Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Did Putin Offer Trump a Bribe To Lift Sanctions When He Was Elected?

                                            Good Day World!

There's been so much written about Trump's illegal activities that I'm afraid people are just becoming numb to them.

There was a story by Reuters last week that didn't get much press here in the U.S. They reported (in great detail) how 19.5% of Rosneft, Russia's state oil company, has been sold to parties unknown.

How Russia Sold It's Oil Jewel: Without Saying Who Bought It

This was done, according to Reuters, through a dizzying array of shell companies, so that the most that can be said with certainty now is that the money "paying" for it was originally loaned out to the shell layers by VTB (Russia's official bank), even though it's highly unclear who, if anyone, would be paying that loan back; and the recipients have been traced as far as some Cayman Islands shell companies. 

Here's the kicker...
Do you remember the much-maligned Steele Dossier, the one with the golden showers in it? 

It also included a statement that Putin had offered Trump 19% of Rosneft if he became president and removed sanctions.

It get's better, or worse, depending on how you look at it:

The dossier said this in July, and the sale didn't happen until early December. And 19.5% sounds an awful lot like a "19% plus a brokerage commission."

When the free press manages to get a break from Chump's daily antics I sure would like to see this story explored further.

I have a hunch that dossier is packed with facts Dump and his cronies don't want revealed, and that's another reason why he's calling out the media and claiming the stories about him are all fake.

Perhaps we'll find out someday.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Flashback to the 1960's-70s: Americans Stand Up To A Corrupt Administration

                                            Good Day World!

I got cold chills yesterday watching the live updates of "Not My President" day rallies across America...on our President's Day Holiday!

Memories of the 60's and early 70's ran like an old black-and- white newsreel through my head as I watched millions of Americans unify nationwide to defy a corrupt administration that pulled us into an illegitimate war. 

Now America is faced with an illegitimate president, who with the help of Russia, stole the 2016 election.

He's not my president. 

Surprisingly, there's a real upside to Trump defiling the Oval Office right now. He said he'd unite America. Well, he is. Look at how this country has responded to his first 30 days in office.

If liberals and independents ever needed a "pearl harbor" event to unify America against Chump's presidency it was his illegal roll-out of an immigrant ban against Muslim based countries. 

The courts slapped him down quickly. 
The majority of Americans reacted with alarm at how much chaos was created in the country (even worldwide) in a mere 24 hours.

And that wasn't even the first time Lump violated the constitution since being elected.

The fact that he maintains control of his far-flung business empire while posing as a president, is in direct violation of the Constitution.

It's all about "emoluments," a word once foreign to most people, but now bandied about in the mainstream and social media daily.

There's 49 words in Article I of the Constitution that explains what emoluments are: 

“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.

In layman's terms, Chump shouldn't be getting paid by foreign governments to stay at his hotels. He shouldn't have millions of dollars in debt to countries like China and Germany.

He shouldn't be making money worldwide as the president of the United States. It's all an obvious conflict of interest and is slowly winding it's way through investigative committees. 

I'm not worried. It's apparent that the majority of Americans do still want a free democracy, despite the authoritarian Orange Zero's efforts to destroy it.

It's a good time to place your bets with Ladbrokes (a UK betting house) right now - I hear the odds are 10/11 that Dump won't last a full term before being impeached.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Trump's Cracking Under Pressure: Supposed A-Team Gets an F

Good Day World!

I can still hear Republicans during the election admitting that Trump wasn't the the best guy for the job, but it didn't matter because he would assemble an A-Team that would have made Col. John "Hannibal" Smith (played by George Peppard) proud.  

Remember Hannibal? It's been 34 years since the original "A-Team" debuted on NBC.

The much hoped for A-Team that Trump gathered around himself turned out to be a B-Team. Actually, more like a Z-Team. 

It couldn't have turned out worse. Republicans hoped Chump would gather the best-of-the-best political conservative operatives and staff his cabinet with them.

They reasoned that with all that experience Lump would be propped even though they knew he was an orange clown prone to lying daily on twitter.

