Sunday, October 2, 2022

Reincarnations I'd Like to See

Millions of people believe in reincarnation. 

This post is not about making fun of their beliefs. 

It's a parody about who I'd like to see that died and came back as ... let's just say something funny.

The Political Lineup

Donald Trump returns as a cockroach.

Lindsey Graham returns as a Pregnant Black Woman.

Matt Getz returns as a 16-year-old teenage girl.

Mitch McConnell returns as a Turtle.

Kevin McCarthy returns as an Ostridge. 

Margie Taylor Green returns as Black Illegal Immigrant from Ethiopia trying to cross the Mexican border into the US.

Bernie Sanders returns as a Superior Court Judge.

Joe Manchin returns as a poor coal miner somewhere in a red state.

Nancy Pelosi returns as a stockbroker for the stars and CEOs of major corporations.

Kyrsten Sinema returns as a traitor during the Civil War. (BTY - Historians still aren't sure which side she was really on)

Elizabeth Warren returns as senior bookkeeper for Elon Musk.

Tim Kaine returns as Micky Roony's doppelganger.

The Famous Leader Lineup

Vladimir Putin returns as a Ballerina in Russia's Bolshoi Ballet.

Xi Jinping returns as a gay Uyghur in charge of burning shit in a Chinese "re-education facility."

Kim Jong-un returns as Dancing Donkey performing for a circus located somewhere in Siberia.

Mohammed bin Salman returns as a trans Jewish prostitute roaming the streets of Riyadh.

Ali Khamenei returns as a Boy Toy for Benjamin Netanyahu and his hard right followers.

Recep Tayyip Erdogan returns as a Harem Girl in 15th century Turkey.

Famous Movie and TV Stars

Tom Hanks returns as the President of the United States.

Jon Stewart returns as a Supreme Court Justice.

Steven Colbert returns as mild-mannered Clark Kent/AKA Superman.

Mila Kunis returns as Volodymyr Zelensky's choice to lead Ukraine after he gets out of politics and goes back to being a comedian.

Meryle Streep returns as Queen Victoria during the height of her 63-year reign.

Sharon Stone returns as a Domitrix for MAGA followers who enjoy being punished.

It's been fun.

As it stands, thanks for stopping by and being part of the 14,000 plus daily readers that stop by to check out my ramblings.

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