Thursday, August 12, 2010

Guest Blog - Six Months to Go Until The Largest Tax Hikes in History


I found this blog – Americans For Tax Reform – this morning. This article was written a month ago, but it’s still very timely.

I’m interested in non-partisan assessments of our tax system. If this article would have stayed away from some Conservative catch phrases like “ObamaCare” it would have more validity. Talking about “Three Great Waves” crashing down on the economy sounds a bit too partisan to me. Biblical even.

However, after reading the entire document (link provided below) I do agree with the contention that our taxation system is only going to stink more in 2011.  

From Americans For Tax Reform:

In just six months, the largest tax hikes in the history of America will take effect.  They will hit families and small businesses in three great waves on January 1, 2011:

(N.B. This version of the document contains even more tax hikes than the original version did)

Harlem Democrat Rangel's night for ethics amnesia

Image: Rep. Charlie Rangel's birthday party

Charlie’s “What me worry” attitude reflects a confidence that he’s going to get away with 20-terms of corruption.

And why not? That’s the culture in Washington, where the powerful don’t pay for their sins.

New York pols show up - some reluctantly - to congressman's bash

It was the antithesis of Chelsea Clinton's wedding — a glittering social event on the New York political calendar that many prominent politicians wished (very privately) they did not have to attend and hoped (very secretly) would somehow be canceled.

But Charlie Rangel's 80th birthday party and campaign fundraiser in the Grand Ballroom of the Plaza Hotel went off without a hitch Wednesday night . . . if you don't count the formal ethics charges filed against the 20-term Harlem Democratic congressman last month, his rambling and defiant defense of his conduct on the House floor Tuesday, and the last-hurrah aura to his re-election campaign. Grabbing a microphone at the beginning of the evening and abandoning any pretence of stiff formality despite the lavish setting, Rangel declared, "I've been to a lot of funerals, but this damn sure ain't no funeral, is it?"

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Frozen Gourmet: corpse of renowned French chef found in freezer

Maybe the headline should be:

“Daughter Rats out Mom who put Boyfriend in the Deep Freezer”

Or, “Woman endures Cold Shoulder from Boyfriend for Two Years before Telling Her Story” 

Here’s the story:

Body of Jean-Francois Poinard may have been hidden by girlfriend for two full years

Jean-Francois Poinard (Courtesy of Jean-Stephane Poinard)

“The corpse of renowned French chef Jean-Francois Poinard has been found in a freezer after his girlfriend confessed to her daughter that “something unfortunate” had happened to him.”

top image source

Slasker strikes again: Is Flint man the 17th victim of serial knifer?

FBI Joins Michigan State Police To Find Flint Stabbing Suspect


I’ve been doing research lately on serial killers (for a column) and have been following this sicko (police sketch shown here). So far, it’s hard telling what motivates him. The police are hesitant to say the attacks are racially motivated.

One of the most terrifying aspects of being attacked by someone like him, is that you can’t prepare yourself. He’s good at getting people off-guard by asking them for directions or other ploys. He picks older, and weaker, targets for his wrath. Then he strikes.

Somewhere, prowling the streets, this serial killer will meet his match (despite selecting apparently harmless victims). The night will come when he’s not going to be able to get away - and the police will confront him. Will he go down fighting? Or, will he quietly give up and go to prison? Once he’s behind bars, he’ll probably get someone to ghost write a book about his experiences. Someday, someone might make a movie about him.

But right now, he’s still prowling the streets looking for a victim to senselessly stab. His single-mindedness speaks of cold anger. Maybe he’s reading the newspapers, and what they’re saying about them. Maybe he likes the publicity. Maybe he just doesn’t care. If that’s the case, then he’ll die with his knife in his hand…cursing the world. 

Stabbing victim: Assailant resembled police sketch, but had an accomplice

“A 47-year-old man who was stabbed multiple times Saturday in Flint, Mich., may be the 17th victim of a serial killer prowling the city.”


Israeli held in investigation of serial stabbings

Looks like the cops got their man. The guy wasn’t even an American. There’s one thing this story doesn’t mention: twice, after attacking people, he was seen getting a ride from someone. Where’s that guy? 

Stange Science: Invisibility cloak made of silk created

Image: Silk and resonator

I guess I’ve seen it all now. You can put on a cloak and be invisible.

I’ve read many books, mostly fiction, that employed the use of a fabled invisible cloak. Now it’s a reality! Forgive me, but all I can say is…wow!

Biomedicine, defense may benefit from scientists' research

For the first time ever, scientists have created an invisibility cloak made from silk, and coated in gold.

Invisibility cloaks, along with their optically exotic cousins, perfect absorbers and perfect reflectors and others, belong to a special class of materials known as metamaterials. Unlike most materials, which derive optical properties like color from their chemical make up, metamaterials derive their properties from the physical structure.”

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Where was Ripley’s? A pea plant grew in a man’s lung and the guy survived

This whole incident has me wondering if other plants have managed to grow inside of people? Just think if a marijuana seed did like this pea seed did…no…I guess that wouldn’t be good either.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The Rites of C.A.M.P : annual weed pulling time while wearing assault gear and carrying weapons

Like every year, it’s no secret C.A.M.P is in the hills hunting for outdoor marijuana patches right now.

For nearly 30 years, the Campaign Against Planting has waged a quixotic battle to eradicate California's outdoor marijuana industry.

Last year was a record year for C.A.M.P, with 4.4 million plants seized. Authorities expect to match that figure this year, and they hope to surpass it to keep the federal funding flowing for next year.

