Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Difference Between a Great Negotiator and a Con Man

Good Day World!

Since Trump slithered into the White House he's been bragging about what a great negotiator he is.

A lot of well-meaning Americans believed him and overlooked his many faults hoping for a better future.

But in less than two weeks he's already shown that he's not only horrible at negotiating, but is leading us down a dark path that may result in an economic global crisis, or worse yet, war.

Trump's first attempt to set down with the leader of another country failed in dramatic fashion. After insulting Mexico's president via a tweet, all negotiations were called off.

Rump's ego may have believed Mexico would pay for his wall, but no one else (with half a brain) did. 

Warning the Mexican president not to visit if he wasn't prepared to pay for his wall has to go down as the worst attempt by any U.S. President to negotiate with another country.

Frump is finding out he can't just bully countries like he's done to people all of his life. You'll notice that Lump didn't have a reply for Mexico's president when he said he wasn't coming.

Don the Con was baffled. 

His response? The American taxpayer is now going to build the wall. Chump then plans on putting a 20% tariff on Mexican goods as a way of making "them" pay for the wall after all.

Any national economist could tell you that would be a very bad idea. But when you have an ego like Bump's it has to be massaged.  

When Dump turned his attention to trying to bully China he got a curt reply - "Don't mess with us" and "there's no room for talking about changing the current policy of One China."

Mind you, this verbal sparing started on twitter one morning when little Donny woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

He didn't bother to talk to any of the foreign affairs experts available to him - he just stabbed his stubby little fingers on his phone and managed to piss off China's leadership.

I'm not sure if China will ever want to talk with Trump the self-anointed Great Negotiator after a start like that. The same goes for numerous other countries in the world.

The self-professed World Class Negotiator has managed to turn one of our longest allies - the UK - against him. Millions of people there have signed petitions asking the Queen not to host a state visit for the Orange Vulgarian.

At this point it's clear that Don the Con has given America a black eye in less than two weeks. 

Based upon what we've seen thus far, the USA's standing with the world will be ruined after four years of Trump's brand of negotiating.

That's assuming, of course, that he doesn't lead us into a nuclear holocaust first. 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

That Stench in Washington: Showcasing Swamps and Creating Cess Pools

Good Day World!

What smells worse?

A swamp or a cesspool?

One of Donny Little-Hands campaign claims was that he was going to drain the swamp in Washington D.C.

One week into his presidency and it's clear that the swamp is getting busier every day. 

From attempts to dissolve an independent ethics panel to placing clueless cronies in Cabinet positions, Chump is on a crusade to gain total control of this country by clamping down on our freedoms.

Frump has already added to the swamp with his executive orders and is busy creating cesspools of ignorance by shuttering scientists from talking about Climate Change and taking away communication tweets from government agencies like the Department of the Interior (they dared to show two side-by-side photos of the crowds at Obama's inauguration and Trumps.)

Evidence showed, without a doubt, that less people attended Dump's inauguration.

This made Rump furious and he set on on a campaign to make Americans believe in his alternate facts by denying evidence that proved how many people attended both inaugurations.

The stink at the White House is only getting worse. The shit that Trump and his cronies are shoveling is an assault on Democracy.

Chump's sudden ill-thought out immigration ban has created chaos and repercussions around the world. His plan to help Christians and block Muslims is clearly a violation of the Constitution.

Freedom is under attack. Each new executive order is creating a cesspool of confusion and chaos. 

Our Constitution is in danger of being swallowed up in Stump's cesspool of lies. 

How long is America going to take this shit?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Who Needs Security Experts? Trump and Bannon Demote Intelligence Community

                                        Good Day World!

Trump's version of the National Security Council consists of a guy who ran a website that featured bigoted, xenophobic and misogynistic headlines that catered to the alt-right community, Trump, Cabinet members and no one from the intelligence community.

BREAKING NEWS: Trump Didn't Know Bannon Needed Senate Confirmation Chances are Senate won't confirm him!

Chump's attempt to surpass Nixon's wet dream of keeping the intelligence community out of his version of the National Security Council (NSC) may not be realized.

Last week Dump sent out a memorandum sidelining three of the top security officials in the country. 

Not only is CIA Director Mike Pompeo not included in the organization, the Director of National Intelligence and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staffs are not full members of the NSC.

As a matter of fact, they can only come when Trump or Bannon summons them.

Imagine a white nationalist, acting as the White House chief strategist, outranking these three top intelligence officers? Does that make you feel safer? 

It's a clear message from Trump. He's not interested in facts and believes in Bannon's bigoted America. 

For the record, Bannon is reportedly behind some of Trump's most controversial moves, including Green Card holders in the restrictions on visas for visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

Make no mistake, Frump has showed how little he values our security experts and the rules of law. They know it, and now you know it.

America's security is in Donny's stubby little hands and possibly his puppet, KKK posterboy, Stevie Boy.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump's America: Look At The World in the 1930's To Understand What's Happening Today

Good Day World!

As we watch the ugly face of fascism surface and spread in Europe and now America, it's a good idea to take a little history lesson.

