Thursday, July 15, 2010

Sources: U.S. paid Iran scientist $5 million, but account is frozen

I wonder what the real story is? Did we get any important information or is this all a dog and pony show? 

Image: Iranian Nuclear Scientist Returns To Tehran

'We've got the information and the money,' one official tells NBC

Iran scientist returns home, claims U.S. torture


Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri arrives at Tehran's airport on Thursday. He claimed he was offered $50 million to remain in the U.S.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fair warning: CSPI Says Food Dyes Pose Rainbow of Risks

I always suspected food dyes could pose a health risk, but had no idea how serious a threat until I read they cause:

Cancer, Hyperactivity, Allergic Reactions

Food dyes—used in everything from M&Ms to Manischewitz Matzo Balls to Kraft salad dressings—pose risks of cancer, hyperactivity in children, and allergies, and should be banned, according to a new report by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

A top government scientist agrees, and says that food dyes present unnecessary risks to the public.

The three most widely used dyes, Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, are contaminated with known carcinogens, says CSPI. Another dye, Red 3, has been acknowledged for years by the Food and Drug Administration to be a carcinogen, yet is still in the food supply.

Wealthy rip-off majority of Americans – why do we continue to put up with it?

I’m firmly convinced that the American people haven’t learned anything from history. The Great Depression and our current Great Recession have one thing in common; the richest 1 percent pull in nearly a quarter of the nation’s income.

To prove we haven’t learned a damn thing, we got ourselves involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. Both unwinnable wars. Just like Vietnam and Korea. How do the rich manage to get more than their fair share of the nation’s income? 

It's All About the Wages -- Our Economy Would Be Fine If Everyone Made Their Fair Share

“Each of America's two biggest economic downturns over the last century has followed the same pattern. Consider: in 1928 the richest 1 percent of Americans received 23.9 percent of the nation's total income.

After that, the share going to the richest 1 percent steadily declined. New Deal reforms, followed by World War II, the GI Bill and the Great Society expanded the circle of prosperity. By the late 1970s the top 1 percent raked in only 8 to 9 percent of America's total annual income.

But after that, inequality began to widen again, and income concentrated at the top. By 2007 the richest 1 percent were back to where they were in 1928 -- with 23.5 percent of the total.”

Clowns in Politics: an ongoing ‘two-ring’ circus in Washington, DC

Hi there everyone!

As usual there’s been some tricky acts to follow in the Main Tent. Seems like there’s an all out effort lately to see who’s going to be the Clown of the Year. Here’s some of the latest high-wire acts, and clownish lawmakers will leave you rolling in the aisles!


White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs learned an important -- and unfortunate -- lesson: In politics, telling the truth can get you in trouble.

COLLAGE PHOTO BELOW: Republican Clown College


Republican Sen. Scott Brown says he will cast a critical vote against a bill Democrats hoped he would support as they try to nullify a recent Supreme Court decision on political fundraising.

The Massachusetts senator said in a letter to five advocacy groups that bill "changes the rules in the middle of the game." He says it will give "a tactical and political advantage" to labor unions little more than 100 days before an election.






Fraud? Sen. Al Franken in Minnesota May Have Benefited from Voter Fraud, Findings Show Convicted Felons Voted in Election

The Best Fake Teabagger Signs at the Boston Common Tea Party

Fake Teabaggers (sane/normal people) have begun infiltrating tea parties with their own signs. Here are the best signs from yesterday's rally in Boston.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

The scientific and philosophical mystery was purportedly unraveled by researchers at Sheffield and Warwick universities, according to the Daily Mail newspaper.Image: Chickens and eggs

British scientists claim to have solved the scientific, philosophical mystery

It is an age-old riddle that has perplexed generations: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Now British scientists claim to have finally come up with the definitive answer: The chicken.

The scientists found that a protein found only in a chicken's ovaries is necessary for the formation of the egg, according to the paper Wednesday. The egg can therefore only exist if it has been created inside a chicken.

5 things you need to know about antioxidants

Fresh blueberries spilling out of a pail close up

These nutrients fight poisons in your body, but how can you get enough of the right kind in your diet?

It's billed as an epic story of good versus evil — biology in comic-book form. The villains: free radicals, those nefarious DNA-attacking poisons of modern life.Our fearless defenders:antioxidants, poised to protect us from—well, everything, right?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Carl’s Corner: coming in for a crash landing or a visit?


My friend Carl Young likes to play with his fancy camera and every now and then I’m going to feature what he captures on film. These snapshots will all be filed under ‘Carl’s Corner’ in the future. Enjoy…

Mark your calendar - civil rights groups set for showdown with Tea Party on MLK march anniversary

Civil rights groups set for showdown with Tea Party on MLK march anniversary

Excuse my irreverence, but Aug.28th is shaping up to be a real 3-ring circus.

When you look at the players, Glenn Beck, and the Rev.Al Sharpton, there’s only one logical conclusion; it’s going to be ugly.

Expect high drama, mobs of pissed off people, and some real interesting speech’s. I hear the darling of the drilling crowd, Sarah Palin, will be yapping about her dream…to make a lot of money. May I suggest to all those who attend one of these dueling events that you bring your cameras (cell phones will do in a pinch).

I suspect it will be an historical day; a demonstration of intolerance for the 21st Century. Doesn’t it make you proud just thinking about it?   

Read More: Glenn Beck, Marc Morial, March on Washington, Martin Luther King Jr, NAACP, Rev. Al Sharpton, Tea Party

African-American leaders denounced TV and radio pundit Glenn Beck's Tea Party rally next month that will occur on the same date and at the same spot where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech nearly 50 years ago.

A 2001 military training guide: ‘Homosexual Conduct Policy’


A new addition to Ethan Persoff's fantastic Comics with Problems collection: A U.S. Army comic book from 2001 explaining "Don't Ask Don't Tell," or what they call "Homosexual Conduct Policy".

The publication was very likely used as a test document with little distribution. I dig the art, and I think the back cover is my favorite part.

Sweet baby Dorothy in a wig, does this ever beg for a Photoshop remix.


He's Back! This Time in Drag

While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman...