Friday, August 10, 2018

Swampy Days in DC: Bluster, Bullsh*T, and Corruption Cases

Good Day World!

I got a good laugh the other day when a TV commentator said that Trump has built a hotel in the "swamp."

As we all recall, Trump promised to clear the swamp out in Washington DC during his frenzied rallies in 2016. It was a great sound bite, and Republicans got on board and quickly passed the myth on to their conservative constituency and anyone else who would listen. 

Even if you haven't been paying much attention to the revolving door in the West Wing, you're probably aware that quite a few Trump appointees have turned out to be thieving  lying bastards!

Rather than go over the entire roll call of corrupt cronies who crept into government with the help of Trump, let's just go with the present examples.

When New York Republican Congressman (and big Trump supporter) Chris Collins got hauled away for securities fraud, wire fraud, and lying to investigators by special agents of the FBI Wednesday, it marked a continuing trend of serious criminal allegations against Trump's political allies and government appointees.

Collins was one of Trump's earliest congressional supporters. Now he's in big trouble. 

And speaking of troubleTrump's appointee to Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, could be "among the biggest grifters in American history," according to Forbes magazine, amid new allegations that he may have wrongly siphoned off more than $120 million from business associates.

What we know:

1) Trump stocked the swamp in Washington DC from Day One.

2) Our liar-in-chief even went so far as to build a hotel in the middle of the swamp (see current emolument case against Trump going through the courts based on his hotel in DC.)

3) The atmosphere in the White House is getting so toxic (swamp gases and bullshit) that few can stay there for very long. The one's that have stayed obviously discovered gas masks.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Trump's Human Rights Record is a Disgrace: Look at Saudi Arabia vs Canada

                                            Good Day World!

Under the new world order of chaos, ushered in by Trump and his ass-puppets, human rights is so low on the agenda that it keeps dropping off the list entirely.

To make that clear, Trump pulled the U.S. out of the United Nations Human Rights Commission in June. That was just a warm up.

To reinforce the Trump's administration's attitude towards human rights, they stood by Saudi Arabia (a country where human rights are abused daily) against our neighbor, and ally, Canada in a spat between the two countries.

Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman got butt-hurt when Canada condemned the arrest of a Saudi Arabian human rights activist, Samar Badawi. She's a noted women's right advocate who was honored as an International Woman of Courage Award by the U.S. State Department in 2012. 

How could our state department turn away a chance to defend this woman after lauding her internationally? The answer is Trump.

He's busy picking apart our allies while making nice with countries like Saudi Arabia, and traditional enemies like Russia, North Korea, and China.

Just in case you didn't know, a Saudi government-linked account tweeted an image of a plane flying toward the Toronto skyline, with the warning, "He who interferes with what doesn't concern him, finds what doesn't please him."

What was our state department's response to that thinly veiled threat against our ally and neighbor?

Heather Nauert, spokesperson for the state department had this to say:

"We are aware of Government of Saudi Arabia's statement recalling the Saudi ambassador to Canada and expelling Canada's ambassador. They are both close partners of the United States. I refer you to the Canadian and Saudi Ministries of Foreign Affairs for further information."

Talk about weak and embarrassing! 

In less than two years, Trump's administration has obliterated any moral standing America has built up since the formation of NATO.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Bedminster Blues: Trump is Not Winning Lately

Good Day World!

The orange ogre currently occupying the president's seat in the Oval Office, has retreated to his golf course in Bedminster, New Jersey, amidst so many scandals and investigations that he can't keep track of them.

Trump's math skills mirror his famous reading skills, he doesn't do either. That's why he claims he only gets "good people" to take care of everything. 

You know, like Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Scott Pruitt, Wilbur Ross (read the charges against this crook whose still in office), Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions, and a host of other loser Trump minions.

Signs that Trump is not winning:

The Mueller investigation is still ongoing and convictions are piling up with no end in sight.

