Saturday, January 13, 2018

Racist-In-Chief Shows His True Colors

                                     Good Day World!

Any doubt that Trump is a racist has finally been dispelled after he called Haiti and African countries "shitholes."

Reactions to his statement:

The Human Rights Office of the United Nations say Trumps comment is racist.

Republicans who spoke out about Trump's racist comment.

Reaction to Trump's comments from Sen.Dick Durbin; "I cannot believe that in the history of the White House and that Oval Office any president has ever spoken the words that I personally heard our president speak yesterday."

Haiti Calls Trump remark racist.

Trump's Shithole Comments typify how the GOP uses Immigration to energize their base

As for Trump's popularity abroad:

Trump Target of petition: Swiss group tries to block Trump from World Economic Forum in Davos.

Trump cancels trip to London:
London mayor Sadiq Khan said,

"It appears that President Trump got the message from the many Londoners who love and admire America and Americans but find his policies and actions the polar opposite of our city’s values of inclusion, diversity and tolerance. His visit would without doubt have been met by mass peaceful protests."

There you have it. This is Trump's version of making America Great Again...turning the world against us with stupid and racist remarks.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 12, 2018

Welcome To Romper Room, Or As It Use To Be Called The White House

                                     Good Day World!

Welcome to Romper Room, or as it use to be known, the White House.

We pick up the story where 'lil Donny is tweeting something stupid straight from Fox and Friends.

The tweet is critical of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), a key surveillance tool that the House was about to reauthorize yesterday morning.

The Man Child-In-Charge tweeted:

“House votes on controversial FISA ACT today. This is the act that may have been used, with the help of the discredited and phony Dossier, to so badly surveil and abuse the Trump Campaign by the previous administration and others?"

Big Baby Trump managed to blast this claim before the nursery staff arrived and the confusion in the West Wing and the halls of Congress became exquisite.

Chief baby-sitter John Kelly's phone wouldn't stop ringing. Lawmakers wandered around like stunned ducks trying to understand just what Donny wanted.

Finally Donny's crack team of clowns put together a new tweet for Donny:

 "With that being said, I have personally directed the fix to the unmasking process since taking office and today’s vote is about foreign surveillance of foreign bad guys on foreign land. We need it! Get smart!"

Okay. Everyone from Sarah Huckabee Sanders to John Kelly, had to act fast to avoid keeping Donny from looking any stupider, or out of touch.

The cat was out of the bag however.

Trump's lack of focus was featured days before during the televised meeting between him and members of Congress, when he contradicted himself several times.

Babysitting Donny is a 24-hour job that only a true Trumpie would attempt.

Whether in the Oval Office or his bedroom, gems like this continue to spew forth from his ass:

During his last meeting on immigration -

“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Worried That Trump May Nuke Some Nation? You Should Be

                                       Good Day World!

Here's where we're at this morning; the chance of a nuclear holocaust is improving as you read this.

Trump may soon be using smaller nukes to get his way in world negotiations. Let me explain:

Trump's childish taunts against North Korea's leader has been making a lot of countries uncomfortable. However, these taunts are nothing compared to what Trump has planned with his generals.

The end of this month, during his State of the Union speech, Donny is going to share his new nuclear posture with Americans, and the world.

The master plan is to loosen constraints (you read that right) on the use of nuclear weapons!

The Pentagon has signed on with our Moron-in-Charge to supposedly make it easier to get away with using nukes against someone who pisses us off (make that, pisses Trump off).

The puppets at the Pentagon have developed a new low-yield nuclear warhead for US Trident missiles. Why?

Because they have a vision. In it, they develop a modified version of the Trident D5 submarine-launched missiles with only part of their normal warhead. Why?

Because they think that by using smaller nukes (and not taking out a quarter of the planet) it will deter Russia from using it's tactical warheads (which probably could annihilate a quarter of the planet) in a potential conflict.

I know. What will keep the Russians from clobbering us with their big nukes, while we're lobbing lower grade nukes at North Korea, Iran, or Syria?

I don't even want to think about Trump sitting in the Oval office, barely aware of where he's at, and waiting to try out the new nukes in America's arsenal.

