Wednesday, April 3, 2024

What Can America Do About its Rogue Ally Israel?

What does a family do when one of its members suddenly turns on them? 

Whatever decision the family makes is going to be heart-wrenching experience.

One of the United States most trusted allies has gone rogue, and the world is watching angrily, and demanding Israel quit killing innocent people and aid workers.

The recent Israeli strike on a marked World Central Kitchen truck killing seven aid workers has become a worldwide catalyst for calling for a criminal investigation and holding the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) accountable.

Israel has faced calls from the U.S., the UK., Canada and Australia for a thorough and transparent investigation into the strike.

The man responsible for ramping up war efforts, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has been defying President Biden's efforts at a peaceful resolution for months now.

With this latest atrocity unfolding President Biden faces one of the toughest decisions in his entire political career - how do you punish Netanyahu without losing Israel as an ally?

Right now, there's mass protests in Jerusalem against Netanyahu and the war. Citizens are demanding Netanyahu resign from his office.

President Biden is facing the challenge of neutralizing Netanyahu without condemnation at home and in Israel. It's a perfect example of Catch 22. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.

Nevertheless, something has to change before the whole middle east is at war. It's heading that way swiftly.

The Biden administration could start by canceling current arms sales and in particular the sale of 15 fighter jets that will just result in more civilian casualties.

Netanyahu needs to understand America means business when it comes to achieving a peaceful resolution to the current crisis. Canceling these sales would get the warmonger's attention and force him to back off and start acting like an ally, not an enemy.

Doing this would help restore President Biden's credibility among the angry Muslim-American voters, and it would send a clear message to Israel that America wants the slaughter to stop, and peace negotiations taken up in earnest. 

As it Stands, like a family member who's gone astray Israel should be treated with tough love and welcomed back into the fold when they stop acting crazy. 

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