Wednesday, April 10, 2024

An Open Season to Kill: New York Politician Plans on Having a 'Personal Militia'

    A protest outside the Nassau County Legislature. Photo by Zoe Hussain.

A Nassau County politician
is pushing a plan to create a list of deputized, armed civilians, to step in during local emergencies.

This despite Nassau County being called the safest community in America by US News and Report.

The county already has roughly 2,500 police officers and the National Guard to assist during emergencies and enjoys an exceedingly low crime rate.

So why the need of an additional armed group? The answer is simple and also a reflection of our times.

Nassau Executive Bruce Blakeman is a Trump cult member. As such he believes he needs a personal army answerable to him and MAGA supporter Sheriff Anthony LaRocco who is part of the plot.

The plan has been deemed dangerous by Nassau County residents and legislators who rallied against Blakeman outside of the Nassau County Legislature on Tuesday in Mineola, New York.

"This is an open season to kill" Barbara Powell, the president of Hempstead's NAACP branch at a protest.

Detractors of this goon force fear the plan will protect some while endangering others - namely residents of color in Nassau County.

Among the concerns raised it remains unclear how they would work with the already sizeable Nassau County Police Department.

There also remains some open questions like who does this new armed group answer too?

How will they be held accountable?

How will the county bear the liability of this special force?

Historically, arming and deputizing large groups of people has always been a form of fascist violence - like the Brownshirts in Nazi Germany. 

What's happening in Nassau County is just a reflection of the culture war we've all been unwillingly dragged into by Trump the traitor.

Texas MAGA Republicans are pushing for legislation that would allow civilians to be deputized to arrest suspected (!) undocumented immigrants.

The Republican party, now referred to as Trump's cult, promotes violence to achieve their ends. Misinformation and flat-out lies are the coin of the new rising Reich under Herr Trump.

As it Stands, the only way to stop the Trump cult's march to tyranny is at the ballot box. Vote blue in November and save our Constitutional Democracy and republic.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Trump's Hush Money Trial: Is it Even Possible to Find 12 Neutral Jurors?

On April 15th more than 500 Manhattanites will be responding to notices to appear for jury selection at what could be the trial of the century.

A former president has been indicted on 34 felony counts of falsification of business records, which stems from alleged efforts to hide "hush money" payments to an adult film star Stormy Daniels. 

Potential jurors will be given a questionnaire with 42 questions, ranging from the mundane and common ("What do you do for a living?" "Have you ever served on a jury before?") to the more pointed ("Have you ever attended a rally or campaign event for any anti-Trump group or organization?").

During the potentially dayslong process of jury selection some potential jurors will be singled out for individualized questioning by Trump's lawyers and prosecutors.

{Go here to read all of the questions}

Despite all of the cautions being taken above I can still see how a Trump minion might get selected.

For starters they are going to lie. That's Trump 101. With no morale guidelines to hinder them a Trump mole can be effective at convincing an attorney of their sincerity.

Just think about it. That mole would become famous beyond their wildest dreams. The MAGA cult would nominate him/her to be a saint in the Nationalist Christian hierarchy.

Let's not be naive. It could happen. More than one mole has sabotaged a trial before in judicial history.

Which leads me to the bigger picture. There are three more felony jury trials ahead. Three more juries to be selected. The odds keep going up for a snake in the jury pool to slither past the questions and into the court room.

Everyone knows Trump. He's the biggest con man in American history... and some people love him for that and others loath and mock him. There's not an in-between in our polarized society.

So how can we expect a neutral juror in any of Trump's trials? It nearly defies logic. But that's how it's done in our increasingly chaotic judicial system.

As it Stands, maybe Orson Wells was right when he said, "Nobody gets justice. People only get good luck or bad luck."

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Rapture Didn't Happen to the Dismay of Trump-Loving Evangelicals

Thirty-two Million Americans turned out to see their last total solar eclipse until August 23, 2044.

The path of the eclipse provided wily marketers with a financial opportunity in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Illinois. Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, New Hampshire and Maine.

It was like an unexpected holiday as delighted Americans loaded up on merchandise associated with the Great Northern American Eclipse.

But there were some Americans who were disappointed. Very disappointed.

Trump-loving Evangelicals were expecting to be "raptured" during the celestial event. Some other Trump cult subsidiary groups were expecting God to climb down off his throne and to anoint Trump as the next savior.

It got scary for many Trump cultists who were wearing Trump-branded safety glasses (made in China). 

Thousands of them were seen at public gatherings in parks and other outside venues with arms stretched out in front of them and walking into trees and other inanimate objects.

Casuality counts haven't been totaled yet for Trump followers who went blind using his special safety glasses.