If this indeed is is our master plan for national security in the 21st century to protect our nation...then we're fucked!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Interview: Is There A Light At The End Of The Tunnel?

Good Day World!

Could it be? 

Is the Russia/Trump investigation coming to an end soon?


Mueller's request for an interview with Trump has some experts saying it sounds like the natural progression of an investigation. Apparently, it's normal to talk with the main player last.

Let us not forget however, there's nothing normal about this investigation into Trump's, and his campaign staffs, coordination and obstruction of justice.

Trump's outside legal team is trying to avoid a face-to-face interview between Trump and Mueller.

For good reason. If Donny has to sit down more than fifteen minutes and defend himself to Mueller, he's going to come unglued.

His lawyers will prep him with answers, but if he goes off-track, as he often does, he could put both feet in his mouth in minutes.

Then there's Trump's memory.

His legal team knows he can't remember all the lies he's told people. After a lifetime of lying, he's been monitored telling five-a-day since he crept into office behind Putin's bare back.

Because Trump can no longer separate reality from his own alternative universe, Mueller will be able to read his responses in real time...a chilling thought for his legal team.

The odds of the prosecutor's accepting any of Trump's lawyers attempts to avoid a face-to-face interview are (to quote Chuck Rosenberg a former U.S. Attorney) "somewhere between infinitesimally small and zero.”

Kinda like Trump's hands, and his IQ.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Guidelines For Making A Country Look Foolish

Good Day World!

I've got two questions for all the nations on earth this morning:

Do you want to look as foolish as America does right now under Trump?

Are you envious of all the laughs we're getting?

Then stop watching and found out how you too could look the fool!

For the great price of $9.99 you can follow in The Donald's wacky footsteps with this video of his first year in office. 

Some highlights in the video;

Trump on the Russian investigation: "It's making our country look foolish. And this is a country that I don't want looking foolish. And it's not going to look foolish as long as I'm here."

As we all know, Trump has managed to make the United States a mockery among nations and we couldn't look more foolish if we tried.

Now for the six guidelines on how to make your country a joke too:

1. Elect a con man clown.
2. Allow the clown/emperor to walk around naked.
3. Pretend he really cares about people while kicking them      out of the country.
4. Encourage your leader to attack people daily on Twitter.
5. Turn the other way when your new leader systematically       enriches the wealthy with crooked legislation. 
6. Attack and discredit any media that doesn't slavishly             praise your new leader.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Monday, January 8, 2018

Damage Control In Trump Land Is Falling On Deaf Ears

Good Day World!

Warning! The "book" has totally unhinged POTUS.

You haven't seen anything yet when it comes to Trump's damage control crew of clowns praising their insane leader in his hour of need.

(Illustration from Rolling Stone)

White Nationalist Stephen Miller, one of Trump's sleazier entourage, appeared on CNN yesterday with Jake Tapper, and really made an ass of himself attacking the interviewer.

But that's only part of the story...

The White House put Miller on four Sunday Shows to dodge, lie, and attack the media.

Moving on:

I've never been more proud about being an Army veteran than I was yesterday when the official Army twitter feed liked a comment made by actress Mindy Kaling.

In case you missed it, she compared her narcissistic character on the sitcom "The Office," to Trump in her viral twitter feed.

That tweet may be gone now - I suspect Donny found out about it - but it was a revealing tell about what our armed forces think about Trumplethinskin.

As far as the rest of the world goes, it's no exaggeration to say that Donny's mental acuity is being seriously questioned by world leaders. Now, more than ever.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Lol! 'Stable Genius' Is making America Great Again...Wink! Wink!

                                       Good Day World!

"Golleeeeie!" as deceased actor Jim Nabors use to say...
the political fallout from Michael Wolff's searing book on Donald Trump -  "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House," has unhinged Donny.

His maniacal tweets in response to the tell-all book, have been fast and furious, only furthering evidence that accusations against his mental state were accurate.

But my favorite Donny rebuttal was the one where he claimed to be a "stable genius."

I'm going to frame and hang that gem along with some of his other classic claims on Twitter, in my Hall of Shame.

Not just a genius, but a stable one. How telling is that? It's just another glimpse into Trump's alternate universe where he's loved by all.

