Tuesday, January 1, 2019

#HappyNewYear - Welcome 2019!

                                       Good Day World!

Looks like we all made it for another year.

It's a chance for a clean slate, and to erase the bad memories from 2018.

I want to thank my regular followers, random readers, and new readers for perusing my posts last year. You make it all worthwhile.

As a retired newspaper guy, I still have the urge to write daily on news and views. I've even expanded my horizons by writing fiction daily on my other blog - The Creative Chronicles of Dave Stancliff. 

I'm looking forward to seeing our corrupt president pay his dues (with 17 investigations pending). You can be sure I'll be there to document the orange anus's fall from power.

Happy New Year!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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