Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Welcome Wednesday: oil traders in hot water and other stuff


Good Morning Humboldt County!

I’ve got my cup of joe and am ready to go. How about you? Got a hot drink and a place to sit? Here we go:

Every now and then justice happens (usually randomly) and the bastards that send our oil prices sky high by illegal speculating get in trouble. I was happy to see two of the creeps got caught and sued for their 2008 manipulation of the market. Does this mean they’ll do jail time? I doubt it. With their money they’ll be able to manipulate our justice system (a little money will do you) and get the best lawyers money can buy.

Photo: A beagle drinks water from a puddle.

A study was recently devoted to the burning question; do dogs and cats drink differently? The results suggest that dogs do drink just like cats do ... but sloppier. Who knew? Who cared? And who paid these guys to do this study?

"We were able to show once the liquid got into the mouth, how it was transported through the mouth to be swallowed," study researcher Alfred Crompton, of Harvard University's Museum of Comparative Zoology, told LiveScience. [Read: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Dogs]

The evangelical Christian broadcaster whose much-ballyhooed Judgment Day prophecy went conspicuously unfulfilled on Saturday has a simple explanation for what went wrong -- he miscalculated.

Instead of the world physically coming to an end on May 21 with a great, cataclysmic earthquake, as he had predicted, Harold Camping, 89, said he now believes his forecast is playing out "spiritually," with the actual apocalypse set to occur five months later, on October 21. That ought to give everyone more time to get raptured I suppose.

It really cracks me up how these doomsday prophets recover so quickly when they’re predictions go south. No apparent embarrassment. No admitting that no man knows the date of the earth’s doom. Guys like Camping are so twisted that they just keep setting the doomsday date back. 

Sales staff snorted salt not drugs? Munich Re unit Ergo said on Tuesday sales agents photographed snorting white powder at a company-sponsored party were inhaling salt rather than drugs, just as the insurer struggles to shake a tarnished image.

The unit was responding to a report in German tabloid Bild, that published photographs showing sales agents snorting white powder from a table-top at an employee motivation party held in the holiday resort of Mallorca last September.

"The pictures published in Bild show a drinking game (Tequila Suicide) with salt, Tequila and lemon juice," the company said in a statement.The snorting of salt up the nose was part of the game.

Princess's "toilet seat" hat sells for $131,000

The much-mocked hat worn by Princess Beatrice to Britain's royal wedding last month -- widely described as looking like a toilet seat -- sold for 81,100 pounds ($131,000) on eBay, charities which will benefit from the sale said.


The only major Jane Austen manuscript still in private hands comes up for auction on July 14th, auction house Sotheby's said on Monday.

"The Watsons" by the prolific author of "Sense and Sensibility" is estimated by Sotheby's at 200,000-300,000 pounds ($323,800-$485,700).

"Probably written in 1804, this heavily corrected draft represents the earliest surviving manuscript for a novel by Jane Austen," Sotheby's said in a statement.

"The work, which was not published during her lifetime and remains incomplete, provides a fascinating insight into both her writing practices and her development into one of Britain's greatest authors."

Time for me to head on down the road…

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...