The dictionary defines genius as a noun meaning "exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

In Donny's case we can confidently state that he is not an intellectual (the man barely reads and has the focus of a bumble bee in heat).

That leaves creative power, and other natural ability.

If you consider P.T. Barnum a really creative guy, then there's a case for Trump's creative ability. The art of the con takes a lot of imagination and the ability to lie while looking you in the eye.

Which brings us to his natural ability.

Donny has proven to be a first-class liar. He stands in a class all of his own. He's told an average of five lies a day since he raised his tiny hand and was sworn into office.

Our Liar-In-Chief is under fire from numerous directions, not least among them is the charge of Obstructing Justice.

As he continues to melt down on Twitter, his argument for being a "stable" person (let alone a genius) withers on the vine.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Bomb Cyclones and A Political Bomb Dominate The News

Good Day World!

I know a lot of people are talking about "bomb cyclones" dropping in the eastern part of the nation, but a lot more people (worldwide) are talking about a book bomb titled, "Fire and Fury: Inside The Trump White House."

If you live on this planet, then you know the tell-all book by Michael Wolff, has sent seismic waves throughout the world of politics and the American public.

I hope I'm not understating the damage this book has wrought thus far. It was not just a bomb, it was an atomic bomb.

I wasn't surprised to hear that everyone around Trump knew he was an idiot, and acted like a child. I already knew that much by listening to his tweets last year, like the rest of the world did.

Trump's ego is on life support right now. If there's one thing in the world he gives a damn about it's his image.

Watching the world roar with laughter as all of his closest friends and family's disparaging remarks about him are revealed, must be like pouring pitch on his hairpiece and lighting it!

Wolff, in an exclusive interview on NBC's "Today," said that everyone he spoke to for the book described the president the same way...they all say he is like a child. 

Unfortunately for us all, this dangerous man child can start a nuclear war if he's pushed too hard.

So please, try not to laugh out loud when you read the book.

I've already got my copy on Kindle.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 5, 2018

One Flew Over The White House: How Crazy Is Trump?

Good Day World!

It's another first for The Donald.

He's got people in Congress taking about the 25th Amendment.

You know, the amendment that tells you how to take down a president who is off his rocker.

Lawmakers concerned about Trump’s mental state summoned Yale University psychiatry professor Dr. Bandy X. Lee to Capitol Hill last month for two days of briefings about his recent behavior.

In an interview, Lee pointed to Trump “going back to conspiracy theories, denying things he has admitted before, his being drawn to violent videos.

Lee also warned, “We feel that the rush of tweeting is an indication of his falling apart under stress. Trump is going to get worse and will become uncontainable with the pressures of the presidency.”

Catching the State Department entirely off guard, Trump got into another tweet attack with North Korea this week, taunting Kim with a 5th grade playground my-nuclear-button-is-bigger-than-yours bullshit.

Maryland Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, has proposed a bill to set up a commission to evaluate the president’s fitness for office.

How far that goes is anyone's guess, but I'd hazard to say it'll fizzle out facing a Republican Congress.

But, you never know.

Trump has got a lot of people worried about his fragile mental state in Washington. A few more taunts against Kim may open a can of worms that calls for some kind of action.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Thursday, January 4, 2018

A Case Of Alternate Reality: Trump Attacks The Free Press With Stupid Awards

Good Day World!

In the real world, we all know Trump is a first class liar and a disruptor of our freedoms.

We also know Trump is a man child with a bad attitude. Look no further than his dangerous game with North Korea. Tweeting about the size of his nuclear button was akin to comparing dick size with Kim. 

Trump is all about size. He's constantly defending his tiny hands.

To prove how childish he can be Trump tweeted this Wednesday:

"I will be announcing THE MOST DISHONEST & CORRUPT MEDIA AWARDS OF THE YEAR on Monday at 5:00 o’clock. Subjects will cover Dishonesty & Bad Reporting in various categories from the Fake News Media. Stay tuned!"

Trump has done his best to flip reality and stifle the truth whenever an opportunity has presented itself. Like this stupid awards thing.

It's just a gift to his base for believing his lies.

While Trump's minions laugh and applaud his childish contest, the rest of the country is hunkering down for a nuclear war.

A sitting president is not only denying reality...he's mocking it.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...