Saturday, September 24, 2016

The 'Rat' is Out of the Bag: Trump 'Foreign Advisor' Page is a Putin Puppet

Good Day World!

The rat is out of the bag.

One of Donald Trump's "foreign advisors" has a direct line with senior Russian officials.

Amid recent warnings from the FBI that Russia has conducting cyber attacks against the National Democratic Party and even hacked a White House aide, Congress has called for a full-on investigation of Trump's foreign advisor.

The "rat, aka foreign advisor" is one of Trump's buddies; millionaire businessman, Page Carter, who has extensive Russian business interests. 

Multi-informed sources have reported Page's meetings with Putin puppets - and conversations about lifting economic sanctions against Russia if Trump is elected. 

Some of those Congressman who were briefed were "taken back" when they learned about Page's contacts in Moscow, viewing them as a possible back channel to the Russians that could undercut U.S. foreign policy, said a congressional source familiar with the briefings.

Intelligence reports about Page's talks with senior Russian officials close to President Vladimir Putin were being "actively monitored and investigated," according to this article. 

People have been talking about a bromance between Trump and Putin for over a year now. Seems to me no one took the warnings of their mutual admiration seriously enough.

That's changing rapidly. American security agencies have flat-out stated the Russians are making an all-out effort to disrupt our election process.

The fact that Trump is a businessman above anything else is a legitmate concern when it comes to foreign negotiations because (bottom line) he's going to do what's best for his businesses.

There's no doubt Russia wants The Donald. There's no doubt Trump wants Russian business. His son said as much back in 2009.

There's no doubt in my mind that Trump is not only a traitor, but a very greedy man. I hope his followers finally draw the line (don't vote for him) when it comes to protecting America's interests against the enemy - Russia.

Patriotism anyone?

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, September 23, 2016

Bombs Away: The Darnest Things People Do and Say Every Day

Good Day World!

Hello...I'm your captain on today's bombing mission. 

Please take all the necessary precautions before I open the bomb-bay door.

News Bombs away....

* Large scale data breech - Yahoo admits 500 million user accounts stolen! If you've been a user since 2014, you better update your account.

* Is there such a thing as a "routine child abuse case?" Allegations of child abuse made against Brad Pitt by wife Angelina Jolie have come out after divorce papers filed.

Bomb Quote for the Day:

"Why you'll never see a woman with a bomb in her shoe: we have too much respect for shoes." - Carolyn V. Hamilton

Bomb Shell for the Day:

There's already been eleven cases of bombs placed by terrorists in the USA thus far this year! Here's a complete history of terrorist attacks and related incidents in American history.

Here's the Stink Bomb video for the Day

Speaking of's 25 Movies That Bombed but were actually great. 

For the record: 21st century jargon has turned the word "bomb" into something entirely different than what I grew up with. It now also means something is really great - or cool.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Not Made in the USA: Why Chinese Boot-Makers Have Been Laughing All The Way To The Bank

Good Day World!

Corporations and corruption. The two are synonymous.

Photo: The style of boots I wore in Vietnam. Little did I know they were made in China!

There's so many major corporations ripping Americans off everyday I don't know where to start. Well...yes, I do. Here's today's example:

Indictment: Military Boots Made In China said 'Made In The USA' 

Ever since I tied up my first pair of jungle boots in Vietnam the Chinese have been making them for us. The irony doesn't escape me.

While the Chinese were providing arms and money to the North Vietnamese they also had a lucrative business arrangement with an American company to make combat boots on the sly - and just to rub salt in the wound - they were putting Made In The USA patches on them!

What do you think is going to happen to the five people involved with this scheme? They're all out on a 20,000 bail right now.

If past examples of corporate heads are anything to go by...not one of the bastards will go to prison - and, if they do, it'll be a crazy lenient sentence.


Why 'Made in USA' Labeling Is So Complicated

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Having a Good Time: Dogs Dating Online

Good Day World!
Have you noticed? Our world gets weirder every day.

 With help from the web, weirdness gets a boost like never before in history. 

 "Extreme” is a key word that will take you down countless paths in cyberspace. Everything is extreme now, or it isn’t worth bothering with. 

There’s extreme snorkeling, sky diving, bowling, beauty contests, game shows, hamburgers, mixed drinks, t-shirts, bathing suits, hair styles, vacations, and so on.

There’s so much extreme weirdness going on that I have to narrow it down to one category due to space constraints.  It has to do with animals. And the people who love them. And the things pet owners do that make you doubt their sanity.

What we have is a tale (pun intended) of pet owners who think providing online dating services for their pets is perfectly normal. 

I wouldn’t kid you about this. Check out Matchpuppy. It offers a brand new way for owner and dogs to meet new friends in the neighborhood, according to the site's homepage.

