Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pot enthusiasts gather at California cannabis expo

T.J. Sheen, who lost his leg in an accident and now wears a prosthetic, smokes marijuana during the International Cannabis & Hemp Expo on Saturday, April 17, 2010, in Daly City, Calif. The event featured speakers, panel discussions, growing aids, smoking paraphernalia and an area for people with medical marijuana cards to light up. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)

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Is the GOP okay with extremists calling the shots?

I sometimes write articles for ALL VOICES, an online publication. This is my latest article with them.


The whole Republican Party is being painted as extremist because hate-mongers like Rush Limbaugh, or Glenn Beck are speaking for it. It doesn’t help that these purveyors of fear have the ear of so many Conservatives and outright nut cases. Lines do become blurred after a while.”

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Library Late Fees: let’s go after the founding fathers!

“If George Washington were alive today, he might face a hefty overdue library fine. New York’s oldest library says one of its ledgers shows that the president has racked up 220 years' worth of late fees on two books he borrowed, but never returned.”

To read the rest and see some other founding fathers who borrowed books but never returned them click here.

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Obama pushes bank reform, lashes out at GOP

He accuses Republicans of waging ‘deceptive’ attack against measure

“President Barack Obama accused Republicans on Saturday of spreading misinformation about a Democratic bill that aims to tighten oversight of Wall Street banks and their practices.”

 One thing is for sure, the Republicans are going to still oppose ANYTHING Obama proposes. Anything. This following quote really spells out their tactics from the moment Obama became President.

“All 41 Republicans in the 100-seat Senate expressed their opposition to the bill in a letter on Friday but said they were willing to work with Democrats on the issue.”

Notice the lock-step attitude even when they claim they’re “willing to work with Democrats.” Does that sound like they’re really going to look at the issues, or continue to do what they have been doing? That is, being the Party of “NO,” because they got kicked out of power by a majority of Americans and resent it. They long for the “good old days” when Bush plunged the country into economic chaos and took Americans rights away with things like the so-called “Patriot Act.”

"What is clear is that this crisis could have been avoided if Wall Street firms were more accountable, if financial dealings were more transparent, and if consumers and shareholders were given more information and authority to make decisions," Obama said in his weekly address.”

Obama’s above quote is based upon facts, things discovered after the Wall Street traders schemes were exposed. This what what he’s trying to prevent from happening again, but the Republicans, in full partisan fever, don’t care. They just want to see Obama fail at anything. A pathetic goal to be sure, but it’s what they’ve embraced.


You tell ‘em Sarah!

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Friday, April 16, 2010

It’s looking like Wall street thieves are going to get their just dues soon

Is it possible? Are Americans going to see Wall Street bad boys get more than a tap on their greedy little fingers?

Wouldn’t that feel good to see them tar-and-feathered, then paraded down Wall Street in portable jails? Ahhhhh…one can dream. I suppose I’ll be happy if the SEC just nails some of the bigger thieves and institutes some meaningful reform.    

Is the SEC Opening the Floodgates?

“Securities-fraud charges related to the subprime debacle have been few and far between until now (plenty of mortgage originators have been indicted, but Wall Street has remained mostly unscathed). By naming the most prestigious firm on Wall Street and a world-famous hedge fund—Paulson & Co.—known for making some of the biggest profits by shorting subprimes, the SEC has signaled that there may be a lot more indictments to come.

And there ought to be. All indications are that, in the late stages of the subprime-mortgage bubble, the kind of alleged fraud identified in the complaint was far more common than is typically acknowledged.”


Arming Goldman With Pistols Against Public: Alice Schroeder

“I just wrote my first reference for a gun permit,” said a friend, who told me of swearing to the good character of a Goldman Sachs Group Inc. banker who applied to the local police for a permit to buy a pistol. The banker had told this friend of mine that senior Goldman people have loaded up on firearms and are now equipped to defend themselves if there is a populist uprising against the bank.

I called Goldman Sachs spokesman Lucas van Praag to ask whether it’s true that Goldman partners feel they need handguns to protect themselves from the angry proletariat. He didn’t call me back. The New York Police Department has told me that “as a preliminary matter” it believes some of the bankers I inquired about do have pistol permits. The NYPD also said it will be a while before it can name names.


Vintage ads that wouldn’t go over very well today!


Vintage Ads: Translation, Sex Appeal, and Innuendo

As It Stands (Recent Visitor Map)16th April 2010 09:33:46



248 Visitors have stopped by just this morning to visit by 9:33 a.m. PST. I’ve been averaging 978 visitors a day since January. I’m learning that a large percentage of both US and foreign viewers come from schools and colleges. That is probably why readership drops on weekends by as much as half of the weekday visitors.

It’s been awhile since I thanked you all for stopping by. THANKS! I really enjoy doing this blog and your readership is the icing on the cake. Have a great weekend!

Chocolate may be good medicine for liver patients

Rejoice Cocoa drinkers everywhere! There’s another good reason for you to have your favorite drink. Here’s the good news.


Cocoa-rich dark chocolate could be prescribed for people with liver cirrhosis in future, following the latest research to show potential health benefits of chocolate.

Spanish researchers said Thursday that eating dark chocolate capped the usual after-meal rise in abdominal blood pressure, which can reach dangerous levels in cirrhotic patients and, in severe cases, lead to blood vessel rupture.

Antioxidants called flavanols found in cocoa are believed to be the reason why chocolate is good for blood pressure because the chemicals help the smooth muscle cells of the blood vessels to relax and widen.”

Steven Hatfill was investigated for years before being cleared; no apologies

 As Hatfill said, “The government can do whatever it wants to anyone, at any time, just based upon suspicions.” Scary but true.

This man’s story is NOT unusual, or the exception to what happens to people when the government even suspects them of any crime.

Back in the early 70s I had two friends that were peace activists that were harassed by local police and the FBI. They followed them around for months (openly) hoping to catch them doing anything illegal. They both smoked pot (which could land your ass in jail back then) and they basically had to quit during that time. Here’s Steven Hatfill’s story:

 Exonerated anthrax suspect: FBI harassed me

The man falsely accused by the FBI of sending letters laced with deadly anthrax spores has received a big settlement from the government, but never an apology for destroying his life.

What’s more, Dr. Steven J. Hatfill told TODAY’s Matt Lauer during his first interview since the September 2001 attacks, neither the Justice  Department nor the FBI has been held accountable for breaking the law and lying in their pursuit of him.”

Thursday, April 15, 2010

When the Army Uses "Enhanced Interrogation" on an American Soldier


By Joshua Kors/ Investigative Reporter for The Nation

“I had been covering veterans' issues for several years and thought I'd developed a thick skin.But the pain on the other end of the telephone line was difficult to stomach.

 Sergeant Chuck Luther, now back from Iraq, was describing his journey to hell and back. The worst part, he said, wasn't battling insurgents or even the mortar blast that tossed him to the ground and slammed his head against the concrete — it was the way he was treated by the U.S. Army when he went to the aid station and sought medical help.

In gruesome detail, Luther described what happened to him at Camp Taji's aid station. He thought he would receive medical care. Instead he was confined to an isolation chamber and held there for over a month, under enforced sleep deprivation, until he agreed to sign papers saying that he was ill before coming to Iraq and thus not eligible for disability and medical benefits. "They wanted me to say I had a 'personality disorder,'" Luther told me.”

Go here to read the rest of this article.

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...