Saturday, April 6, 2013

What Fun! I spent a couple of days looking for Gold in Southern Oregon

I had a great time with my oldest son, Richard, the last couple of days. He’s been studying the area since he moved to Applegate a year ago, and had a list of sites for us to legally look for gold. We only had enough to to explore a couple of placer sites (that he’s thinking about claiming) and checked out a half dozen old lode mines and tunnels through mountains.

What a gold history Southern Oregon has! I never realized it. I got to learn about some history of the area (he had some good local stories about successful prospectors), along with geological information about where to look for gold.

Numerous books have been written by gold experts (where to look, etc), but there’s nothing like hands-on experience. You have to tromp around those mountains, ravines, gullies, and river beds with a sharp eye out to find the best place to set-up and take a shot at your fortunes.

If you’d like to know more about this subject (history & current gold info), here’s a couple of good links for you:

Gold History in Southern Oregon

Good Year in Mining – Updated Southern Oregon article 

It was a fun, but an exhausting time for my old bones! I don’t know how those old prospectors did it! I don’t think they lived for very long back then! Oh, did I mention the part about bears, cougars, and lots of snakes? thought I’d throw that it…

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