Tuesday, November 17, 2009

There’s been a lot of undeserved awards going around lately…

Pat Oliphant by Pat Oliphant

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D.A. will prosecute medical marijuana dispensaries -- even if L.A. does not ban sales

Every time it seems like some progress is being made on the medical marijuana front someone like DA Steve Cooley throws a monkey wrench into the works.

Dist. Atty. Steve Cooley said today he will prosecute dispensaries that sell medical marijuana even if the Los Angeles City Council adopts an ordinance that does not ban such sales.

Read the whole story at the LA Times


Ship with 100 tourists stuck in Antarctic ice

This would be my luck if I finally gave in to my wife’s requests to go somewhere on a cruise. I think she’s even mentioned Antarctica as a possible destination.

The only time I ever went on out a boat was back in the early 70s fishing for Yellow Tail on a half-day boat. Between bouts of vomiting, I watched the other guys drink beer and catch fish. I think that trip convinced me to stay off the sea!

A Russian icebreaker carrying more than 100 tourists, scientists and journalists on a cruise around Antarctica has become stuck in the ice but is not in danger, a shipping company said Tuesday.”

Go to USA Today to read the whole story.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Photo via slightlywarped

The ‘bird’ brings a $250,000 fine for Bud

Wow! I sure hope it was worth it. Can you imagine?

A quarter of a million dollars has to be the most expensive “bird” that’s ever been flipped (flippantly I might add).

Will someone bring out the big book of records and see if a “digital” attack has ever cost someone this much money before?

The NFL has fined Titans owner Bud Adams $250,000 for making an obscene gesture at Buffalo fans while celebrating Tennessee's victory over the Bills.” Go to Yahoo News for the whole story.

More digging for bodies to come in Cleveland slayings case?

  I was born in Cleveland, Ohio and despite the fact that I wouldn’t live there now, I can’t help thinking about it at times.

 Usually when Cleveland comes up in the national news it’s because something bad happened there. Here’s a prime example: 

After authorities used thermal-imaging equipment and ground-penetrating radar to search outside murder suspect Anthony Sowell's home and a property next door in Cleveland, Ohio, FBI agents marked areas outside the home with spray paint, CNN has learned.”

Go to CNN for the whole story.

New audio CD of Bible had stars lining up

  Narrator Michael York takes listeners through the New and Old Testaments.

Gary Sinise is the voice of David. If Joseph sounds familiar it’s because Seinfeld star Jason Alexander is playing the part.

Luke Perry gets to play the villain, Judas. Louis Gosette Jr.’s deep baritone will represent John. Marisa Tomei plays Mary Magdalene.

I don’t think any of these are bad picks. But why did the producers have to get a British guy – Martin Jarvis, a voice-over actor, to play God?

Doesn’t He deserve a better known star portraying his omnipotent remarks? I think Bill Cosby would have been better. Now there’s someone who can do voices. But that’s just me. Who do you think would have made a better candidate for being God’s voice? 

Go to the LA Times to read this article.

Graphic via Google Images

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wineries don't advertise the 'fine' line between regular and vegetarian wine

ONE OF THE FEW- Out of 21 wineries in the Temecula area, Bella Vista Winery is the only one to serve vegetarian wine.

By Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 11/15/2009 01:27:15 AM PST

There appears to be a conspiracy of silence on the part of winemakers when it comes to the subject of vegetarian wine. That's right. Did you know there was such a thing as vegetarian or vegan wine?

I've visited wineries throughout California and never heard of vegetarian or vegan wine until very recently. While on a visit to relatives in Southern California, my sister told me and my wife that she had discovered them.

My sister has been a vegetarian most of her life and the idea that animal parts are used in the wine-making process literally sickened her. She had been drinking wine for about 10 years, blissfully unaware of this fact. Go to the Times-Standard to read the rest.

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Saturday, November 14, 2009

Did you know that…

A quarter of the world's plants are threatened with extinction by the year 2010.

Thanks to Sci Tech-Science

FACT CHECK: On bailouts, reformer credentials and more, Palin's bio goes rogue on some facts

 The lack of facts in Palin’s new book should come as no surprise to anyone who has followed her career. She’s tried to project a public image of this housewife turned political crusader, but has come up short on the “believe-ability” scale everytime. Reality has trumped her too many times for anyone – short of rabid gun-carrying fans – to take her seriously. Here’s what the Chicago Tribune had to say about her new book:

Sarah Palin's new book reprises familiar claims from the 2008 presidential campaign that haven't become any truer over time.
Ignoring substantial parts of her record if not the facts, she depicts herself as a frugal traveler on the taxpayer's dime, a reformer without ties to powerful interests and a politician roguishly indifferent to high ambition.
Palin goes adrift, at times, on more contemporary issues, too.
She criticizes
President Barack Obama for pushing through a bailout package that actually was achieved by his Republican predecessor George W. Busha package she seemed to support at the time.
A look at some of her statements in "Going Rogue," obtained by
The Associated Press in advance of its release Tuesday:”

Go to the Chicago Tribune for a look at some of her statements in her new book. Photo via Photo Bucket


Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...