Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Humboldt Cooperative plans for the future

Dave Stancliff/For The Times-Standard

Posted: 09/08/2009 01:27:14 AM PDT

Dennis Turner isn't afraid to walk between two worlds if it means he can achieve his goal of helping people.

He knew when he started The Humboldt Cooperative in Arcata in November of 2003 that nothing but challenges lay ahead.

Challenges don't bother him. He's used to them. His roots are deep in Humboldt County's history, since his family first moved to the area in 1890. While Turner grew up in the Santa Rosa area, he was no stranger to Humboldt County and often visited his “Uncle Jimmy,” who lived in the area. He also married a local girl named Martha.

In 1973, Turner launched his career in helping people as a guidance counselor at McKinleyville High School. By 1978, he was running a research team for the Department of General Services in Sacramento.

He received his master's degree in career counseling at Humboldt State University in December of 1994 and went to work for the Department of Rural Human Resources in Crescent City. After six years, he became restless and decided it was time to move on.

By 2000, the times were changing as to the role of marijuana in society and Turner became interested in the therapeutic aspects of the controversial herb. Convinced that cannabis was good thing for those who needed it, he researched what it took to start a medical marijuana clinic. Click here to read the rest at The Times-Standard.

Monday, September 7, 2009

President Barack Obama to Make Historic Speech to America’s Students tomorrow

 The controversy surrounding this speech is, in my opinion, without merit. How many other presidents have addressed the nation’s students? Why is it suddenly a bad thing because he did?

I went off on this subject (I do regret getting so irritated that I was starting to sound like a wackaloon myself) a few days ago because I was fed up with the lies that were being told about Obama being like Hitler, or wanting to get back at the Whites for their use of slavery earlier in this nation’s history.

If you’ve listened to what the opposition (that’s anyone who thinks anything Obama does is wrong) you’ve no doubt heard some outrageous accusations. What’s behind this movement?

Here’s what I know. CNN has reported that Lyndon LaRouche has been organizing the so-called “Tea-Baggers” to disrupt any town hall meetings on health care, and to boycott this speech today. That’s a fact.

LaRouche, a nutcase himself, is finding like-minded people and conducting a witch hunt (think the “Birthers) who are afraid of a black men! That’s right. If you don’t think that racism plays a major part in the attacks on Obama I invite you to go to numerous right-wing blogs and find out what they’re saying.

I know what I’ve seen and read, and I defy anyone to deny that. When he is compared to a monkey you have to know where that’s coming from.

From ed.gov  - The U.S. Department of Education:

“During a special address on Tuesday, the president will speak directly to the nation's children and youth about persisting and succeeding in school. The president will challenge students to work hard, set educational goals, and take responsibility for their learning.

The U.S. Department of Education invites students of all ages, teachers, and administrators to participate in this historic moment by watching the president deliver the address, which will be broadcast live on the White House Web site (http://www.whitehouse.gov/live/) and on C-SPAN. We also encourage educators to use this moment to help students get focused and inspired to begin the new academic year. The Department of Education offers educators a menu of classroom activities—created by its teachers-in-residence, the Teaching Ambassador Fellows—to help engage students in the address and stimulate classroom discussions about the importance of education.

To learn more, please see the following:

To further encourage student engagement, the U.S. Department of Education is launching the "I Am What I Learn" video contest. On September 8, we will invite students to respond to the president's challenge by creating videos, up to two minutes in length, describing the steps they will take to improve their education and the role education will play in fulfilling their dreams.

For more frequently asked questions, and information on this speech (what he’s going to say,etc.) click here.

NFL player beats up reality starlet

 Lately I’ve noticed that there’s been a lot of stories about celebrity boyfriends beating up their celebrity girlfriends, or worse yet killing them.

What is going on? Does anyone have an explanation for this kind of behavior? I grew up learning that you don’t hit or physically attack women.

I only have one thing to say to a brute like Merriman…you’re a cowardly bully!


Tila Tequila took another shot at love and, unfortunately, it's apparently taken a shot back at her.

