Monday, June 29, 2009

Sotomayor's decision reversed by Supreme Court today

By Dave Stancliff

Political pundits are salivating this morning with the news that one of Sotomayor's rulings was overturned.

In a ruling today, the Supreme Court said white firefighters in New Haven, Conn., were unfairly denied promotions because of their race.

This comes as a reversal for her at a time when she is the high court nominee. Sonia Sotomayors decision, while an appeals court judge, is coming back to haunt her at an inconvient time..

According to the Washington Post...

According to USA Today...

According to the Associated Press...

Thus far, nearly everyone has been in favor of Sotomayors appointment. Her confirmation process has been smooth, with just little bumps in the road.

Does that change now with this new ruling?

I suspect that it'll cause people to pause...but she'll get the job in the end.

image via Google Images

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