Monday, April 12, 2010

NYT: Doctors ‘tune in’ to hallucinogens again

Scientists study use of psychedelics to treat depression, anxiety, addiction

"It was a whole personality shift for me," says Clark Martin, a retired psychologist, on his participation in an experiment with a hallucinogen.”

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Photo by Alan S. Weiner for The New York Times

Sunday, April 11, 2010

As It Stands: Tea Party Utopia: no taxes, no government

Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 04/11/2010 01:27:11 AM PDT

Give me liberty! Or, at least a tea party.

No. Not that kind. Not a party where women gather to sip tea, munch sweet confections, and exchange lively conversation. I mean the kind our forefathers had when they dumped the British tea into Boston Harbor. They were fed up with paying taxes on the popular beverage.

Have you had the opportunity to go to a modern, political tea party? Perhaps you've seen one on TV. They're messy affairs attended by people holding up misspelled signs and posters that show President Obama painted like the Joker in the Batman movies and comics.

Tea Party members fear (in no particular order) that Obama is the Anti-Christ, he's not really an American citizen, and he's a Communist. I've yet to see persons of a minority race at a political tea party. I'm not sure why that is. It would be nice to see the mainstream media showing tea party rallies that include people of different races calling to “get their country back.” I don't think that's happened yet. I could be wrong.

Go here to read the rest.                                                             Image source

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Brutal bullies: What makes kids cruel?

Case of tormented teen raises disturbing questions


“Research into bullying didn't start until the 1970s, when psychologist Dan Olweus began to study the phenomenon in Norwegian schoolchildren. In fact, much of the study was triggered by the suicides of several young victims of bullying, said RenĂ© Veenstra, a sociologist at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.”

photo source

Friday, April 9, 2010

Doses of reality: what’s changed in your health care under the new law? readers reveal the real-world impact of changes coming to the health care system. Who benefits? Who pays? And when does it all hit home? Interested in having your situation profiled? Submit your story below.

Higher taxes, but firm may get price break


Name: Gary Kean, 57, Sherman Oaks, Calif.
Occupation: Partner, consumer electronics sales company
Household income: $150,000 to $250,000
Current insurance: PPO through an employer health plan.”

States That Might Have Been

Are you from Nashville? Had history gone in an ever-so-slightly different direction, you'd call your home state Transylvania. The book “Lost States: True Stories of Texlahoma, Transylvania, and Other States That Never Made It” tells the harrowing true story — but here are other almost-states.




This post first appeared here.

Antibacterial in soap comes under U.S. scrutiny

Clay sculpture of an ugly green germ character holding a bar of antibacterial soap and daring you to use it Clipart Picture

Animal studies linked chemical to altered hormones, antibiotic resistance

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Thursday it was reviewing the safety of triclosan, a widely used antibacterial agent found in soap, toothpaste and a range of other consumer products.”

Related stories:

Anti-bacterial soap under FDA scrutiny

Spring allergies in full bloom                  Image source

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April 19: dual pro-gun rallies set for Washington D.C.

NRA148.jpg NRA148 image by banks272

It just doesn’t make sense. Why is the pro-gun crowd scheduling two 2nd Amendment rallies when their rights are not even being threatened? What’s the real purpose for these gatherings?

Not one law has been passed restricting guns since Obama has been in office (18 months). As a matter of fact, people can now carry guns in National Parks and can even get a concealed gun permit easier now than ever before. Utah and Florida just passed laws that allow then to sell concealed gun permits to people from all over the country. Apparently, the other states are going along with this arrangement. Does that sound like a reason to parade around with guns and demand the country back? Does that sound like their Constitutional rights are being threatened? Hardly.

I wish the NRA crowd would stop rabble-rousing for no reason other than they hate Democrats, liberals, and the current administration. Calling Obama a dictator is ridiculous. He’s not the one that violated out privacy rights and lied to us. That was Bush and the boys who effectively destroyed the economy before they were voted out of office by a majority of Americans.

You want to know whose really going to benefit from these rallies? Gun and ammunition dealers. Thousands of fearful Americans will be motivated to “protect” themselves by buying weapons when they listen to the lies the powerful gun lobbies plan on spewing. It’s a pity that fear leads to lies, and lies lead to violence, and that it’s used like a hammer to brainwash people who live on rhetoric and sound bytes.

It would be nice if these NRA types would explain what part of their country that they want back? What exactly is missing? In addition, these gun lovers should also explain exactly what part of the Constitution is being violated?