The 1930s and Now

Fascism was founded on the principal of nationalist unity, against other ideologies like Socialism and Communism. 

Adolf Hitler's rise to power came amidst the turbulent 1930s in Germany. Benito Mussolini, another fascist strongman at the time asserted that "National Pride" has no need of the "delirium of race."   

Look what's happening today in Europe and America. We're watching the rise of nationalism and racist rhetoric directed at foreigners.

Understanding What's Happening

In a nutshell: Republican institutions (like American Democracy) don't protect us against tyranny when powerful people start defying political norms.

The result is tyranny can flourish even while maintaining a republican facade.

The rise of Trump proves that. His ascension to power parallels Hitler's and Mussolini's.

Other strongmen have taken over countries like Russia's leader Vladimir Putin, and Turkey's leader Recep Tayip Erdogan. 

In Austria, a nationalist candidate came within three-tenths of a percentage point of becoming the first far-right head of a state elected in Europe since World War II.

In Hungary, an authoritarian government has clamped down on the news media and erected razor wire fences to keep out migrants. 

There are worries that Poland may follow suit. 

Traditional parties in France, Germany, Greece and elsewhere have been challenged by nationalist movements amid an economic crisis and waves of migrants. 

In Israel, fascism analogies by a former prime minister and a top general have again inflamed the long-running debate about the occupation of Palestinian territories.

Americans are used to the idea that other countries may be vulnerable to such movements, but while figures like Father Charles Coughlin, the demagogic radio broadcaster, enjoyed wide followings in the 1930s, neither major party has ever nominated anyone quite like Trump.

Related: How Fascism Comes to America

How Republics End

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Swift and Stupid: Immigration ban catches everyone off guard including airport authorities

Good Day World!

Forget "Fast and Furious."

We're faced with "Swift and Stupid," after Trump sprung an immigration surprise on nearly everyone in the world. 

Chump's actions were so well-thought out that the country, and the world, are in chaos trying to implement a ban that no one seems to fully understand.

One frustrated Custom and Border Agent at JFK told two Iraqi men being detained to "Call Donald Trump" if they have a complaint.

The chaos created by Rump's ill-conceived plan of action has resulted in numerous legal challenges, airport protests, and condemnations from politicians and advocacy groups.

Trump Travel Ban Sparks Protests at Airports Nationwide

Donny Little-Hands suspended all refugees from entering the United States for 120 days (that can be extended), and halted the admission of refugees from Syria indefinitely.

His executive order bars entry for three months to residents from seven predominantly Muslim countries.

They are: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and Yemen (this list may be expanded in the days ahead). 

To fan the flames, Chump said it would be okay for Christians in those counties to come to America.

Terrorist groups like ISIS are celebrating the Orange Vulgarian's swift and stupid actions and words.

Reportedly Rump said "Things are going nicely" as chaos broke out in airports around the world. 

Frump has been in office one week and just look at the havoc he's wrought.

From trying to force-feed people into believing "alternate facts" about his election, to thoroughly pissing off two trade partners; China and Mexico.

Throw in his Nazi-style of implementing the refugee ban, and you have to admit...he's well on the way to Making America the Evil Empire! 

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Truthful Hyperbole, Alternative Facts, and Damn Lies!

                                           Good Day World!

If you've ever wasted your time (and money) reading Trump's book "The Art Of The Deal" you discovered a term called "Truthful Hyperbole."

Trump uses the term to buff up his image and to make a larger point.

Truthful Hyperbole is nothing more than a lie dressed up in a con man's tuxedo.

It's the forerunner to Trump's Alternative facts as per his new Press Secretary Spicer.

But we all know alternative facts are naked lies. Even though the Emperor doesn't have on any clothes, his minions look the other way like dumb sheep.

How long is Trump going to get away with serial lying and rewriting laws to benefit his billionaire buddies? 

That's a question only time will answer, but I'm seriously thinking about placing my bet in Vegas where the odds are 50-50 that he won't last a year before his compounded lies get him impeached.

Even some Trump supporters, like Lindsey Graham are asking Rump to stop lying.  

But how can you stop a serial liar? At 70 years-old any hope of embracing the truth is long gone. But that doesn't mean his lies should go unchallenged.

It's going to take brave men and women who really love this country to hold Chump's feet to the fire and to expose his lies in real time.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, January 27, 2017

Betsy DeVos Is The Most Unqualified Education Secretary Ever Nominated ...Period!

Good Day World!

In the latest attempt to put a wolf in the chicken coop, Trump's nominee for education secretary, Betsy DeVos, is having a hard time getting confirmed.

After her dismal performance in front of the Senate Health, Labor and Pension Committee (HELP) on January 17th, she found herself up against ethics violations.

Here's the report. Talk about conflicts of interest! Her investments (in 102 companies) sheds new light on her ethics.

Fact: Billionaire Betsy and hubby have spent millions advancing radical school privatization, including taxpayer vouchers for private and religious schools, and helping politicians get elected across the nation who were willing to advance their elite agenda.

