that thought since.

Since Hope Hicks left, Trump has indicated Kellanne Conway would take her placed in the interim. Trump likes her "alternate realities," as they apply to him.

The bottom line; Trump doesn't like being told anything. Especially facts, when they conflict with his rhetoric.

You think the man-child in the Oval Office has been outrageous so far?

Wait until Donny shakes off the last of his restraints, gets rid of Kelly, and appoints the head of his fan club to take his place!

Trump unleashed is a terrifying thought.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Trump's Biggest Nemesis: The US Constitution

Good Day World!

Thank goodness for laws that protect Americans from morons like Trump.

The courts have withstood Trump's third illegal attempt to denigrate and discriminate against Muslims.

The appeals court held that immigrant rights groups represented by the ACLU and the National Immigration Law Center "will likely succeed on the merits of their Establishment Clause claim."

The courts are also protecting the Dreamers from being ejected from the country by Trump, but their status is still up in the air. 

Trump's made it clear that without getting his way one-hundred percent on his stupid Wall, he's ready to deport upwards of 800,000 people.

After signing a budget that didn't give him all the money he wanted for the Wall, Trump floated the idea of reinstating the line-item veto, a practice ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1998.

Trump has no respect for the way the Federal Government operates and the balance of power between the Legislative and Executive Branches such as the one the line-item veto represents.

As long as people continue to defend, and uphold, the Constitution, idiots like Trump won't be able to destroy our democracy.

One of my biggest concerns is the judges Trump has been appointing. They all lean so far right they can't walk upright. That fact that Trump got to appoint a conservative Supreme Court Justice is unsettling.

He may even get another opportunity to appoint a conservative devotee, if one of the current judges retires, or dies from old age. Now, that's scary!

Meanwhile, as long as our laws stay intact, Trump won't be able to achieve his dream of being a dictator, like his buddy in Russia.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Memo to Democrats: Don't Count Your Chickens Before They're Hatched

Good Day World!

There's an old saying, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched."

This thought was first recorded in print by Thomas Howell in New Sonnets and Pretty Pamphlets, in 1570.

This simple statement is infused with wisdom.

I'm calling Democrats out today, who think it's going to be a slam dunk when it comes to retaking The House in November. That it's a done deal.

Here's a friendly reminder...no one thought Trump would win. If the Democratic party didn't learn it's lesson that time, then they're in trouble.

Yeah, it looks good according to all the political pundits who are predicting a Blue Avalanche in the mid-term elections.

The fact that a lot of long-time Republicans are leaving Congress makes it easier for the Democrats who don't have to run against those incumbents.

All of these good signs mean nothing on election day when the voters turn out. Upsets happen. Polls are forever suspect after the 2016 election.

If the Democrats get out a strong ground game, and it's looking that way based on some earlier primaries, they should be able to retake The House.

Hopefully, overconfidence won't be the Democrats Waterloo again.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

A Cult Leader for the Ages: Trump Transformed a Segment of American Society into 'Useful Idiots'

        In the pantheon of cult leaders from around the world Trump has emerged as the gold standard for cults in the last nine years. His ...