Paul Manafort is fighting to stay out of prison. Today is the seventh day of his criminal trial for bank and tax fraud. Ex-Trump cohort, and former business partner, Rick Gates, is getting leniency for testifying against Manafort on day five.

The specter of Manafort flipping on Trump looms if he's convicted on all counts.

Trump twitters shade against CNN host Don Lemon and NBA great, Lebron James. Everybody came out against Trump on that stupid tweet...including his wife!

Once again Trump tweets pure bullshit when he claims California wildfires are caused by rivers draining into the ocean! Experts in California and the nation severely rebuked that idiotic statement.

Noticing a pattern here? It sure isn't about winning.

I'm surprised Trump didn't have a heart attack when the news came out about his precious "wall" two days ago when the Government Accountability Office released a report stating the whole process was hurried, ill-planned and would go way over budget estimates. Ouch!

The Department of Homeland Security was criticized in the report for picking sites for Donny's pet project before taking into account how effective a wall would be, and the cost.

Trump is also setting himself up for another loss with his threats to shut down the government if he doesn't get his wall. It's unclear if this report will have any effect on the asshole.

Listen...I could go on, but you get the point. In the real world Trump is not winning lately, and that's why the Bedminster Blues...(aka the tweet storm).

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

California Fires: Does Trump Know What Causes Them? Hell, No!

                                           Good Day World!

Donny's on vacation and catching up on a lot of golf and "executive time" (euphemism about the time he spends tweeting, drinking Cokes and eating cheese burgers) this week.

I guess we know what that means...the mother of all twitter storms! While our Liar-In-Chief hides out at one of his golf courses to avoid the press, his little fingers are getting a work-out.

Instead of being supportive of the victims of California's raging wildfires, this is what the orange twit had to say:

A special tweet from America's leader yesterday:

"California wildfires are being magnified and made so much worse by the bad environmental laws which aren't allowing massive amount of readily available water to be properly utilized. It is being diverted into the Pacific Ocean. Must also tree clear to stop fire spreading!"

In what has to be one of the most brain-dead reasons ever given for California's deadly fires, Donny claimed that environmental laws were to blame. What laws is he talking about? The fires have nothing to do with river runoff! 

Experts Reject Trump Claim That Water Policies Hurt Firefighting

For Years, California State Governor, Jerry Brown, has been talking about California's "new normal" caused by factors like climate change, and several years of drought, high winds, and vegetation buildup.

In other words, the real reasons why Californians have been faced with increasingly deadly wildfires every year.

If you haven't been following Trump's feud with California since he came into office, suffice to say he's declared war on the state for resisting his attempts at forcing Californians to adopt weak environmental regulations designed to benefit corporations. That's just for starters.

Trump really doesn't like hearing Jerry Brown talk about climate change. As an uneducated conspiracy wonk, Trump is doing everything he can to gut the EPA's prime mission of protecting the environment.

The thought that the president of the United States would spend his free time attacking our environment, our criminal justice system, the legitimate Russian/Trump coordination investigation, and professional athletes like Lebron James and national football league players, is not only repulsive, its un-American.

This is what we get when Trump's handlers/enablers are out of the picture for a few days...unfiltered Trump. The rest of the time they fight a losing battle trying to advise the world's biggest egomaniac not to share all of his paranoid, conspiracy-laced, tweets every day.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Monday, August 6, 2018

Why Pedophiles? Trump's New Support Group is a Gathering of Conspiracists

Good Day World!

After my second cup of coffee this morning I got pissed off at the Internet because it launched another fringe right-wing group - QAnon - into the mainstream.

I'm not going to walk down that road, where I'm conflicted over the benefits of the Internet, however. Another day perhaps.

What we now know about QAnon:

 1) QAnon began with “Q,” a persona claiming to be someone within the government, promising to expose how dark forces are working against Trump and his administration.

2) The cult surfaced October 2017 when it finally jumped to the mainstream in the form of shirts and signs that were prominently visible at a Trump campaign rally in Tampa, FL.

