Monday, April 9, 2012


                            Good Day Humboldt County!

In an attempt to travel as many creative roads as possible, I sometimes write bad poetry. I paint and draw too, both equally unspectacular attempts at mastering the arts, but fun to do nevertheless. Besides writing my own mediocre poetry, I like parody. Today, I’m going to share an example. Fair warning: you may want to go to another website immediately to save your sanity! 


                                                                    The Political Pollster 
                                         (With apologies to Edgar Allen Poe‘s classic The Raven
                                                                         By Dave Stancliff

This year’s election is so dreary, I can’t help already being weary.
Voters listening to many a quaint and curious partisan issue are becoming leery.
While I nodded, nearly napping during the 6:00 news, there came a tapping,
As if some one gently rapping, rapping at my front door -
Only this, and nothing more.

Ah distinctly I remember, hoping it wasn’t a Tea Party member,
And how sick I was listening to them last December, an didn’t want to hear any more.
Eagerly I hoped they would go away, and never come back another day.
From my book of gripes - I knew their types, and that’s why I posted on my front door -
Political Hacks Not Welcome here, now or evermore!

And the person rapped again louder than before
Suddenly I got up from my chair and walked across the floor
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I stood repeating
‘Tis some visitor entreating entrance at my front door; -
That’s it, and nothing more.

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
Hey man,’ said I, or lady, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, while watching the news and didn’t hear you rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my front door; -
Darkness there, and nothing more!

Deep into the darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing
Listening, for the footsteps of The Pollster who had come here once before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
The only word two words I spoke were the whispered words, Political Pollster?
This I whispered, and an echo murmured back two words, …Political Pollster.
Merely this and nothing more.

Back into the house turning, all my soul within me burning,
Soon again I heard that tapping somewhat louder than before.
‘Surely,’ said I, surely there is someone outside my window;
Let me see then, what it is, and this mystery explore; -
‘Tis the wind and nothing more!’

Open here I flung the shutter, and saw the startled face of a Pollster who began to mutter,
“If I could just have some of your time…”
Political Pollster! Said I, thing of evil - false prophet for the masses! -
Whether tempter sent, or political party driven, I don’t want you at my window or door,
‘Get thee back into the tempest and the Night’s Plutonian shore!
Don’t leave a token, or written track, that would show you’ve been here before,
Political Pollsters will never be welcome here, now… or forever more!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

AS IT STANDS: ‘People Power’ is more than a slogan today

                    By Dave Stancliff/for the Times-Standard
  For the first time
in my sixty plus years, the phrase “Power to the People” is more than just a slogan. When I was a teenager in the sixties, it seemed like every group was using it. The Black Panthers, hippies and radicals had that in common.

It’s not like people didn’t join them, it’s just that most of the time the slogan was more of a siren call than anything really effecting change. The hippie’s philosophy of free love and flowers floating in air faded away with too many LSD trips, quietly disappearing into the “Me” seventies.
   The radicals, like the “Weather Underground” ( called on anarchists and disenfranchised minorities to wage war in America’s streets. Their version of people power was more like a scene from the apocalypse. In the end the group perished in a fiery shootout with police.
   Then there were the Black Panthers. Their message of “Power to the People” carried revolutionary tones and called for a new society where African-Americans would be treated equally. Their mission was to help struggling black communities. 
   African Americans are still fighting a race war for equality. The killing of Trayvon Martin, a 17-year old black male, by a neighborhood watch captain
highlights the deep racial divide that exists in Sanford, Florida and other parts of the country today. 
  His senseless death last month also proved something else; people have found a way to protest injustice and get results though the power of social media like FaceBook and Twitter. Both have galvanized millions to protest Martin’s death, forcing the local sheriff to step aside for a special investigation by a DA from another county. The FBI began a "parallel investigation" on April 2, focusing on whether Martin’s civil rights were violated.
  The Justice Department got involved at the request of Martin’s parents. They want the Justice Department to look into possible interference with the Sanford police investigation by State Attorney Norm Wolfinger's office.
  When Martin was killed it wasn’t front page news in Sanford. Despite having his cell phone, the police didn’t even contact his parents to notify them of his death. After three days the parents thought their son was missing and called the police for help. That’s when they were informed of his death.

