Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Reefer Madness, Gooey tar paralyzes 150 vehicles, and a Texas teen steps in a sinkhole

               Good Morning Humboldt County!

 C’mon in this blustery morning and have a hot up of coffee with me. Make yourself comfortable and pull up a seat, I have a trio of stories to start your day:


Reefer Madness: CA Cop Worries Legalizing Pot Will Make Window Washers Fall From High-Rises -- And Kill Passersby

Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department’s Robert McMahon has been drinking the Kool-Aid, and he is very worried about how decriminalized pot may affect California's future. His vision is straight ouf of a 1930s pot propaganda film.“What will happen to our kids if this stuff is legal? Think about 20 years from now what L.A. will look like?” he asks McMahon is of the following opinion:

“We’re talking about loss of work and collisions, work-related industrial injuries. Somebody comes to work stoned, and they are working some heavy equipment or up on a high-rise — a window washer that’s stoned — not only could he [or she] injure himself, but some of his or her negligence could cause someone else to be injured.” (emphasis added)

Gooey tar paralyzes more than 150 vehicles in Pa.

More than 150 cars were disabled and countless others damaged after a tanker truck spilled sticky goo along nearly 40 miles on the Pennsylvania Turnpike Tuesday night, officials said.

A leaking valve on the tanker, which was transporting liquid driveway sealant, caused black tar-like fluid to flood the highway, stopping motorists in their tracks as their wheels and undercarriages became mired in sludge.

The tanker began leaking near New Castle, Pa., and continued to spill sealant as it drove eastbound for 39 miles until it exited the turnpike at a service plaza in Oakmont, Turnpike spokesman Bill Capone said. The driver was not aware until getting off the turnpike that the tanker was leaking, Capone told

Sinkhole swallows Texas teen standing on street corner

Houston-area residents have to wonder if they'll be next after a teen who was standing on a street corner was swallowed by a sinkhole that opened suddenly when an underground water main burst. Giovanni Long, 16, told that he fell several feet and was under water for about 15 seconds as he tried to claw his way out of a hole 6 feet deep and 10 feet wide as he was walking in Kleinwood, a suburb northwest of downtown Houston.

"Everything beneath me crumbled," he told the website after the Monday afternoon incident. "I didn't know what to do." "I was trying to dig my way out of the hole, but the ground kept breaking back into me," added Long, who finally got out with a few scratches on his back and a sprained ankle. "It's funny now that I think about it ... but when it happened, it was actually scary." Why the 12-inch water line broke wasn't determined, but it's possible that recent rain after months of drought caused the ground to shift.

Time to walk on down the road…

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...