It never occurred to these same Republicans that Frump didn't know any politically experienced people. He bribed plenty of politicians, but that doesn't count.  

Lump did what came natural to him; he appointed his billionaire pals to positions of power. He also threw in some white Supremacists for good measure.

We all know that now.

In the course of 30 days, Bump has thrown the country into chaos. Whispers of impeachment are drifting through the halls of power where information leaks are driving Chump crazy right now.

It's only a matter of time before the orange vulgarian cracks. He's never been called out for lying so much in his life! He can't fire two-thirds of the American population.

Frump's current attacks on the free press - calling it the enemy of the people - is even shocking those Republicans who backed him. 

They're seeing what the rest of the country already knew - Trump is the biggest challenge to democracy and liberty in our history.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Trump's Task Force on Extremism Only Targets Muslims, Ignors White Supremacists and Other Homegrown Terrorists

                                           Good Day World!

Violent extremism has always been a thorn in the side of governments worldwide.

America's battle with extremism in the 21st century has taken on worldwide implications. 

Since the attack on 9-11, Americans have been willing to give up some of their freedoms to suppress extremism. But not all of our freedoms.

President Bush and President Obama formed task forces to fight terrorism, both homegrown and foreign. 
One of Obama's anti-terrorism programs was just called "Countering Violent Extremism" with no reference to Islam.

The reasoning for not singling out Islam was simple; Obama didn't want to ostracize any world religion because some of their believers turned violent for political reasons.

He knew that terrorists could also be Christian, Jewish, Catholics, or even Evangelical extremists. It was just common sense.

Under Trump's regime common sense has scurried to the corners of the White House and is studiously ignored.

Trump and cronies are changing the name of that task force to "Countering Islamic Extremism."

Quick example: Trump, or more likely chief puppet Bannon, came up with a list of terrorists incidents for the press and guess what? 

They were only Muslims involved with no mention of White Supremacist attacks. Why do you think that was?

That list of terrorist attacks was handed over to the press after Trumpanzee Spicer claimed the media didn't even cover them. That, of course, was a bald-faced lie.

That lie was quickly exposed:

Trump Claims Media Don't Cover Terrorist  Attacks, Archives Say Otherwise 

There's no doubt Trump will come up with more task forces that will be thinly disguised attacks on minorities in this nation and abroad.

It's up to the main stream press and independent bloggers like myself to investigate and expose Trump's nefarious attacks on our freedom.

The key word to what's happening in Washington is: RESIST.

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Monday, February 13, 2017

White House Staff Mission Impossible? Deciding Who Is The Biggest Liar Of Them All

Note to readers: I'm taking a blog break after today and will be back on Sunday Feb.19th. Meanwhile, you can peruse past posts in the lower right-hand side of this page.   
                                   Good Day World!

I have a real challenge for you today.

It's your mission, if you accept it, to select the biggest liar in the Trump White House. Everyone is fair game, from Rump down.

For starters take a look at Chump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn

He was caught violating The Logan Act for discussing U.S. sanctions against Russia with Moscow's ambassador to the U.S. before Lump's inauguration. Lump probably violated it too.

After repeatedly lying about the content of the call, Flynn's spokesman finally told the press that "while Flynn had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn't be certain that the topic never came up." 

That statement followed on the heels of two intelligence reports that the phone call between the two men was recorded! 

Ouch! Does that make Flynn the biggest liar in the White House? What do you think?

Other candidates for biggest liar involved in this sordid story are: Trump, Bannon, Sean Spicer, and Kellyanne Conway.

Setting this example aside, who do you think is the most constant - and outrageous - liar in the Chump administration?

My pick has to be Rump. He's been a pathological liar all of his life. His entire career is riddled with lies. Fact check his tweets and you'll see he lies on a daily basis.

It's a tough call between Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway.

Spicer spews what his master says and tries to put a sane spin on it as his nose grows. Conway is more creative and lies without Dump's help.

Some other anointed Trumpies that should be in the running for the biggest liar are: Steve Bannon; Jeff Sessions; Rex Tillerson; James Mattis; Tom Price; Scott Pruitt; Wilbur Ross; and Betsy DeVos.