   It wasn’t until someone tweeted a short message about a 17-year old boy shot dead by a neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, that word started circulating about the circumstances of Martin’s death. When people discovered Zimmerman hadn’t been arrested, they started asking questions; like why? They’re still asking that question today. 
   Millions of Americans have united to seek justice for Trayvon Martin. Instead of being a footnote in a small town newspaper, his case has cast doubt about the fairness of Florida’s controversial “Stand Your Ground” law and put a spotlight on the racial divide that exists in Sanford. 
   If it wasn’t for social media, I don’t think you would have heard about this young man’s death and the ensuing injustice of letting his killer walk free after a few questions downtown.
  The on-scene investigator, Chris Serino, filed an affidavit on the night of the shooting stating he was unconvinced by Zimmerman's account, according to ABC News.
  Whatever physical evidence that did exist (like his clothing), walked out with Zimmerman the night of the shooting. No blood samples were taken to see if he was drinking alcohol. Nothing. His word was good enough to let him walk.

 That is, until people started talking on FaceBook and Twitter. A perfect example of the power that common citizens now have. Another example, is what happened with the Susan B. Komen Foundation when they tried to play politics and not fund Planned Parenthood. The backlash is still being felt as the foundation struggles to recover lost donations,  membership, and credibility with women across the country.

  I trace this new found recognition of  people power to last year’s so-called “Arab Spring,” and the  Egyptian uprising that toppled the government of Hosni Mubarak.
  Since then, a new found confidence has sprung up worldwide, as citizens feel more empowered. A good example of how to tap into that power can be found at, a website with a platform dedicated to letting anyone start a petition.
   For better or worse, people can organize almost instantly now, and get their message across loud and clear. Standing on street corners and waving signs, hoping people will notice and perhaps honk their horns in support, doesn’t cut it in this new age of technology.
   The age of people power is here. You are part of a revolution that will forever change the way things are done by local and national governments. 
   As It Stands, it’s exciting to see the ascension of the common man, but now the question is; where will it eventually lead us?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Staying Alive: Camouflaged Toads Optical Illusion

 How many toads can you see in this photograph?

How many toads do you see?

Its amazing how they almost disappear on this forest floor in Panama.

There’s a good reason.

For them to stay alive in the tropics (where nearly everything is food for something else), such trickery is necessary to fool a hungry predator’s eye.


Stupid Sayings: ‘Guns don’t kill…people do’ Really?

          Good day Humboldt County!

One of the realities we all face in our journey through life is the possibility of facing violence involving a gun. I have heard the phrase “Guns don’t kill – people do,” and frankly consider it a cop out. The U.S. has the most open gun laws of any society on the planet. The result is predictable; more innocent bystanders are killed daily with bullets than in any other country in the world.

You can’t go one day looking through the daily news without finding incidents of gun play resulting in murders. People of all ages have access to weapons in our gun-happy society. Groups like the NRA play on people’s fears. They promote easy access to weapons in the name of self defense and lobby against any laws restricting the use of any weapon. Laws like the controversial “Stand Your Ground” law in Florida allows people to pull guns and shoot first – and then say they were afraid for their lives.

Cases like the shooting of Trayvon Martin illustrate how easy it is to kill an unarmed person in a scuffle and claim self defense. Despite the fact that the shooter, George Zimmerman, pursued Martin and created a confrontation, then claimed self defense. Zimmerman brought a gun to a fist fight that he started himself, and when Martin hit him he used the gun.

Innocent people, children, teens, and adults die every day from gunshot wounds. Yet, nothing can be done about it when you have groups like the NRA lobbying consistently to keep the flow of guns and ammo steady. They fight any laws meant to restrict sales, or the use of weapons, and get real ugly when asked to do so. It’s no wonder we lead the world on having the most murders of civilians by weapons.

 First here’s an excellent opinion piece on the subject:

Some examples ripped from the headlines today:

Shooter targeting blacks in Tulsa, Oklahoma?

Miami cops: Girl, 15, shot as she sleeps in her bed

Cops: Dad dies after shielding son, 8, from barrage of bullets

Walmart employee killed during robbery in Phoenix

For black parents in Pasadena, shootings give fresh relevance to 'The Talk'

I could go on, but I’m sure you get my point. Anyone in this country that wants a weapon can get it. Law abiding people, and criminals have no problem getting the weapon of their choice. The ensuing result is has gotten completely out of control. I wish there was an answer, a way we could cut back in the accessibility of weapons, but I know that’s not going to happen when you have gun and ammo makers getting rich and the NRA blocking any attempts to stop the deadly stream of weapons from being accessible.