The good news about the eclipse is it brought families together across the nation to experience a once-in-lifetime event during what has turned out to be a very stressful year. It was like the country took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

As it Stands, for a brief moment in time the majority of Americans agreed on one common thing - how cool the total eclipse was.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

An 'Ice Age of the Heart': Kindness Becoming a Casualty in our Chaotic Society

I was reading a book review on The Power of Kindness by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat the other day and was motivated by its message.

The author, Piero Ferrucci, is a psychotherapist and philosopher who was a student and collaborator with Robert Assagioli, the founder of psychosynthesis. 

The following particularly struck a note with me.

Ferrucci says that we are going through "an Ice Age of the Heart" where people are often chilly and indifferent to each other.

Does this sound familiar to you? Are we less likely to talk or help out strangers now than ever before? I fear the answer is yes.

"The single-minded pursuit of money and power knocks aside the values that have animated religions for years, Ferrucci warned. "Kindness is the one trait that can save us," he asserts in his book.

Ferrucci notes that being kind is a way of life that can bring happiness to others as well as to those who practice it.

What a concept in 2024! With all the hate and fear circulating around the country we are just getting further away from being a civilized race and a workable republic.

I've read about the benefits of kindness in many books and other publications how kindness gives meaning and value to our life. As Ferrucci explains,"... kindness raisers us above our troubles and our battles and makes us feel good about ourselves."

Sometimes it's not easy being kind and forgiving in life. It can be a challenge with all the jerks running around in public, but it's not impossible.

I try my best when I go out and circulate not to be a problem, and to help others by being encouraging and understanding. It's not easy because I have PTSD. But when I do a kind act it becomes a healing experience for me and someone else.

As it Stands, kindness can become a superpower in this dark age if we all practice it. If you don't already, give it a try. It's worth it.

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Existing in Pre-Apocalyptic America

How are you doing?

What drives you to keep going on in this polarized society?

What gets you out of bed each morning?

Some people say defending our republic motivates them to get up in the morning to fight for our freedoms.

Some people roll out of bed, pull on a red MAGA cap each morning and gladly donate their last dollar to pay a former twice-impeached president and billionaire's legal bills.

Families are finding themselves stranded in red and blue ideological battles that all seem inevitably pointed towards another civil war. 

Americans live with the understanding that we have more mass shootings than any other industrialized country in the world. Most say despite that they wouldn't live in any other country.

If one thing is true about Americans, we are resilient and somehow overcome what sometimes seems to be insurmountable challenges. We've managed to overcome wars and pandemics, always moving bravely forward.

To many, me included, this year is full of challenges like we've never seen before. A rogue former president who failed in a coup attempt to regain office is now the Republican candidate for president in November.

Like it or not we're teetering on a pre-apocalyptic moment in American history where the future of the nation is at stake. 

Trump has openly declared his fascist agenda and millions of his followers are already practicing their "goose stepping" for political rallies and a future dictatorship.

Political pundits say President Biden and Trump are neck-and-neck in the polls... but I don't believe that. It's just too early in the race to make that claim. Media organizations are feasting on election data and opinions for the nightly news.

What if Trump is convicted for felonies prior to the election? 

What happens if he doesn't satisfy the court in New York and post bond in 10 days? 

What about the other court cases in three different jurisdictions?

No one knows what's going to happen between now and when we make a trip to cast our ballots. Instead, we just need to push forward with our lives and follow our hearts.

As it Stands, for a brighter future Vote Blue in November.

Total Solar Eclipse is a Marketer's Dream

Capitalism is alive and thriving in America.

With some 31.6 million Americans expected to be in the path of Monday's total solar eclipse, businesses are booming.

Eclipse enthusiasts are more than willing to pay big bucks to get a prized vantage point for the rare event.

The next total solar eclipse will be in 2026, but it will mostly pass over the Arctic Ocean, with some visibility in Greenland, Iceland, Portugal and northern Spain. In other words, Americans are NOT going to have a front row seat to the celestial event.

Eclipse promoters are fully aware of this and that's one of many reasons they're hawking this total solar eclipse so vigorously.

The last time a total solar eclipse struck merchandizing gold for promoters was in 2017 when savvy marketers profited from an estimated 88% of U.S. adults craning their necks skyward.

Today the digital marketplace is abuzz with memorabilia that captures the local essence of the phenomenon.

* In Six Flags Fiesta Texas in San Antonio they are mixing a traditional event with an event that combines drones and fireworks, complete with eclipse safety glasses and themed souvenirs.

* Cleveland Metroparks has rolled out a special eclipse capsule collection, featuring glow-in-the dark t-shirts and hoodies that capture the event's magic.

*Sonic introduced a limited-edition Blackout Slush Float, turning a simple drink into a collector's item with free eclipse glasses.