I must say, Matchpuppy tickles my funny bone. It’s a place where dogs get paired off according to their size, age and energy level.

Speaking on behalf of my single female pug Molly, she’d never subject herself  to such a desperate way to get a date! Meeting nose- to-nose is fine, but the cautious canine shouldn’t trust a stranger online. 

There are always those “bad dogs” who like to have a good time rubbing up against legs, tables, and anything that doesn’t move away from their arduous attempts at satisfaction.

One more thing, what about the owners? What are they supposed to do if their dogs hit it off instantly (as they often do) and the owners don’t?

Will the owners have a little waiting room with a TV if conversation gets too awkward? What kind of magazines would they find there? Doggie porn directories for owners? Nothing is too good for Fido nowadays.

Yes, I’m a pet owner, and I love my pug, but even I have limits, or shall we say, moments of clarity when I realize enough is enough.

I don’t have any problem with pet owners who dress their dogs up in ridiculous outfits, but my pug would leave home if I tried to dress her up in tutus!

You know what’ll happen if these new doggie dating websites really become popular? Reality TV. Can’t you see it? 

One show could be like the old “Dating Game,” where three eligible bachelor pooches wait behind a screen, and answer questions asked by a single female (not B***H because it has to be politically correct to say). 

Even weirdness has its limits.

The latest trend for fashionable canines is tattoos, but I’m not even going there!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Where Have All The Conservatives Gone?

"Where have all the young men gone, long time passing?

Where have all the young men gone, long time ago?
Where have all the young men gone?
Gone to soldier, every one!
When will they ever learn, when will they ever learn?"

- Where Have All The Flowers Gone?

                                       Good Day World!

Where have all the conservatives gone, long time passing?
Where have all the conservatives gone, long time ago?
Where have all the conservatives gone?
Gone to the alt right, every one.

You get the idea.

The Republican party has been ransacked and crushed by Donald Trump and the alt right crowd. It's been a epic smackdown for real conservatives who still aren't quite sure what happened.

Somehow it's become okay for reactionary racial politics and counter-establishment right-wing ideas, fitting snugly into the violent world of white supremacist terrorists. 

As the alt-right has grown in the last several years, so have the conferences and organizations that make up its foundations.

American Renaissance began in 1990 in an attempt to popularize many of the pseudo-scientific racist ideas promoted by a few contremporary rogue scientists.

By now it's obvious to Republicans that their nominee for president is a nut case brought to prominance by the alt-right, whose philosophy fits nicely into Trump's stump speeches.

The real conservatives in the party are panicking. They don't want to vote for Trump, but they sure don't want to vote for Clinton.

Some are turning to Libertarian Gary Johnson. Most are frozen with indecision; "should they vote for someone, or don't bother voting at all?"

Conservatives are deserting the Republican party in droves. Where they're going is anyones guess.


How the alt-right is attempting to hide it's white supremacist  ties

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Once Taboo Porn Subject Shatters 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Record: 'Most-Viewed in 24-hours'

Good Day World!

Once upon a time in America, sexual bondage was considered too risque for mainstream audiences.

Nowadays, people call getting spanked and being tied-up naked...romantic erotica. 

And that's okay.

How this happened is not altogether clear, but the trend seems to have started with the book 50 Shades of Gray by British author E.L. James.

Somehow it was made into a mainstream movie in 2011. It was Part One of The 50 Shades Trilogy. Part Two - 'Fifty Darker Shades' - is coming out next February.

A trailer for 50 Darker Shades was recently released and had move views (114 million) than 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' in it's first 24 hours!

At this point in time, I'd have to say sexual bondage has come out of the closet for average Americans. For better, or worse, people are saying "spank me!" with a glimmer in their eye.

FYI: The trilogy is about a "deepening relationship between a college graduate and a young millionaire." Nothing too complicated - like all successful porn, but plenty to drool over if you like pain and naked people...

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Relax! Everything Is Going To Be OK - It's Just A Bad Dream!

Good Day World!

I use to get nightmares frequently when I was a kid.

I'd watch monster movies on TV - Dracula, Frankenstein, the Werewolf - and would take them to bed with me in my head.

Recently I can't help wondering if the nightmares have returned - or to be more specific - I think I'm stuck in an ongoing nightmare featuring Donald Trump.

The weird thing is millions of other people seem to be stuck in the same nightmare with me:

A con man, racist, world class liar, reality show personality, and woman-hater, Donald Trump, is close to Hillary Clinton in the polls, and could be our next president!

I can't believe I just said that. There's no way a majority of Americans are that far gone that they would elect Trump president.


As a kid I use to go into the bathroom at night after having a nightmare, and I'd turn on the light, and lay down on the floor. Safe from monsters.