If I left any other candidates off this list please let me know, and I'll be glad to add them.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Memo To Trump: Time To Put Up Evidence or Shut Up!

                                        Good Day World!

Subject: Voter Fraud

To: America's first Illegitimate President

We the people are tired of listening to your false allegations regarding voter fraud during the presidential election.

It's bad enough that you've been spreading lies about individuals, corporations, your involvement with Putin, and our judiciary system since the day you were sworn in, but do you really have to keep revisiting that false accusation of voter fraud when you heard Clinton got three million more votes than you?

To be clear, what we see is a thin-skinned serial liar trying to chip away at the very foundation of our democracy - fair elections.

Ellen L. Weintraub, a commissioner on the Federal Election Commission recently challenged your claim and asked you to provide evidence to support them.

When you said that out-of-state voters were bused into New Hampshire  to vote for Clinton it was too much for Commissioner Weintraub.


Weintraub said, "As a Commissioner on the Federal Election Commission, I am acutely aware that our democracy rests on the faith of the American people in the integrity of their elections.

"The president has issued an extraordinarily serious and specific charge. Allegations of this magnitude cannot be ignored." 

She's right. Either put up evidence...or shut up! This isn't the first time you floated this lie about voter fraud. 

On numerous occasions you claimed three to five million people voted illegally in November.

Thus far there's not been a shred of evidence to prove your accusations. You recently told Bill O'Reilly that your first puppet Pence was going to head up an investigation into the matter.

While Pence is looking into that aspect of election fraud would you make sure he shares all vetted facts by our intelligence community about Russia's involvement in the election too?

We're waiting...

Related: Trump Brings Up Voter Fraud Again, This Time in Meeting With Senators

Trump's Voter fraud Claims are Absurd, Another Analysis Shows 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Tweeter-In-Chief Saves Bigly Tweets for Saturday

Good Day World!

Today our beloved Tweeter-In-Chief will have bigly responses to some important issues.

It's Saturday. Super charged tweet time.

To tweet, or not to tweet. That has been the question.

His Donaldness has turned to social media so that you can get The Truth about everything. Remember; he alone can save the country and the world. 

The Muslim ban, judges making ridiculous decisions, voter fraud, inauguration crowd size, and Nordstrom's bad decision not to carry his daughter's shoddy shoes anymore are just samplings of his wise tweets.

As you know the mainstream media has nothing but Fake News. Just ask Sean Spicer or Kellyann Conway. They'll tell you. 

TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, websites...they all lie. 

Only our white fake blond-haired master president will give you all the facts. All of the alternative ones.

But by golly, they're facts.

As you may have noticed about our Tweeter-In-Chief, he likes to really ratchet up his attacks on anything, or person, on Saturday mornings.

Wouldn't it be inspiring to get to see His Donaldness wandering around in the dimly lit White House on a Saturday morning in his white robe, clutching his mobile device while stabbing at it with his stubby fingers?

You have to get up early though because he likes tweeting about state matters, fake voters, fake polls, fake news, people who oppose him, and how smooth his Muslim ban went until some stupid judges (9th Circuit Court) stopped it, before he takes his daily dump.

Some white house staffers excuse his tweets by claiming he's just grumpy on the weekends and people shouldn't take it personally. 

Others say his daughter and son-in-law observe Shabbat like good Jews from Friday to Saturday night, and are not around to rein him in on Saturday mornings.

Tsk! Tsk! Nasty rumors. 

Our emperor president knows what he's doing.

He's going to Make America Great Again...just'll see.

Tweet by tweet!

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Friday, February 10, 2017

Democracy 1, Trump O, The Republic Stands Up To Rump!

Good Day World!

Trump lost. The law won.

Here come the judge(s)...

A federal appeals court refused to re-institute Trump's travel ban on seven majority-Muslim nations, ruling that it violated due process rights of people affected without a national security justification.

Even it Trump takes his flawed case to the Supreme Court he can't count on his new Supreme Court justice appointee (Neil Gorsuch) to be in on the vote.