The reality starlet was hospitalized early Sunday following an altercation with her San Diego Chargers boyfriend, Shawne Merriman, officials confirm to E! News.

The San Diego Sheriff's Department received a disturbance call from Tila "Tequila" Nguyen at 3:45 a.m. She told deputies she had been choked by Merriman and, when she tried to leave, he physically restrained her.

Nguyen, 27, signed a citizen's arrest warrant accusing the NFL linebacker of battery and false imprisonment. Click here to read the rest.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stand Down 2009: It's time again to support our veterans

Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 09/06/2009 01:27:18 AM PDT

I want to remind veterans and their families that the annual North Coast Stand Down is coming up on Oct. 2, 3 and 4.

For those who are new to the area or haven't heard about Stand Down, it's a three-day event designed to empower veterans and their families. Numerous helpful services are offered to all, and the spirit of Stand Down is veterans helping veterans.

Veterans from Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and Korea gather as brothers and sisters with one common goal: to support one another and share in the camaraderie of a common understanding.

This annual event draws more veterans every year. The word is out that it's not just for homeless or needy veterans, but for all veterans. The atmosphere is like one big family gathering for good meals and conversation.

Click here to read more about The Stand Down

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

He’s Busted For Slapping a Stranger's Crying Child

Meet Roger Stephens. The Georgia man, 61, was shopping one morning at a Walmart in Stone Mountain when he crossed paths with Sonya Matthews and her two-year-old daughter Paige.

The child was crying, which apparently greatly perturbed Matthews. "If you don't shut that baby up I will shut her up for you," Stephens warned Matthews, according to a Gwinnett County Police Department report. Moments later, Stephens acted on his threat, slapping Paige "across the face approximately four or five times."

Though the child "started crying and screaming" after being struck, Stephens told Matthews, "See, I told you I would shut her up." After police were summoned, Stephens told a cop that the child was crying "and he just slapped her," according to the report. Stephens was arrested for felony cruelty to children and booked into the Gwinnett County Detention Center, where he is being held without bond. Paige sustained "slight redness to the face," but was otherwise unharmed.

For the complete police report click here to go to The Smoking Gun

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Who are the “lunatic fringe?”

They ignore facts. They are always afraid of something. They view President Obama as a black man whose taking over “their” country.

They wear Confederate belt buckles, and share stories of the “good old days in the south” when “darkie” knew his place. They are angry women, and men, who saw their party voted out of power last year. They ignore little facts like that.

They are the conspiracy crowd. The lunatics suspect we are all going to be Communists, because our president is a liberal Democrat. They ignore facts.

The lunatic fringe will always feel disenfranchised because they are a minority. Even so, they are a loud emotional minority that babble jingoisms. They call on “God and Country” and tell lies like our president wasn’t born in the USA. They seriously ignore facts.

It’s really easy to spot the lunatic fringe, because they like to draw attention to their beliefs while re-defining reality. They are adults dressing up in colonial era clothing and calling themselves “Tea-baggers.” They like to ignore facts.

They claimed that Obama would be the worst president ever, when it came to gun control - violating our rights as Americans. It didn’t happen. It hasn’t happened. He wouldn’t dare to defy the NRA, and the gun and ammunition industry. Their lobbies rule Congress and the House. They can afford to ignore facts about record sales of automatic weapons going to Mexico’s drug cartels.

While the lunatic fringe may be small in numbers, they have the backing of the NRA and gun and ammunition industry lobbies. They do have some power. Probably more than we can even imagine. Ignoring facts is their cup-of-tea. 

Take a close look and tell me if this is real

  I was “Stumbling” through the web when this photo jumped out. It was alone, and had no explanation. No photo credit.

 My first reaction was – can you say “Photo Shop?”

 Then I looked at it closer. Was it possible? Could it be like one of those Lincoln Log Homes painted in childlike colors?

 It’s something to ponder this Friday, before this Labor Day weekend.

 If you’re going somewhere, be careful. If you’re not, then stop by this blog again to see what I’ll be posting for you. TGIF

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Obama's back-to-school address touches off a new confrontation with conservatives

  If anyone wants proof that this country is in political gridlock, then this controversy about our president talking to school children about staying in school, should make the argument.