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Friday, April 6, 2012

Man's horse-themed 'Pimp My Ride' parody goes viral

No doubt, this will be a trend setter among the horsey set…

The mysterious forces of YouTube have crowned a new viral video: Pimp My Horse, a parody of "Pimp My Ride" that flosses out a guy's mediocre nag with a styling unicorn horn, shutter shades and spinning rims. The spoof is spot on, and the horse owner's reaction to his new ride to "the clubs" is hilarious, but extra credit has to be given to the special effects that allowed them to seamlessly install a mini-fridge in the horse's flank and also place a bass speaker. Hopefully, the horse enjoys the attention and gets a little extra hay for generating all this buzz.

The Venus Project: Beyond Politics Poverty and War


   Good day Humboldt County!

Since the dawn of time mankind has strived for a civilization that allowed people to live in harmony and peace. It hasn’t happened yet.

We’re a war-like species that traditionally accepts the philosophy “Might makes right.”

Still, there are those of us that would like our journey through life to be peaceful. We try to attain a societal peace through various methods – forms of government and creating places that are model communities with peaceful values. Some of these communities are really offbeat. I ran across this “Venus Project” and thought it would be an interesting thing to share. I am in no way endorsing this project. My curiosity just led me here.

According to the creators, “The Venus Project offers a comprehensive plan for social reclamation in which human beings, technology and nature will be able to coexist in a long term, sustainable state of dynamic equilibrium.”


“The Venus Project is an organization that proposes a feasible plan of action for social change, one that works towards a peaceful and sustainable global civilization. It outlines an alternative to strive toward where human rights are no longer paper proclamations but a way of life.

We operate out of a 21.5-acre Research Center located in Venus, Florida.

When one considers the enormity of the challenges facing society today, we can safely conclude that the time is long overdue for us to re-examine our values and to reflect upon and evaluate some of the underlying issues and assumptions we have as a society. This self-analysis calls into question the very nature of what it means to be human, what it means to be a member of a "civilization," and what choices we can make today to ensure a prosperous future for all the world's people.

At present we are left with very few alternatives. The answers of yesterday are no longer relevant. Either we continue as we have been with our outmoded social customs and habits of thought, in which case our future will be threatened, or we can apply a more appropriate set of values that are relevant to an emergent society.

The Venus Project advocates an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any social system that has gone before. Although this description is highly condensed, it is based upon years of study and experimental research by many, many people from many scientific disciplines.” (Go here to read more and to see videos on the subject)

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Thursday, April 5, 2012


        Good Day Humboldt County!

 Sound is one pathway to the brain. If we’re blessed we have other pathways like sight, taste, touch, and smell.

Back in the day (hint early 60s), when tape recorders were pretty crude by today’s standards, I recall hearing my voice and asking who the hell was that?

The drone on that machine sounded like Alfred Hitchcock with indigestion! I couldn’t believe it was my voice, despite being there when it was recorded.

I remember speeding up the RPMs on records and listening to people sound like chip monks. It’s probably where they got the idea for the voices for Alvin and the gang. Despite the many advances in recording sound…my voice still sounds funny. Not like I think it should. You know what I mean?

Along those same lines, I ran across this interested article:   How would you sound on Mars?


If you could speak on Venus, you might sound like a deep-voiced Smurf — while on Mars, your voice could have the shallow ring of a higher-pitched Shrek. And if you enjoy the sound of a waterfall on Earth, wait until you hear what that tinkling would sound like on Titan. Researchers at the University of Southampton have simulated all these sounds, based on the physics of planetary atmospheres.

"This is the real deal," Tim Leighton, an acoustics professor at the British university, said in a news release. "It's as close as we can get to the real sound of another world until a future probe or astronaut actually goes there and listens to what it really sounds like." The sounds are being shown off over the next week at the Astrium Planetarium at INTECH, near Winchester, as part of a show titled "Flight Through the Universe."

Time for me to walk on down the road…

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Get Your Funk On With This Funky Town Illusion

Remember when South Park was in its very beginning? I remember there was this crazy dude character named Towelie, who was in fact a speaking towel whose only interest was getting stoned (?!).

Hilarious! If my memory serves me well, he was a result of a terrible army experiment gone wrong. Dunno why this animation below made me remember of Towelie, but I think it has something to do with that tuneWon’t ya get me down, to funky town” he sang all the time.

Anyhow, concentrate on the red dot in the middle of the .gif right, wait for the counter to drop to zero, and watch the black and white town turn colorful without consuming any illegal substances! Drugs are bad, illusions are awesome!



      Good Day Humboldt County!