Another question you may want to ask is why did these groups pick April 19th? It’s a Monday and not really a good day to have a big rally. It’s also the day Timothy McVeigh bombed the government towers in Oklahoma. April 19, 1775 isn't some sort of banner day in Revolutionary history either.

Hypocrites all! There's been no threat to the 2nd Amendment by Obama. These "rallies" are nothing more than an excuse to stage a heavily-armed gathering designed to viscerally intimidate thinking Americans...

One last thing; if you have a chance to see these rallies take a good look at the complexion of the attendees. Then tell me afterwards how many were of minority races. But don’t take my word for it. Watch with your own eyes and take a good look at these “patriots” (hatriots?) who want “their” country to turn back the clock to the “good old days.”

Here’s what’s coming to Washington, D.C. 


They remain under the radar for now, but expect to hear a lot more about the dual April 19 rallies that will bring anti-government and pro-gun groups to the Washington region.

Both events are scheduled to coincide, organizers say, with the 235th anniversary of "the shot heard round the world" in the battles of Lexington and Concord.

The "Restore the Constitution" rally in Fort Hunt National Park in Virginia, right on the Potomac near Mount Vernon, will be a showcase for the Oath Keepers, the year-old coalition of "currently serving military, reserves, National Guard, veterans, Peace Officers, and Fire Fighters."

Founder Stewart Rhodes describes Oath Keepers' mission as "to stop a dictatorship from ever happening here."

Attendees are encouraged to bring firearms; an oath will be administered on the scene.”


The second rally to watch is the Second Amendment March, organized by Gun Owners of America, Larry Pratt's group that reliably goes further (and acts faster) than the NRA in backing conservative causes.

Speakers at the grounds of the Washington Monument will include Dick Heller, the D.C. resident whose Supreme Court win overturned the District's gun laws -- if not to the extent to preclude the following rules from being given to marchers -- and ... Stewart Rhodes.

1. NO UNLAWFUL POSSESSION OF FIREARMS, ammunition (including empty cases), or magazines (including empty). There is no reciprocity with any states to speak of, no recognition of licenses issued by other states, no provision for non-residents to exercise their 2A right in D.C.

2. If you do not intend to comply with item #1, do not attend.

Image source

Tired? Depressed? It may be hidden allergies

Fend off headaches, yeast infections and possibly depression

See what's been found, and how to control your allergies to alleviate each problem.

“Just a few weeks ago people across the country were digging out of snow, now a summer-like snap has everyone outside enjoying the weather, except people with allergies. Along with the heat, a pollen explosion has taken over most of the U.S.”


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anyone can deny facts and be uninformed – even a doctor

Jack Cassell

(Original source)

Florida Doctor Warning Away Obama Voters Admits He Doesn’t Know What He’s Talking About On Health Care

“A local TV station in Florida spoke to one of Cassell’s patients, who said that while the doctor’s care has been “wonderful,” he’s never going back after this political stunt. “Keep politics out,”It’s not surprising that Cassell doesn’t have the full facts said patient Steve Berger. “I mean, he can have his opinion, but what’s the next sign saying? If you’re Catholic, you can’t come? Or you’re an Arab, you can’t come in, or you’re a Jew? It has to stop somewhere.” It’s not surprising that Cassell doesn’t have the full facts on the health caren the health care law. While he wasn’t even aware that the Affordable Care Act could be accessed online, hekeeps Republican materials in the waiting roomfor his patients to read. As Colmes pointed out, the National Association of Home Care and Hospice actually praised the new law.

Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) has said that he is helping a constituent who was affected by Cassell’s sign file a complaint. In response to this news, Cassell said, “I think he [Grayson] really seriously needs to see a psychiatrist, number one, because he needs to be on some kind of medicine.”

Cassell insists that he’s not actually turning patients away, but as of this morning, he told Fox and Friends that his sign is still up

Overtaxed homeowners start to fight back

Image: Stuart Sendell

My sister, who lives in San Bernardino, appealed her property taxes last year and won. She got a sizable reduction. The whole process was easy, according to her.

I don’t know how many people who own homes can do this, but I think everyone should look into it if their property has been devalued by the recession. 

Millions paying property taxes based on value of home before bubble burst

PHOTO - Stuart Sendell, a retired mortgage banker living in Morristown, N.J., appealed his property assessment — and ultimately lowered his taxes by $5,400 per year.

American Soap Opera: The Trials and Tribulations of Trump

Soap operas are a good example of Americana and have been around since the late 1940s.  Days of our Lives and All My Children  were just t...