Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I Had a Dream Last Night That This is All Just a Bad Dream

Good Day World!

It's a nightmare right?

No one could be so cruel that they would send the "Dreamers" - children of illegal immigrants who've spent their entire lives in America - back to Mexico and other south American countries... for revenge. 

No one, but Trump that is. 

Let's take his latest action where he announced (actually the Chickenshit had his puppet Sessions do it) an end to the immigration protection program called DACA.

There is no rule of law in the Trump era. He's on an mission. Every since Barrack Obama roasted him at a White House Press Dinner, Trump has been lusting for revenge.

The moment he slunk into the Oval Office Trump had his minions seeking out every bit of legislation, and executive order Obama signed in his two terms.

He doesn't give a damn what they were about. All Donny knows is that a black guy made fun of him and white supremacists didn't.

That nightmare, where he was publicly shamed, keeps playing over and over again in Trump's tiny brain. 

Americans have become mired in Trump's mission to dismantle the government and overthrow Obama's legacy.
We are part of his nightmare.

Like the walking-dead, people walk around in a haze, wondering when the government is going to come get them. Immigrants are the current recipient for Trump's wrath.

There will be others. Our Maniac-In-Chief is more like the boogeyman than a president. He'll make more people suffer too.

I had a dream last night that this is all just a bad dream.

Then my alarm went off, and I was faced with the reality that Trump was probably squatting on the toilet tweeting the mornings marching orders.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Good Journalism Still Exists in the Age of 'Fake' News

"He campaigned on applause-line policies: Anything that roused a response from his rabid adherents, he repeated and amplified. He never gave details because the details didn’t exist, and he wouldn’t have been able to understand and articulate them if they did." OpinionNY Times, 7/20/17

Good Day World!

There are two great newspapers in America that understand good journalism. They both are setting the gold standard for investigative reporting in the 21st century.

The New York Times, and The Washington Post.

It's no wonder Trump hates them both. Unlike CNN, Fox, or MSNBC, they really strive for fair and balanced reporting. They are the top two newspapers in the nation with millions of subscribers.

The people who read the NY Times and the Washington Post aren't interested in alternate realities presented by bias publications and websites.

Readers of these two newspapers have the ability to read beyond one paragraph, and to comprehend difficult issues facing our world.

As a retired newspaper editor and publisher, I know that mistakes can happen with the best of publications. When they do, a correction is run the next day.

This is just one of the differences between legitimate reporting, and sensational fact-free reporting which has become so prevalent. 

The news and the editorial sections are separated in the NY Times and The Washington Post, unlike most other publications where the two merge all too often on the front page.

My fellow journalists today face challenges I never dreamed of when I worked. The fact that more people are politically hardwired complicates the situation.

A straight fact-filled news story is suddenly challenged because it doesn't fit a certain world view; left, or right. This blurring of reality makes it that much harder to get the truth out.

The icing on the cake however is our president's loathing for the free press, who he calls the enemy. In spite of that, The NY Times and The Washington Post have managed to turn out great investigative stories that rival the Watergate reporting.

Make no mistake, The NY Times and The Washington Post are two of the last bastions of credible reporting in America. Fake and bias news has no place to hid in these publications.

You can fact-check them on numerous websites from PolitFact to Snopes to assure yourself your not reading someone's fantasy.

It's not that there aren't other good newspapers out there, it's just that they don't have the history or quality of reporting that The NY Times and The Washington Post have. 

Take heart. There's still some good journalism in America.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, September 4, 2017

Drunk in America: Which States Can Claim Bragging Rights?

Good Day World!

When it comes to lushes, Americans come in behind a lot of other countries that drink alcohol like water.

Russia, Germany, the UK, Italy, and France come to mind.

Among ourselves, the states that drink the most may surprise you.

For starters, they're in the northern part of the country. According to this link, here's the 15 most alcohol consuming states in America.

Brace yourself.

15. Massachusetts
14. Vermont
13. Ohio
12. Hawaii
11. Michigan
10. Alaska
9. Maine
8. Nebraska
7. Minnesota
6. Illinois
5. Iowa
4. Montana
3. Washington, D.C.
2. Wisconsin
1. North Dakota

So what's going on with North Dakota?

I'm not sure why California and Oregon didn't crack that list. I've lived in both, and they make a lot of wine.

Booze facts:

In most Muslim countries booze is taboo. That's really too bad when you think about it. It could really benefit Muslim men to tie one on now and then without being beheaded.

Just an observation.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Harvey Help, Heat on Trump, and Heat Thanks To Global Warming

Good Day World!