The Republicans have once again solidified their mission as the Obstructionist Party by trying to make hay over something past presidents have done without any problems from crazed conservatives.

Click here to read more about those conservative obstructionists at AlterNet.

After reading the above Link and the article below ask yourself, “Is our President trying to spread socialism?” Or, is this just another tempest in a teapot by conservatives? I’m interested in getting your comments on this issue.


When kids all across the country return to school Tuesday, some will see a welcoming message from President Barack Obama and some won't.

Obama's planned address to students has touched off yet another confrontation with Republican critics, who have battered the White House over health care and now accuse the president of foisting a political agenda on children.

The president will speak directly to students Tuesday about the need to work hard and stay in school. His address will be shown live on the White House Web site and on C-SPAN at noon EDT, a time when classrooms across the country will be able to tune in.
Schools don't have to show it. But districts across the country have been inundated with phone calls from parents and are struggling to address the controversy that broke out after Education Secretary Arne Duncan sent a letter to principals urging schools to tune in.
Districts in states including Texas, Illinois, Minnesota,Missouri, Virginia and Wisconsin have decided not to show the speech to students. Others are still thinking it over or are letting parents have their kids opt out.

Click here to read the rest at The Chicago Tribune.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Observations on the town hall meeting held in Eureka yesterday…

  I watched the whole meeting on television, which was nice because I didn’t have to be too close to some of the wackos that showed up there!

President Obama’s health care reform proposal was defended last night by Congressman Mike Thompson, who showed up at Redwood acres and stayed longer than expected.

It was obvious that some people, who just wanted 15 minutes of fame, were there to protest issues totally unrelated to the topic at hand. Time and again, I winced as they babbled about their personal agendas.

I lost count of how many times Thompson had to shut people up while someone else was trying to speak. My only surprise at this kind of behavior was that the “big mouths” weren’t wearing tinfoil hats!

Looking at the scope of the whole meeting I can only conclude it was a “dog-and-pony show” that did not result in anything but a chance for people to blow off steam. How many intelligent questions were asked about the issue at hand – health care? While you’re trying to count them, how many sane alternatives to the proposed problems did you hear?

I had the sense of a crouching beast (as opposed to a human audience) threatened to engulf Thompson at any moment. It’s a good thing he’s a military veteran, because he needed to show some balls to back off the crouching beast at times!

This inability to no longer have civil discourse in so-called town hall meetings is reflective of society today. Polarization goes beyond the Republican’s and Democrat’s inability to agree on anything. Our whole country is polarized by people who live on “sound bytes” and who avoid facts that may go against their emotional beliefs, and what the political pundits say they should think.

I heard, and read on some of the local blogs and TV station, that some people thought the meeting went pretty well. Hmmmmm….now there’s a sad statement. There was actually a time when public meetings weren’t dog-and-pony shows that had clowns interrupting every five minutes.

As It Stands, welcome to the breakdown of our country. Chaos creeps in with cretins leading the way!

Here are some of the Worst Designed Websites In the World

And I thought mine was ugly!

We all come across some seriously bad websites in our day-to-day lives on the Internet. It’s just an unavoidable fact of life, like coming across monsters on the way to the market in video games. When you come across these things, you should approach them with a modicum of fear, for it is something you don’t know, after all. But, more than that, you need to be brave, and you need to relish the experience with full sense of humor employed. These are the 20 worst websites from across the world.

Bella DeSoto

Bella DeSoto deserves special recognition for creating what may possibly be the absolute worst page in the history of all bad web pages. This site is so amazing, so incredible in its evil genius, that it nearly crashes most browsers today – in 2009. That being said, be careful, because you absolutely must experience this site yourself – It’s too large for most screen-capture software to handle. Both vertical and horizontal scrollbars will seem unfit to handle the vast distance they will have to travel. I postulate that no man has ever full explored the entire site, as it would likely take more years than he has in him. Did I mention the unstoppable soundtrack?

View the rest of these sites at Manolith

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...