* The editors of Astronomy and Discover magazines are offering a solar eclipse store online at My Science Shop. You can get glasses, books and maps, and fun accessories like shirts, pins, stickers, and more.

I'm waiting for America's top grifter, Donald Trump, to roll out some ridiculous memorabilia like Trump branded gold-rimmed eclipse glasses made in third world countries that use child labor. 

They'll be fake of course and will end up blinding his rabid followers.

As it Stands, hucksters have a special place in America society as demonstrated by a convicted rapist and fraud running for the presidency.

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Book Review: 'The Butterfly Tree' Offers Hope in a Challenging World

If you love reading a good book pull up a comfortable chair and open up The Butterfly Tree and enjoy.

It's an Extraordinary Saga of Seven Generations by author Woody Woodburn.

The story weaves the history of a family and a giant Black Walnut tree into a tapestry depicting both of their intwined legacies full of learned knowledge of nature and humanity.

The scion of the family line "Doc" Lemuel Jamison sets the standard for healing the sick and accepting everyone regardless of their race, gender, national origin, or crimes they committed in the heat of passion.

The reader is gently guided from one generation to another in a series of challenging vignettes filled with action from the American Civil War to that un-named war in Vietnam where soldiers were sent to die for political reasons.

The characters are so real that you feel like you've known them all of your life. The shy kid who needs encouragement. The kid(s) who were kind to the shy or shunned kids passing on the lessons the Jamison family learned from one generation to another.

The Butterfly Tree is a message of hope regardless of the challenges in life. The main mission pursued by the remarkable Jamison family is to love one another, be understanding, and respect others. It sends a powerful message we could all use today in these chaotic times.

It's a story of hope blended with prose so fluid that you'll flow from one page to another effortlessly, swimming in the vivid imagery Woody has created with his insights into the human soul.

I highly recommend the Butterfly Tree and ask that you tell your friends about it and also share this tour de force on social media. It's available at Amazon and while your there write a 5-star review. You'll feel good and so will others when they read The Butterfly Tree.

About the author

Woody Woodburn was born in Columbus, Ohio in 1960. He graduated from UC Santa Barbara; and for the past four decades has been a national award-winning newspaper columnist - sports originally and general interest for the past 15 years for The Ventura County Star.

The World According to Donald J. Trump

Buckle up.

I'm going to take you on a ride to an alternate universe that somehow exists alongside reality.

Hop on the crazy Trump train to explore his damaged brain.

In Trump's world the 2020 election was stolen from him. All of the courts turned away his false claims but that never slowed him down as he flipped the facts and ran with them like a rat rampaging in a cheese factory.

In Trump's world dictators and strongmen are idols to imitate. His dreams about becoming a dictator with absolute control over the American people have spilled out like nightmares in real time.

In Trump's world the Jan. 6 insurrectionists facing legal consequences for their criminal efforts to help him overthrow the government are called HOSTAGES.  He does it for one obvious reason, to convince followers to risk their own skins and careers in the future on his behalf.

In Trump's world the Constitution is a document that needs to be re-written so that he can become America's first king with no restraints on his power.

In Trump's world encouraging his supporters to defy laws is only part of his attack on our Constitutional Democracy. Encouraging violence in his name has inspired people like Tyler Vogel of Lancaster, New York.

Vogel was arrested for texting threats to New York Attorney General Letitia James and New York Justice Arthur Engoron, who prosecuted and presided over Trump's civil case for committing decades of fraud.

Vogel wrote, "Mark my words I will kill you if you even dare to permanently steal Donald Trump's assets or his property."

Vogel is just another sad example of someone throwing everything away for a man who would not even give him a penny if he was starving.

Somehow that reality never seems to breach thick MAGA skulls, where the faith that Trump cares about them - despite daily evidence he does not - seems immovable.

That's what happens when people are foolish enough to hop aboard Dementia Donnie's train to Never Never Land.

Thus far, without suffering consequences for his crimes has made Trump a hero among the far-right extremists in the country.

He's turned court cases into rallies asking for donations to pay his legal bills. He campaigned for the presidency on being indicted in four jurisdictions for felonies. Even a mug shot taken on his arrest in Fulton County, Georgia has turned into a cunning grift for more money.

As it Stands, Trump is living in an alternate reality and unfortunately, it's intruding into the real world and causing chaos throughout the country... and the rest of the world.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

What Can America Do About its Rogue Ally Israel?

What does a family do when one of its members suddenly turns on them? 

Whatever decision the family makes is going to be heart-wrenching experience.

One of the United States most trusted allies has gone rogue, and the world is watching angrily, and demanding Israel quit killing innocent people and aid workers.

The recent Israeli strike on a marked World Central Kitchen truck killing seven aid workers has become a worldwide catalyst for calling for a criminal investigation and holding the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) accountable.