I felt like I should have been wearing some high water boots when I saw the photo optic of Trump kissing a black toddler in a Houston shelter.

It's going to take more than kissing adorable little girls to clean up Trump's act. He's been a bad boy lately and is getting desperate as the Russian/Trump campaign collusion investigation heats up.

The word is he's chaffing under his new chief-of- staff, Kelly, because he always acts like an adult and expects Donny to do the same.

I'm hopeful that Congress will pass a bipartisan bill for $6.7 billion in aide for Harvey survivors... ASAP. The money can come out of whatever funds Trump hoped to con Congress out of to build his fantasy wall. 

I'm also hopeful the unhealthy air quality in southern Oregon will get better sometime soon. Where I live in Medford, we have unhealthy air alerts daily. It's been that way for a couple of weeks.

Fires to the right of us, and fires to the left. Winds shift and the Rogue Valley becomes a scene out of downtown Beijing. Throw in triple digit temperatures, and it's downright ugly.

Fires burning all over the country. California, Arizona, Nevada, Washington, and Montana at last count. Maybe more today.

It's about climate warming. Everyone - but our stupid president and some of his minions - know earth temperatures have been rising dramatically and man-made emissions is not helping anything.

The sickening part of the so-called argument about Global Warming is that the someone who doesn't believe in what 97% of the scientists in the world says, is the leader of the free world!

It's hard not to feel doomed. It's also arguably a good time to buy a good gas mask with reserve oxygen tanks!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Donnie's Impending Temple of Doom

Good Day World!

The last time we looked in on Donny Little-Hands (the clown masquerading as our president), he was pardoning a convicted racist when Hurricane Harvey hit.

Since then he's visited Texas to see how bad things were on the ground after Harvey's devastation. In true Trump fashion he turned that event into a farce - gleefully noting all the people that came to see him.

Oh yea. There weren't any signs of devastation where Rump's press conference was held. And he didn't explore any further with officials.

The next day he bragged to reporters how he saw the devastation up close.


Our Liar-In-Chief has entered into the valley of investigations and into a Temple of Doom of his own making.

Obstruction of justice. That's the sign above the door of the Temple. Stump entered months ago.
His greeter was special counsel Robert Mueller who's leading an investigation into ties between his campaign and Russia.

Apparently the investigation is heating up in the Temple. News reports stating that Trump signed a deal for building a Trump Tower in Moscow - during the campaign - have emerged.

Financial ties are also among the obstacles Hump must navigate in the Temple of Doom.

Unlike the movie, where the hero gets out of the deadly Temple, Donnie isn't going to be so lucky.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, September 1, 2017

Very Short Stories, Sorry-Assed Congress, and How's Your Day?

Good Day World!

Who expects much to change in Congress when the clowns reconvene next week?

Show of hands.

Not me, that's for sure. The Republican majority in Congress has translated to zero progress. Not one major legislation passed. For eight years GOP leaders swore to repeal and replace Obamacare.

We all know how that turned out. Now, we have to hope they can pass a spending bill to keep the government operating. If Trump tries to tie his wall fantasy to that bill there's going to be a problem.

Donny Little-Hands has been mumbling about shutting the government down if he doesn't get his way. Will someone please slap that pouting man child and tell him to get real?

Moving on.

I started another blog called Return To As It Stands where I indulge myself in writing very short stories everyday. 
I do my best to surprise and entertain readers within the space of 800-900 words.

With Titles like, The First, and Last Dinner, Future Shock: The Test,  and A Day At The Operating Table, I'll  keep you guessing on how they end. Check it out.

Moving on.

How was your day? Care to talk about it? I have a comment section below if you do.

I just want to say that I love writing in it's many forms, and both of my blogs are labors of love.Thanks for stopping by.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Celebrating Our 43rd Anniversary With A Few Tips

Good Day World!

My world changed for the better on August 31st, 1974. That's when Shirley and I got married.

A few thoughts on staying together:

* Always communicate, no matter how angry you are at the moment. Never go to bed angry. Period. The anger just simmers and boils over the next day if you don't.

* Mutual respect. This attitude is often overlooked. Even when you don't agree with a stance your partner has taken on a subject, never turn it into an argument.

* Don't let politics divide you, especially in the Age of Trumpism. There's no subject worth that. If politics are an issue, choose not to discuss them.

* Give each other space. There's nothing wrong with pursuing different pastimes separately as long as they are within reason and don't lead to separation. There's a fine line here.

* The best advise I can give you is be friends. Best friends. Don't let that ever change. 

