Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nadya Suleman, the queen of bad-parent porn

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This is an excellent Op-Ed piece by a very talented writer…

By Meghan Daum

By the time you read this, the world will have peered inside the undoubtedly depressing and quite possibly child-endangering world of the nation's reigning social pariah. I'm referring to Wednesday night's two-hour special on Fox, "Octomom: The Incredible Unseen Footage." At press time, I'd only seen clips, but I think I can guarantee that we're in for another wave of Octo-villification, not to mention some major sanctimony.
Nadya Suleman, in case anyone's lucky enough to need a briefing, is the woman who gave birth to eight premature babies in January, the result of the implantation of six embryos, two of which split. She was later revealed to be not only single and unemployed but also mother to an additional six children, all of whom were also conceived through in vitro fertilization. The TV special, made up of footage collected by the online magazine Radar-Online.com, included scenes of Suleman attempting to soothe several crying babies and, in a moment of self-reflection, saying, "I screwed up my life. I screwed up my kids' lives. ... What was I thinking?"

Click here to read the rest at The LA Times

Beware of the ‘Snitches’

I found this link on Redheaded Blackbelt and was impressed by the way these bloggers go after people in West Virginia. Check it out…

The SNITCH LIST is a collection of info about persons known to supply information to law enforcement for their own personal gain, or to avoid their own consequences.

We realize that… …sometimes people may not have said what police claim, or are threatened or tricked into giving up that information-it can happen to almost anyone. But there are others who snitch for revenge, just to make a few bucks, or perhaps avoid going to jail or prison…These are the people we wish to showcase. Our goal is not a punitive one, our goal is to take a bite out of one of West Virginia’s  most abused weapons—The “Confidential Reliable” or Paid Informant.

Click here

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to read more about snitchs and prison correction guards gone bad!

Cheney takes swipe at Obama over prosecutor

It looks like “Darth” Cheney is pulling out all the stops to get Obama to not name a special prosecutor. Despite his “factless” story that torture saved the US from terrorists, it looks like it’s time for some people to pay the price for breaking American laws on torture. I would love to see Cheney do some time for his part!

From CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Mooney

(CNN) — Former Vice President Dick Cheney is again taking aim at President Obama, issuing a statement Monday suggesting the administration's decision to name a prosecutor to investigate CIA interrogations under President Bush fuels "doubts about this administration's ability to be responsible for our nation's security."

"The people involved deserve our gratitude," Cheney said in the statement. "They do not deserve to be the targets of political investigations or prosecutions."

The former vice president also said documents released Monday prove enhanced interrogation techniques yieled valuable information that "provided the bulk of intelligence we gained about al Qaeda"

Click here to read the rest.

Photo via Getty Images

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to read the rest.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Man's love runs deep in search for ring

  • Talk about determined. This guy takes the prize…

WELLINGTON (Reuters) – A New Zealand man has been dubbed the Lord of the Ring after he searched and found his wedding ring more than a year after it slipped off his finger and sank to the sea floor.

The ring was lost for 16 months in the harbor of the country's capital city, Wellington, before Aleki Taumoepeau found it shining on the sea floor, the DominionPost newspaper reported Thursday.

"The whole top surface of the ring was glowing," Taumoepeau, an ecologist, said.

Taumoepeau had been married for just three months when he lost the wedding ring while conducting an environmental sweep of the harbor.

He roughly marked the spot where the ring had flown from his finger, but was unable to find it despite returning to the area many times.

Taumoepeau's wife offered to buy another ring, but he refused, pledging to find the ring.

But, equipped with new global satellite based coordinates and offering up a quick prayer, he found the ring after an hour's search.

"I couldn't believe that I could see the ring so perfectly," Taumoepeau said.

He said those with him on the boat at the time the ring flew off his finger had likened it to a similar, slow motion shot from The Lord of the Rings, much of which was filmed in Wellington by local director Peter Jackson.

(Reporting by Michael Dickison; Editing by Sanjeev Miglani)

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Odd friends in animal land

These guys are just chillin’…to see more odd parings click here to visit “Let’s Be Friends.”

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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Have you ever made money by selling a beat-up old vehicle?

Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 08/23/2009 01:30:12 AM PDT

I'd like to tell you about my 1989 Ford Aerostar cargo van.

It's the only vehicle, new or old, that ever made me money. I never in my wildest dreams thought the $800 I paid for it three years ago would turn a tidy profit of $3,700!

That old Aerostar was reliable, handy, had back doors and a sliding door on the side. It was white, but if you looked real hard at the sides you saw a discoloration that read Corona Beer. A decal was there until the company peeled it off when I bought the van. I used white spray paint to complete the disguise.

The farthest I ever drove it was in the week I bought it. My wife and I went to Napa Valley for a winery tour. Our friends there got a good laugh at my “Krispy Kreme” van, but I was pleased by the way it ran.

Click here to read the rest of this column at The Times-Standard

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Rat-eating plant discovered in Philippines

A carnivorous pitcher plant that eats rats and insects has been discovered in the Philippines and named after Sir David Attenborough.

Click here to read the whole story via The Telegraph

Don’t like reading? Read on…

Just because you don’t enjoy reading a good book, doesn’t mean there aren’t many other uses for all of those books piled up in the attic.
Click here to see more ideas.

Friday, August 21, 2009

William Calley apologizes for My Lai massacre

By Dick McMichael - Special to the Ledger-Enquirer
William Calley, the former Army lieutenant convicted on 22 counts of murder in the infamous My Lai Massacre in Vietnam, publicly apologized for the first time this week while speaking in Columbus.

“There is not a day that goes by that I do not feel remorse for what happened that day in My Lai,” Calley told members of the Kiwanis Club of Greater Columbus on Wednesday. His voice started to break when he added, “I feel remorse for the Vietnamese who were killed, for their families, for the American soldiers involved and their families. I am very sorry.”

In March 1968, U.S. soldiers gunned down hundreds of civilians in the Vietnamese hamlet of My Lai. The Army at first denied, then downplayed the event, saying most of the dead were Vietcong. But in November 1969, journalist Seymour Hersh revealed what really happened and Calley was court martialed and convicted of murder.
Calley had long refused to grant interviews about what happened, but on Wednesday he spoke at a Columbus Kiwanis meeting. He made only a brief statement, but agreed to take questions from the audience.

He did not deny what had happened that day, but did repeatedly make the point — which he has made before — that he was following orders.

Make a shirt from a dollar bill

Start with a relatively clean, crisp bill. It will make it much easier. All folds should be sharply creased. It helps to go over the fold with a fingernail on a flat, hard surface.
This is the finished product. You can do it with the following steps from Stumble

Whose Justice? The Interruption Changes from State to State

It just depends on what state you're in these days whether you have a chance of getting justice in the courts. If you are in Texas, it...