Has C.A.M.P made a difference these last three decades? Obviously not. Every year they pull more plants, and the planters compensate by growing more. The price of outdoor pot has actually gone down because of it’s availability. There’s other factors involved, but the point is C.A.M.P is a monumental waste of taxpayer money!

Excerpt from article: 

"CAMP is an enormous waste of money -- I've even heard law enforcement refer to this as helicopter rides," said Margaret Dooley-Sammuli of the Drug Policy Alliance in Los Angeles. "It's fun for them, but spending this money on that doesn't do any good, and that's a shame when we're in such dire budgetary shape on all levels."

So what does the C.A.M.P crowd think about their annual eradication efforts?

Excerpt from article:

"I think we are making a difference," said CAMP spokesperson Gregory. "There are still plants out there, but at the same time, the way we look at it, they are willing to defend their grow sites, so we're obviously impacting them monetarily."

Really? They defend their efforts by trotting out the assumption that they’re “impacting them (the growers) monetarily?” How stupid is that? If C.A.M.P is negatively impacting the growers why do they grow more every year? That’s according to C.A.M.Ps own statistics. Why do these wannabe air-borne warriors in their helicopters and assault gear, keep coming back every year?

You probably already know the answer. It’s no secret. C.A.M.P gives the local law enforcement agencies money to pay local Rambo-types to tromp through the hills.This helps struggling departments with their budgets. The state may cut back on them, but those wonderful Feds show up every year with green in their hands - and the dictate: “Go forth and have some sport, while pulling weeds for Uncle Sam.”

Anyone who has spent time researching the years of futile Summer raids knows they’re like playing a game on a Merry-Go-Round. Nothing changes no matter how many times you spin around. Well, one thing does change. The funding for C.A.M.P goes up every year, while other federal services are failing for lack of funds.

This year the clowns are spending $3.6 Billion on their vendetta against marijuana. Yea…Billion. Hmmmm…I don’t know about you, but I could think of other federal programs I’d like to see funded with that money. Programs where the public actually gets their moneys worth by helping average Americans, and not just some local law enforcement agencies suffering cutbacks in the State of California.

Murdering ‘Mundanes’ - The Order of the Nine Angels Mission

Order Nine Angles

I was doing some research on secret societies this morning and ran across this one.

I’ve never heard of it, so it got my interest enough to share it with you.

The Order of Nine Angles (ONA) is an ostensible secretive Satanist organization that surfaced amongst the people of United Kingdom is 1980s and 1990s:

The society professes to be the followers of Satanism and regard it as highly individualized pursuit to create self-excellence and wisdom, by facing challenges and overcoming the physical and mental limits. At present, ONA is organized around secret cells known as traditional Nexions, and around in its words the sinister tribes. The ONA’s writings strangely consider human sacrifice as a means of eliminating the weak and claim that its sinister tribes are an important part of its sinister strategy to fabricate a new, tribal-based, more ominous way of life, and to disturb and eventually conquer the ordinary societies of what it calls the mundanes.

Let’s take a trip today to the world’s strangest museums

museum-bad-art-229x300[1] Across the world, there are museums of history, of art and of science. Some of the most famous include the Louvre, the Smithsonian and San Francisco’s Exploratorium.

But for as many famous museums as there are around the world, there are just as many strange museums. To make it on this list, the wackier museum is the better. My favorite is:

The Museum of Bad Art

Founded in 1993, the Museum of Bad Art is “the world’s only museum dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and celebration of bad art in all its forms.” Their mission: to bring the worst of art to the widest of audiences. With a collection of more than 400 pieces between two museums in Dedham Square and Somerville, Mass., these museums give new meaning to “can’t color between the lines.” See the Museum of Bad Art

How rude! Why boorish behavior makes us cringe

#29829 Clip Art Graphic of a Group of Rude People Holding up Their Middle Fingers by DJArt

Witnessing rudeness ruins a good mood — and could even put hospital patients at risk

“Rudeness, even if it’s not aimed at us, can derail a day. It can spoil a meal and ruin a good mood. It can hamstring creativity and hamper job performance. It makes us feel uncomfortable and conflicted: We don’t want to be involved, but we feel like we should be.

As it turns out, people can be so distressed by rudeness they’ll stop patronizing a business after witnessing one worker berate another, researchers reported in a study published in the August issue of the Journal of Consumer Research.”

image source

Monday, August 9, 2010

Here’s a list of 10 cool Castles and Palaces that would be interesting to visit

Sit back, click here, and enjoy viewing some really stunning castles and palaces.

HERE’S MY FAVORITE - The most famous of three royal palaces built for Louis II of Bavaria, sometimes referred to as Mad King Ludwig, the Neuschwanstein it’s a royal palace in the Bavarian Alps of Germany.

Begun in 1869 and left unfinished at Louis's death in 1886, the castle is the embodiment of 19th century romanticism. In a fantastical imitation of a medieval castle, Neuschwanstein is set with towers and spires and is spectacularly sited on a high point over the Pullat River gorge.

The construction of the castle was carried out according to a well thought-out plan. The castle was equipped with all kinds of technical conveniences which were very modern, if not to say revolutionary at that time. Running water on all floors.

There were toilets equipped with automatic flushing on every floor. A warm air heating system for the entire building. American tourists are already familiar with Neuschwanstein; the sleeping beauty Castle in DisneyLand, was modeled on it. (Photo by grotsasha)

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...