Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pill-Popping Pitbull Needs Viagra to Live

A veterinarian suggested Viagra as a solution to keep the small pooch up and running.

And it appears to be working.

Read all about Ingrid’s (photo right) harrowing life and why Viagra is saving it.

Here’s a good read for a Saturday

Friday, May 14, 2010

Stupid is, stupid does: Palin still says ‘drill,baby,drill’

Image: Palin

Sarah Palin will say anything such as Obama would ban guns if he could just to please her audience.

In this case, for the National Rifle Association members who’ve been waiting with baited breath for someone to dare introduce ANY anti-gun legislation.

It’s been 18 months since Obama took office and they’re still waiting. They’re still cleaning their semi-automatic weapons every night, dreaming of parading down streets with them on their backs in a “patriotic” protest. I kinda feel sorry for the fools, but if they want to live their lives fearing someone is going to take away their weapons…so be it. One of these days their parade will come. So don’t worry loyal NRA members, you’ll get your dues worth someday when CNN shows you trying to shoot skeet on the White House Lawn!

 In her usual clever way, Palin is encouraging “mama grizzlies” to vote all Democrats out of public offices in November. Her desire to see Alaskadrill, baby, drill” is still strong, and it makes you wonder about those articles regarding her and her Big Oil buddies while she was in office. You have to hand it to her though, at the end of the day she got PAID for(and folks that’s why she decided not to finish her term as governor, because it paid peanuts compared to what she could get for public speaking and writing -more like dictating to someone who could write- right-wing rhetoric.

Listen folks…Kagan is an average American Aaand …


Cartoon source: Mike Lester / The Rome (GA) News-Tribune,

High on pot initiative passing? Intrade has investment for you

Somehow I just knew Wall Street vultures would figure out a way to make money BEFORE marijuana became legal.

I call it the Goldman-Sachs effect.

The Intrade prediction market, an on-line trading network that enables investors to buy and sell shares based on forecasting events, is trying to cash in on curiosity over the outcome of California's November vote on legalizing marijuana for recreational use.

Go here to read more.            Image Source

Friday Trivia Corner: World’s strangest vending machines

Image: Fresh Pizza, Italy

The world’s first vending machine apparently dates back to the first century, when Hero of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician, devised a coin-operated mechanism that would dispense holy water.

Perhaps because that was such a tough act to follow, vending machines didn’t really evolve again until the 19th century, when Industrial Age machines started selling postcards or gum.

From pizza to a bar of gold, the oddest items — instantly

PHOTO: ‘Let’s Pizza” machines, found in a few shopping malls and airports in Italy will make an individual pizza from scratch in just under three minutes for $5-$8.

Family sues teacher in taped beating of student

I have never heard of a woman teacher beating up a teenage boy in school. Maybe I’ve led a sheltered life. I don’t know.

The odd thing about this situation is there’s no explanation why she beat the boy up. I have to think he really pushed her button damn hard to have her react like this.

Not knowing these details makes it hard to understand how this could happen. The boy might have attacked her and she just got the better of him. Who knows?

Attack at Houston, Texas, school was caught by classmate on a cell phone

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Recycled cigarette butts keep steel pipes from rusting

Okay…I gotta hand it to the Chinese. Recycling nasty cigarette butts is a stroke of genius. Now, if they’ll just tie it in with the toxic drywall they’ve been selling us, homeowners can coat all the steel fixings in their house effectively stopping the toxic fumes from rusting them.

Call it serendipity. Call it whatever you want. No one knows toxic better than the Chinese.

China scientists find use for cigarette butts:

Toxic chemicals can be recycled to protect steel pipes from rusting

Photo source

It’s nice to know that our Canadian neighbors can get as stupid as us when it comes to sports!

Image: Habs fans


41 arrested in Montreal after big Canadian win

Canadians fans celebrate in Montreal following a win against Pittsburgh in the Stanley Cup playoffs on Wednesday.

View related photos


U.S. split over Ariz. immigration law

Image: U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva

I’m simply amazed that 12 other states are considering enacting the same draconian law that Arizona has.

Protests draw attention, but crackdown has sizable support

U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) denounces Arizona's tough new immigration law on April 24, 2010 in Tuscon, Arizona.

Grijalva, who shut his Tuscon office the day before because of death threats, called for an economic boycott of Arizona because of the new law, which he called racist.

At the same time, polls show significant support for laws like it, and lawmakers have introduced similar measures, or have announced plans to do so, in at least 12 other states.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

New Political Party – Tea Baggers on Steroids?

Take note of this new party – ‘A Third Position’  

A3P Activists Join Tax Protests Across the Nation

If you ask me, their party message, “The message of liberty, sovereignty, identity”  conceals a darker side to these people’s goals.

They have been courting tea party members who think their “on the right track” to saving America…from everything. They think Arizona’s new immigration law is great. They sound like a new Tea party on steroids if the following is true:  

According to Alexa, the premier website for web-traffic metrics, the American Third Position has the most trafficked party website in the U.S, followed closely by the GOP, whose site has been online for over a decade. In only 4 months, the A3P has grown from but a small handful of people into a national network of growingly-sophisticated political activists.

A3P members say:

“With certainty, had the establishment not cut off all routes to the democratic process for those with differing opinions – aka Americans – this superior performance would be reflected in the composition of the body of politicians who determine the course of the nation.

As the political establishment continues to attack the American way of life, the party will inevitably grow stronger. The website ranking will follow accordingly.”

A3P: 18,409 -GOP: 19,544 -DEM: 24,356 -LIB: 24,423 - GRE: 125,027 - CON: 167,893

Trump's Repeat of a Quid-Pro-Quo Offer Might Get taken Up This Time

         It wasn't that long ago that Trump approached Ukraine's president Zelensky with an offer to send military supplies in exch...