Wednesday, August 20, 2008

See Forums & Blogs in the T-S

I'll start off by eating crow for not knowing all of the T-S outlets for reader comment. When Nick Anderson called and wanted to know if I was going to respond to some reader's comments regarding my recent column - Presidential libraries, charities, corruption - I wasn't sure who, or where, to respond too!

If you weren't already familiar with the T-S Online Blogs & Forums, then allow me to say they are another great way to comment on stories that you like, or don't like. Today a PR guy for a millionaire, left a comment regarding the above story. He challenged me and claimed that his master was just a globe-trotting guy who would never make covert deals with our past president.

Guess what? I asked for a list proving what I said wasn't true, and offered to give him a list supporting my claims that a lot of professional people thought that it was. Stay tuned. We'll see what happens next. Meanwhile check out the T-S Blogs & Forums everyday for some interesting reading.

Onward and Upward.

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GOP Governors Unite in Fight to Stop Unions in their States

Six Republican Governors have gathered to warn their residents against the evils of unionization which they claim would threaten their jobs...