Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Internet and Smart Phones Are Responsible For Our Stressed Out Society

Good Day World!

Time to turn back the clock.

Before the Internet and smart phones, the world was a little simpler place.

The news cycle was slower. We didn't get the bad news instantly like we do now. In effect, we were less bombarded by negativity.

On bad news: It's what sells folks. Sorry, but it's true. The media plays to readership and apparently there's a lot of people who'll read a negative article before they'll look at a positive one.

Prior to the Internet and smart phones, most Americans were not locked into a 24-hour news cycle that not only shared every bad thing happening in America every moment, but the entire world too.

Today it's all about bad news on steroids.

Simple equation: the more bad news you hear the more likely it equals increased stress in your life.

As British novelist Richard Llewellyn once said, "Bad news has good legs."

I'll be real here for a moment: I know we can't turn back the clock, and that a lot of good things happen on the internet and smart phones.

Kinda like heaven and hell. You get 'em both.

The only solution - on an individual basis - is to stay off the internet and don't use a smart phone (there's actually simple phones that don't walk your dog or sing to you that you could get).

Can't change the world. But you can control how much stress you let into your life.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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