Fact: Betsy doesn't have an ounce of experience for the job. Imagine if you were to apply for a position this big and you didn't have ANY experience. None. Nada. You'd be laughed right out of the room.

Senator Elizabeth Warren grilled Betsy and exposed her total lack of credentials during the hearing. 

 "It is already unquestionable that Betsy DeVos is the most unqualified Education Secretary nominee in our nation's history, but it is clear that if she is confirmed, she will make the student debt crisis exponentially worse," said Scot Ross of One Wisconsin Now, who has pushed for meaningful solutions in the state of Wisconsin. 

Trump's attempt to undermine public education by nominating DeVos is a blatant attempt to deny education for the poor and minorities. 

His love of under-educated supporters is a matter of record.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, January 26, 2017

1984: Trump's Road Map To Riding Over Our Rights

                                      Good Day World!

It's no wonder that George Orwell's book about a dystopian future has shot to the top of Best Sellers on Amazon.

Orwell's warning about what could happen to a society when a dictator takes over has resonated thousands of times since it was published in 1949.

Right now Orwell sounds like Nostradamus.

Trump's alternative facts and outright lies have sent sales of the classic book through the roof.

Instead of Winston Smith, a drone working in the so-called Ministry of Truth, rewriting and distorting history, Trump has Sean Spicer.

But unlike Smith, Spicer isn't someone with a conscience trying to remain human under a fascist regime. 

Trump is busy attacking the media that he plans to control someday. His desire to be Big Brother is deeply rooted in his lust for power.

He wants everyone to love and obey him. Those who do not will become victims of The Party. 

Reality is Trump's enemy. And now he has four years to try to fully implement a regime that will keep him on as permanent President Big Brother.

In the end of the book Winston finally loses his battle to be human and agrees 2+2=5 if Big Brother says it so. He's fully brainwashed, just like Spicer and other the other puppets Trump has installed in our government.

Meanwhile Spicer doesn't seem to have any moral qualms about spewing his master's lies and distortions. The mainstream media is now at the front line of freedom, facing a fascist regime that seeks to crush it.

Once Trump convinces everyone that only his tweets are the truth, it will be 1984.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

GOP Legislators Seek To Stop All Peaceful Protests in America

Good Day World!

Maybe it was the massive Women's March protesting everything Donny Little-Hands stood for.

For sure it was a case of massive butt hurt by being slapped with reality as Trump watched women throughout America AND across the world stand in solidarity against him.

But I bet Chump is smiling about what some Republican legislators are doing to curtail peaceful protests by quietly introducing a number of proposals to criminalize and discourage them. 

Trumpanzee Republicans know their master is going to be faced with many protests in his illegitimate presidency and anything they can do to stifle them will be looked upon favorably by His Orangeness.

In North Dakota a bill was introduced that would allow motorists to run over and kill any protester obstructing a long it was accidental.

Say what? Suddenly there's going to be a lot of "accidental deaths" when protesters dare to march  North Dakota.

In Minnesota, a bill introduced by Republicans last week seeks to dramatically stiffen fines for freeway protests and would allow prosecutors to seek a full year of jail time for protesters blocking a highway. 

Republicans in Washington state have proposed a plan to reclassify as a felony civil disobedience protests that are deemed “economic terrorism.

In Iowa a Republican lawmaker has pledged to introduce legislation to crack down on highway protests.

The anti-protesting bills have alarmed civil liberties watchdogs.

Via the Intercept:

“This trend of anti-protest legislation dressed up as ‘obstruction’ bills is deeply troubling,” said Lee Rowland, a senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, who views such bills as violations of the First Amendment.

A law that would allow the state to charge a protester $10,000 for stepping in the wrong place, or encourage a driver to get away with manslaughter because the victim was protesting, is about one thing: chilling protest.

Donny Little-Hands hopes to see an end to protests in America with the help of his loyal Trumpanzees. 

Stifling protests (and violating the First Amendment) is another controlling component in Trump's lust for complete power.

Stay alert America! Your freedoms have never before faced such a serious threat!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Poll Shows Majority of Americans Want To Know What's in Trump's Wallet

Good Day World!

Let's get this straight Donny Little Hands...are you going to release your damn taxes or not?

Your puppet Kellyann Conway told ABC last week that "People didn't care about seeing your taxes. They were litigated throughout the election." 

She wrongly claimed "Most Americans are very focused on what their tax returns will look like while President Trump is in office, not what his looks like."

A national poll conducted by ABC showed 74% of Americans would very much like to see what's in Trump's wallet. Republicans and Democrats.

Conway was later cornered by respondents to a petition on the White House website calling on you to “immediately” release you're tax returns.
So she flip-flopped the very next day. Why the reversal Donnie? Should we believe what your puppet Conway is now saying, that they'll be released after the so-called audit is done?
One question however. Why don't you release the paperwork showing us you are being audited? We just have your slippery words of assurance that there is an ongoing audit.
One more thing. The IRS has repeatedly said you are free to release your taxes anytime. 
And if there isn't an audit...what have you been hiding???
Time for me to walk on down the road... 

He's Back! This Time in Drag

While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman...