Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A New Year But The Same Dummy For President - Hint: Shutdowns Suck!

                                       Good Day World!

Normally, when the first week of a new year arrives my biggest concern is getting the date right when I write a check.

What makes this year different is the concern I have about our government being paralyzed by a president who won't back down from a vanity wall that he promised his base.

Tomorrow, a newly elected Democratic House is going to take charge. Their first act will be to restore our government to functionality and stop making federal workers stay on the job with no pay. 

Note: There's a lawsuit to that effect going through the courts. 

One of the many ironies of Trump's insistence on a border wall is the funding for our Border Patrol and Homeland Security has been suspended thanks to his temper tantrum.

It's like a person shooting themselves in the foot and expecting something good to come from it. If Trump really cared about border security he wouldn't treat the men and women working our borders like pawns in a political game.

Today, Washington DC's biggest tourist attraction, the Smithsonian Museum, had to close.

From the Grand Canyon to Gettysburg, Acadia to the Everglades, the impact of this partial government shutdown is bring felt in every national park across America.

The IRS Effect

A shutdown plan posted on the Treasury Department’s website shows that nearly 44 percent of the IRS’ 80,565 employees will be exempt from being furloughed during a shutdown. 

That would mean nearly 45,500 IRS employees will be sent home just as the agency is preparing for the start of the tax filing season and ingesting the sweeping changes made by the new GOP tax law.

Health Care Affected by shutdown

Deep into a tough flu season, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will be unable to support the government’s annual seasonal flu program. And CDC’s ability to respond to disease outbreaks will be significantly reduced.

I could go on, there's many other adverse effects coming about thanks to this ridiculous partial shutdown, but I think you get the idea.

None of this should be happening.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...