The same thing will happen in November when Trump loses the election. A light will come on, and we'll all realize it was a just a bad dream.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, September 17, 2016

You Think That's Big? You Should See This...

Good Day World!

Did you know Great Danes are the tallest dogs in the world averaging (from paw to shoulder) about 30"?

You think that's big? Zeus (pictured here), a Great Dane was the biggest of them all at 44" (from paw to shoulder)! (Zeus passed away in 2014).

Did you know that 8 in 10 Americans are in debt?

You think that's big? Try our national debt. It currently stands at 18.8 trillion dollars!

Did you know the tallest statue in America is The Statue of Liberty at 151 feet tall?

You think that's big? The tallest statue in the world, Spring Temple Buddha (China) dwarfs Lady Liberty. It's 420 feet tall!

Did you know that the title of the largest commercially sold pizza (a 62" monster) in the United States belongs to Big Lou's in San Antonio, Texas?

You think that's big? Step aside for the largest pizza ever made - it even had a name "Ottavia." It's total surface area was an astounding 13,580.28 ft²! 

Time for me to walk on down the road....

Friday, September 16, 2016

Sweet Lies: Sugar Industry Tried To Conceal The Role It Plays In Heart Disease

                                       Good Day World!

The sugar industry has been lying to us about how harmful sugar can be since the 60's.

Researchers recently revealed this coverup in a pair of papers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association JAMA Internal Medicine.

It was a bait and switch game from the start when the sugar industry's lobbying group diverted away from sugar's problems to focusing on fat as the main cause of heart disease.

It's fair to compare the sugar industry's approach to the same low life tactics used by the tabacco industry in the past. 

Cristin Kearns, a University of California San Francisco researcher who is focusing on the sugar industry, made the discovery when she found a collection of papers at the University of Illinois library fom the estate of Roger Adams, a chemistry professor who was a scientific adviser for the Sugar Research Foundation (SRF) - now the Sugar Association.

Adams papers and a papers from his colleague Harvard professor Mark Hegsted, sponsored a research program in the 1960s and 1970s that successfully cast doubt about the hazards of surcose while promoting fat as the dietary culprit in coronary disease. 

By the 1980s, the damage was done. New dietary directions focused on reducing fat, saturated fat, and dietary cholesterol.

Sadly, this is nothing new. Industry-funding and pressure can encourage researchers to look at one line of evidence while ignoring others.

This change of direction proved profitable for the giant food industry push of "fat-free" products that were loaded with added sugars and processed carbohydrates - now shown to be as big a cause of heart disease as fat, and also a direct cause of diabetes.

Is it any wonder it's getting harder to trust scientists and researchers these days? Greed knows no intellectual boundaries.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Alert: Patients Escape Mental Asylums and Infiltrate Political System!

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti." - Dr. Hannible Lecter 
                                     Good Day World!

Whose attending the mental asylum?

It appears the inmates have escaped and taken over the Republican party.

Donald Trump isn't the only crazy politician running around and proclaiming doom and upcoming violence for America right now.

I'd like to introduce you to Kentucky's Republican Gov. Matt Bevin. He might even be crazier than Maine's Republican Gov. Paul Lapage.

So what got Gov. Bevin identified among the escaped inmates?

In a speech he gave at the so-called Values Voter Summit (the irony is thick here) in Washington D.C., Bevin called upon conservatives to wage war against contemporary liberalism.

During Bevin's 15-minute rant he suggested that if Hillary Clinton is elected president, she would set the nation on a dangerous course that might require bloodshed to correct.

Crazy enough for you?

When you consider that a sizable portion of Donald Trump's followers are alt right wingnuts this kind of talk starts to get scary.

Some political observers have even discussed what would happen if Trump loses. The idea of riots breaking out has been explored.

Roger Stone, a close advisor for Trump warned "that if Clinton were to steal the election, her inauguration would mean civil disobedience, not violence, but it will be a bloodbath."

With politicians like Gov. Bevin calling for bloodshed if Trump loses there's a good chance some crazies will be inspired to follow through on the prediction.

What to do? It's up to you. Your vote could restore sanity to America and put the crazies back in the looney bin where they belong.

Hint...anyone but Trump.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Let There Be Light: America's 1st Lighthouse is 301 Years-Old Today

Good Day World!

The plain, yet dignified, lighthouse on the left is the first one ever built in the New World. 

It sits on Little Brewster Island, and overlooks Boston Harbor

The British forked up 2,400 pounds to build the important navigational aide which went into service on September 14th, 1715.

Fact: at the time the Boston Lighthouse was built there were only 70 lighthouses in the whole world!

Here's a nice summary of the Boston Lighthouse's history.

If you really interested in learning more about this famous landmark you can go on a cruise and visit the area where there are guided tours. 


What To Do On Boston's Waterfront

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...