Israel has faced calls from the U.S., the UK., Canada and Australia for a thorough and transparent investigation into the strike.

The man responsible for ramping up war efforts, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been defying President Biden's efforts at a peaceful resolution for months now.

With this latest atrocity unfolding President Biden faces one of the toughest decisions in his entire political career - how do you punish Netanyahu without losing Israel as an ally?

Right now, there's mass protests in Jerusalem against Netanyahu and the war. Citizens are demanding Netanyahu resign from his office.

President Biden is facing the challenge of neutralizing Netanyahu without condemnation at home and in Israel. It's a perfect example of Catch 22. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Nevertheless, something has to change before the whole middle east is at war. It's heading that way swiftly.

The Biden administration could start by canceling current arms sales and in particular the sale of 15 fighter jets that will just result in more civilian casualties.

Netanyahu needs to understand America means business when it comes to achieving a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. Canceling these sales would get the warmonger's attention and force him to back off and start acting like an ally, not an enemy.

Doing this would help restore President Biden's credibility among the angry Muslim-American voters, and it would send a clear message to Israel that America wants the slaughter to stop, and peace negotiations taken up in earnest. 

As it Stands, like a family member who's gone astray Israel should be treated with tough love and welcomed back into the fold when they stop acting crazy. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Safest States to be in if there's a Nuclear Attack on U.S. Soil if Putin Carries Out His Threats

      The first warning sign came in 2022 when Russian leader Vladimir Putin threatened to use nuclear weapons outside of the Ukraine.

He claimed the West was using "nuclear blackmail" and warned the U.S. and Europe that Russia has "various means of destruction to defend Russia and our people, we doubtlessly will use all weapons resources at our disposal," he said. "This is not a bluff," he warned.

The next warning sign came in December 2023, when Putin suggested Russia might change its policy of no first use of nuclear arms in military conflicts.

Depending on how paranoid Russia's dictator gets, we could be in store for a cataclysmic nuclear war.

A map depicting nuclear targets in the U.S. first showed up in 2015 in a CBS article that used info from FEMA, Medicine and Global Survival, and the National Resources Defense Council.

But FEMA doesn't want to be linked to this map. A FEMA spokesperson told CBS that "FEMA does not, and has not, released any type of formal map of potential nuclear targets."

However, FEMA does provide information to the public to help them prepare for a potential hazardous or radiological event through Ready.Gov."

The target map points out that big cities like New York, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Washington, DC, are the most likely to get hit. Other cities that might be in danger are Dallas-Fort Worth, Miami and Philadelphia.

Other high value targets are working nuclear power stations - there's 90 of them - in states like Alabama, Arizona, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.

In the west, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming have lots of targets marked on the map.

So, where's the best place to be in the case of a nuclear attack on America?

Rural areas like Idaho, Maine, Northern California, and Oregon are your best bets against being incinerated according to the experts.

Realistically, if there's ever a nuclear attack against America there will be no safe places after the fallout.

As it Stands, there's nothing we can do about a catastrophic nuclear war so don't worry about it and just live for today.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Trump's MAGA Meme Stock Meets Reality

It was just a week ago when Trump's new stock offering under the ticker "DJT" made a flashy market debut but now reality is starting to set in.

The former president and convicted rapist's net worth fell by more than $1 billion on Monday when his social media company's value plunged by 21.5%.

Apparently, some investors were shaken by the news that Trump's social media company - Truth Social - lost nearly $58.2 million in 2023. Investors probably weren't thrilled when the company accountant issued a warning that its losses "raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern."

Industry analysts have compared the fervor around Trump Media to the meme stock craze. In essence, bad things are going to happen down the road.

Shares of Trump Media & Technology Group, whose primary asset is the Truth Social platform, tumbled $13.30, or 21% to $48.66 on Monday.

Thats below its opening price last Monday of $49.90 per share and represents a 39% plunge from the stock's high of $79.28 on March 26. 

Trump who owns 57% of the newly public company has been watching his stock slide as he's lost $2.5 billion (on paper) thus far.

As bad as Trump needs money right now he can't even access his sliding stock. At least for now. There's a "lock-up" provision that bars Trump from selling the stock for six months as a way to keep insiders from dumping shares immediately.

Don't be surprised if Trump weasels his way around the provision gaining access sooner than the required six months. But what will it be worth by then?

Like everything that Trump gets his tiny hands on this latest attempt to add to his wealth is going to end in failure - for him and the idiots who bought it thinking he's a good businessman - despite his history of bankruptcies and cheating charities.

As it Stands, regardless of what happens to his new stock, Trump will continue grifting his cult members in a never-ending quest for money.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...