* Make a habit of finding time to pursue joint interests. Anything from going to yard-sales to going to concerts qualifies.

* Finally, life is too short. Try to live each day to the fullest as loving partners.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I'm back! After Some Tech Challenges 'As It Stands' is Back Online!

Good Day World!

I won't even go into why this blog has been inaccessible since July 20th - it's just too complicated.

The good news is I'm back, and will resume sharing my humble opinions with you.

In the gap between July 20 and now, I created another blog: Return Of As It Stands.

It features very short stories. I mean like only 800 or 900 words in length. But each packs a punch in a way that you won't soon forget.
I encourage you to check it out.

Meanwhile, returning to my opinionated self, I have a few quick observations:

Classic Trump - He makes Hurricane Harvey into an opportunity to fawn over the people who came to see him when he and wifey visited Texas. 

Some people are saying the pardoning of Sheriff Arpaio (the scourge of Latinos everywhere) is a prelude to pardoning his family and pals from any collusion charges with Russia.

Trump's handling of North Korea is enough to make atheists religious. 

I'm going to let you go for now. Take care.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, July 20, 2017

John Birch Society Making a Comeback in Texas Thanks To Trumpism

                                     Good Day World!

Much to my surprise, and disgust,the John Birch Society still exists. 

It's members have been dwelling under rocks waiting impatiently for a chance to re-emerge and spread their message of hate to a new generation.

That day has come.

In my day, back in the 50s and 60s, The John Birch Society took advantage of the Cold War to spread hate under the guise of patriotism.

Sound familiar?

In the last few years the John Birch Society has experienced a resurrection in Texas, the new epicenter for the group.

Gone is the organization’s past obsession with ending the supposed communist plots to achieve mind-control through water fluoridation. 

What remains is a hodgepodge of isolationist, religious and right-wing goals that vary from concrete to abstract, from legitimate to conspiracy minded—goals that don’t look so different from the ideology coming out of the White House

Here's an interesting irony:

The John Birch Society once thrived pushing the idea of Soviet infiltration in the U.S. government. 

Now, it wants to stop the investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling and possible collusion with Trump's campaign.

Once considered a group of extreme loonies, the Birchers have found a new supporter in Trump, and his wacky administration. 

Even the Republican Party, once considered mortal enemies of the Birchers, are now considered an ally. How times change.

Texas Gov. Abbott distrusts the federal government. Period. He's the same clown that when serving as a Texas attorney general, filed numerous frivolous lawsuits against the Obama administration.

But, Gov. Abbott, is really famous for a stunt that thrilled the Birchers back in 2015.

Some Texans feared that a U.S. military training exercise called “Jade Helm 15was a covert attempt by the federal government to invade the state, seize Texans’ guns, and imprison conservative citizens in abandoned Wal-Marts, Abbott deployed the Texas State Guard to monitor the U.S. military.

A Bircher-friendly move if I ever saw one. 

It's no wonder the John Birch Society is so optimistic these days, they have an ally in Texas, and the White House.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

When Is Trump Going to Dump Melania for Ann Coulter?

                                   Good Day World!

It would be a match made in hell.

Imagine that Trump got tired of Melania slapping his hand away every time he tried to hold it, and divorced her?

It would be number four, but Ann Coulter would really be his ideal partner. They both thrive on insulting people. They both love to tweet their inner frustrations and imagined victories. They both lie at the drop of a dime.

Coulter's latest rant...

...went late into Sunday night. She fired off a salvo of 32 combative tweets (not including re-tweets) at Delta Airlines because they made her move from her paid-for seat with extra room, to another seat, on a flight from New York City to West Palm Beach, Florida.

Coulter’s tweets were filled with insults to the airline’s flight attendants, employee screening and training, WiFi, even the woman who was assigned to Coulter’s original seat — she called her a "dachshund-legged" woman in one tweet.

After sustaining the barrage for more than 24 hours, the airline responded Sunday night.
We are sorry that the customer did not receive the seat she reserved and paid for,” Delta said in a statement posted to its website. “More importantly, we are disappointed that the customer has chosen to publicly attack our employees and other customers by posting derogatory and slanderous comments and photos in social media.
“Her actions are unnecessary and unacceptable.”
But Trump would have been proud if that was his woman. It's easy to see how much these two have in common. Their both rude and crude.
There was a scene out of the movie "Deliverance"  where a man starts dueling an Appalachian boy with his banjo. One plays for a moment, then the other responds. Great scene.
In a bizarre update, I can see Trump and Coulter dueling on twitter - each playfully insulting the other one and anyone else who dares to chime in.
Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...