I’ve been reading a lot of articles about how fat Americans are lately. Yes, fat. I know it’s more politically correct to say obese, but let’s face it…we’re becoming a nation of porkers! Each study I read gets more dire every year. For example:

An April 3rd article “Obesity in America: Rate Higher Than Previously Thought, BMI Unreliable

"Roughly 30 percent of Americans are obese, but when you use other methods, closer to 60 percent are obese," Dr. Eric Braverman, lead researcher and president of the Path Foundation, a nonprofit medical research group, told HealthDay. "We call BMI the 'baloney mass index.'"

From the Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

                                                       U.S. Obesity Trends - National Obesity Trends:

“More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese.
Approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese.”
[Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)]

                                                        Trends by State 1985–2010

“During the past 20 years, there has been a dramatic increase in obesity in the United States and rates remain high. In 2010, no state had a prevalence of obesity less than 20%. Thirty-six states had a prevalence of 25% or more; 12 of these states (Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia) had a prevalence of 30% or more.”imagesCAFOMLTJ

I could go on, but you have the idea. Now it’s time for the big announcement:

                The Big Announcement

My wife and I joined a health club and we’re both determined to lose weight and turn our jello-like muscles into ripped, rock-hard pythons! Well, Shirley’s not too interested in getting ripped. She’s all about getting her muscle tone back and losing a few pounds. Me too. I’m really not worried about sporting a six-pack, but any improvement would be a better look than my current man-boobs!

What I’m really excited about is there’s an indoor basketball court. I was Basketball Jones until fracturing my back in 1991, while playing in a men’s league in Palm Desert. Basketball was my favorite sports activity throughout school, while in the military, and with city teams from Cleveland, Ohio, to numerous cities in California.

Since my injury in 1991, I was barely able to play. I played in a men’s pickup league in Mack Town briefly before hanging up my sneakers. I finally had back surgery in 1995. It’s been a slow rehab. I have arthritic knees. But I have been walking for the last couple of years (with my beloved pug Millie) and it’s time for me to get serious about my rapidly deteriorating body. There’s a hot tub to soak in after I spend time on that basketball court…dribbling (and drooling) around and taking impossible shots because I have not attempted one since 1992.

Why now? Why not? My wife and I both want to be around for a while. Staying in shape should help. I figure it’s never too late to try. No pain. No gain. Stay tuned for a future post where I whine like a baby about how my much muscles hurt (or how I broke my ankle before taking my second shot at the hoop)! Meanwhile, TODAY IS DAY ONE!

Time for me to walk on down the road…    


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

There are 13 faces hidden somewhere inside in this optical illusion below. Can you find them all?


Free-Market Fans Encourage Rush for Off-Planet Real Estate

     Good Day Humboldt County!

 Mankind will never get tired of exploring. It’s in our DNA. What’s beyond that far planet? Or galaxy? Or universe?

 What roads lie ahead? While America is cutting back nationally on the space budget, private companies are yearning to to fill the void and to venture out and claim new worlds.

Dreams of otherworldly profits are motivating space settlement activists with a mind to explore, to claim foreign real estate. Who knows? Maybe Newt Gingrich is right and we’ll be colonizing the mood to mine it’s resources someday soon. Moon dust anyone?  (Above) Moon Colony Concept NASA/JSC -                

And in the news…

  “Getting to the moon is a noble and ambitious goal for any country, and other nations will probably follow in our footsteps here pretty soon. But private companies won’t go without the promise of profit, and until they do, space will be left unsettled, advocates say. The latest in a drumbeat of pro-colonization comes from the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, which is advocating the recognition of property rights on the moon or other celestial bodies. Space settlement activist Rand Simberg says in a new white paper that the U.S. should recognize land claims off-planet, which would allow for legal land titles sort of like the former Homestead Act. Moon land titles could be used as collateral for loans, or sold to raise money to develop the lunar landscape, he argues.

“It would have great potential to kick the development of extraterrestrial resources—and perhaps even the human settlement of space—into high gear,” Simberg writes.Other experts have weighed in on this before, noting that corporations have settled new worlds in the past. Recognizing property rights in space would fly in the face of the Moon Treaty, established in 1979, which outlaws private property claims. But the U.S. is not a signatory to that treaty.

It is a signatory to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, which prevents establishment of colonies on celestial bodies. But Simberg and others, including Alan Wasser, chairman of the Space Settlement Institute, argue that it prevents nations from doing the colonizing — not private corporations.”

Time for me to walk on down the road…

He's Back! This Time in Drag

While Donald Trump has inspired thousands of grifters from across the country few have reached the heights that disgraced former Congressman...