Saturday, December 30, 2017

Goodbye To The Last Saturday of 2017

Good Day World!

We've experienced 51 Saturdays in 2017. Today is number 52.

I'm neither sad, nor glad. Maybe when tomorrow rolls around - the last day of the year - I'll feel something about the last 364 days.

Right now, I'm numb.

I'm 67 years-old, and have never seen a year that brought worse change to America than this one under Trump's regime.

It was like a political Pandora's Box opened and spewed out all of its vile contents; waging war on society.

War on morality. War upon minorities. War on immigrants. War on the LGBT community. War on the poor.

Having an illegitimate president who was aided by the Russians, has demoralized two-thirds of the country. Trump's approval rating is the lowest of any president since such polls were first taken in 1952.

On this last Saturday, I feel more like a survivor than anything else. I've witnessed with disgust, the rise of neo Nazi's and the KKK, and how our Disruptor-In-Charge has encouraged the so-called alt-right in America.

I'm tired of hearing the president of the United States lying every day. I still can't believe Trump's assault on all of our international allies.

Tomorrow, along with you, I'll celebrate the passage of this year, and hold high hopes for the next!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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