By now the world knows how thin-skinned the orange vulgarian is. We'll all get to read his tweet tantrum in response to this decision while his buddy Bannon changes his soiled diapers!

"SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!" Chump tweeted minutes after the ruling was released.

Understand. This was an unanimous verdict. The court agreed it's duty was, "in time of war as well as in peace, to preserve unimpaired the constitutional safeguards of civil liberty."

Trump hates losing face. So he's resorting to what he's always done as a businessman and is taking his fight to the courts - right or wrong - it doesn't matter. 

Donny Little-Hands is pissed.

The Republic has withstood it's first test against Rump's bigotry and poor planning. It's only the beginning. 

The next few years are going to be a battle between Lump and his evil minion Back-Door Bannon, and everything this country stands for.

Bump fought the law and the law won.

Time for me to walk on down the road..

Thursday, February 9, 2017

GOP Senators Protect Racist Nominee By Silencing Warren's Warnings

"In a Time of Universal Deceit — Telling the Truth Is a Revolutionary Act" - George Orwell

                                          Good Day World!

The confirmation process for Trump's nominees is so one-sided that the GOP is silencing the opposition by any means possible.

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren dared to read a letter by Martin Luther King's wife that wasn't complimentary of Jeff Sessions, Chump's nominee for Attorney General, and the Trumpanzees silenced her by using an arcane rule (article19) that was never used before.

If that letter bothered the Trumpies that much why didn't they do something the next day when Democratic Senator Tom Udall (New Mexico) read the same letter? And how about the other senators who read it the next day? 

The answer lies in Rump's and his Trumpanzees concern that Warren has been a thorn in their side. The well-spoken and articulate Warren has been holding all of Bump's nominees feet to the fire.

Warren has been the point person for her party since Lump came into office. She's always prepared with plenty of facts and doesn't mince words.

If there's one thing Trumpanzees hate it's facts. 

This is clearly demonstrated by Republican Senator Orin Hatch's (Utah) statement to the press:

"Even if what she says was true, it wasn't the right thing to do," Hatched claimed.

No, telling the truth is the right thing to do!

I don't care what Frump's gaggle of ass-kissers say; it's not okay. The truth should never be suppressed

Sometimes you have to pay a price for telling the truth, but it's worth it. Warren has the high ground.

Voters are watching, and will remember how Trumpanzees lied and cheated to get their nominees into positions of power.

The Internet Is Turning Elizabeth Warren's Silencing Into a Rallying Cry: 'Nevertheless, She Persisted'

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Sowing the Seeds of Chaos: How Trump and Bannon Intend to Destroy Democracy

                                          Good Day World!

If you're wondering how dictators control the masses then look no further than Trump and Bannon's playbook for Amerika.

The key passages are about how a "strongman" takes over a country by sowing seeds of dissent and fear. In this dictator's guide to the universe, it becomes necessary to refute democracy and the freedoms that it holds dear.

Trump's executive orders and presidential memorandums are a malignant strategic attack on our democracy. 

Take a close look at the pre-history and logic of the recently enacted immigration ban that Trump and Bannon enacted to consolidate their power in the face of Trump's lack of electoral mandate.

More than any other executive order signed by Trump in the furious flurry of his first two weeks in office, the context and content of the Muslim ban executive order provides an exemplary and worrying optic into the operations of the Trump White House.

It was no coincidence that the order was signed on Holocaust Memorial Day. The White House press release commemorating the day includes no mention of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust.

This denigration of Muslims (with the ban) and now the Jews is par for the course for the White Nationalists (like Bannon) who support Trump.

The Muslim ban is the perfect prototype for the anti-democratic political process Chump and Bannon are putting into place.

There's one thing Lump and cronies didn't seem to count on; resistance. Numerous massive protests have greeted Frump's actions since he's been in office.

The assault on our freedoms by Donny Little-Hands and Bannon the White, can be stopped if enough Americans continue to stand up and denounce their Nazi-like tactics.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Lies Versus Reality: Who's Winning the War of Words?

Lies and unverified rumors course through the right-wing narrative universe daily. Reality is constantly trying to catch up to the poisonous...