Tuesday, February 28, 2023

'Sedition Panda' Hunted Down and Arrested By FBI

The FBI has been hunting insurrectionists since Trump's attempt to overthrow our democracy on Jan.6, 2021.

It's been a long hunt that still continues to bring culprits in. Take Sedition Panda (aka Jesse James Rumson) who has eluded authorities until his arrest on Monday.

Frankly I'm amazed this maroon eluded capture for as long as he did. Online sleuths who helped identify hundreds of Capitol rioters dubbed him Sedition Panda in their search for him.

I'm reasonably sure those amateur sleuths helped the FBI who already knew who he was since they viewed the initial footage of the break in.

They knew what Rumson looked like because he wore the Panda head on and off during the storming of the Capitol and was caught on video and in photos with his face in full view.

During Sedition Panda's 15-minute tour of the Capitol he was seen on video encouraging rioters to breach a door, yelling, "Get a ram!" Later on, he assaulted a police officer, by grabbing his face shield.

It's obvious the faux bruin head didn't achieve its purpose of identity concealment because Rumson was either, 

A. Too stupid to realize there would be cameras all over the place, or

B. He was auditioning for membership in an exclusive MAGA fraternity for Trump cosplaying morons.

Anyway, shame on those who hunted him for so long before nabbing him when it's apparent he's no genius.

The only reason I can think of how Rumson eluded everyone for so long is because there's a secret underground MAGA cave system of interconnecting right-wing enclaves' fugitives can flee too.

Just a thought. 

As it stands, at last count at least 985 people have been arrested in connection with the Jan. 6 riot.

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