3)  “QAnon,” or “The Storm,” looks for validation, especially in the number 17, which coincides with where Q is in the alphabet. Pretty clever huh?

When Trump recently changed his chant of "13 Angry Democrats" working against him to "17 Angry Democrats" the cult was thrilled for what they interrupted as a sign coming from their leader.

Another example; the University of Alabama national champion football team gave Trump a jersey with the number 17 on it when they visited the White House.

4) Some say Trump is Q. The New York Times reported that some cult members just believe it's a symbol.

5) Core beliefs include massive media conspiracies (what else?) and the so-called "deep state" that is trying to take Trump down. 

But the crowd jewel of their conspiracy theories is that famous celebrities, names in business, and liberal politicians are running a worldwide pedophilia ring that dates back to the Reagan era!

It was a cult member who ran into a pizza parlor last year with a semi-automatic rifle and terrified everyone there because he was looking for a concealed cellar where Hillary Clinton and other pedophiles were supposed to be having secret meetings.

The most unsettling part of this growing group of right-wing extremist nuts, is they are appearing in greater numbers at Trump's rallies lately. Just look at the last three in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida.

The Q crowd is feeling empowered. They follow Trump from rally-to-ally, fully expecting to see subtle signs from him that confirms their whacked theories.

You know another thing that's scary about the Q disciples dressed up in outlandish costumes? They barely stand out in a Trump rally!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Trump's Dream of Commanding a Space Force Faces Real Obstacles

Good Day World!

Here's a brief glimpse of Trump's dream about a new military space force for America.

Commander Officer: "Mr. President, we're ready to attack the moon on your order." 

Trump: "Oh goody! Don't leave any survivors."

Commanding Officer: "Excuse me sir, but as far as we know there's no life on the moon."

Trump: "Fake News! We can't let those damn liberals dictate our national security policies!"

Back to the real world...

One of the many ridiculous things Trump has proposed, beside holding a parade designed to make the world's autocrats jealous, is a new branch of military service - a Space Force (Star Wars theme playing in background).

The idea is going over like a lead balloon with the Pentagon.
Trump's own general, Jim Mattis, has made it clear he thinks it would add burdensome bureaucracy and unwanted costs.

Nevertheless, under Trump's orders, the Pentagon did a study expected to call for creating a new military command. The results will be released sometime next week.

The bottom line is it takes congress to okay a new military unit. The chances that any legislative proposal to create this separate service this year, are slim to none. Realistically,if Trump isn't impeached before then, it's not on any one's priority list to do, except Donny's.

Some may call Trump a dreamer... but most call him a demagogue!

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Saturday, August 4, 2018

A Mystery in the White House: Two Administrations?

Good Day World!

Who to believe? Trump, or our national intelligence agencies? 

I ask this because the heads of all those government agencies held a special press conference Thursday, warning America that Russia was already attacking our electoral system.

That same night Trump showed up at a rally in Pennsylvania and told the crowd the whole investigation against Russia was a witch hunt. A hoax. And some of the crowd cheered...

Trump's claims to his base (who show up for any rally he attends) are so full of falsehoods that fact-checkers have a field day every time he speaks.

That two-thirds of Americans who believe he's a serial liar, are concerned he's destroying our democracy and alienating us from the rest of the world.

But what's happening behind the scenes at the White House? Besides getting his ass kissed by his favorite whipping boy for the day, Trump is acting even more unhinged.

The question of the day is; who told the national intelligence heads to gather and hold a press conference? The White House says Trump arranged it. I have a feeling he didn't have anything to do with the hastily arranged press conference. 

On the off-chance he did arrange it gave him some positive political coverage in the mainstream media while he was busy attacking those same security agencies in his rally that night.

But what if Trump didn't cobble our national security heads together? What of it was someone else?

I'm not talking about conspiracies like the deep state either. I suspect high officials in the Trump administration are getting worried about his increasingly erratic interactions with world leaders and his toxic tweets.

We can only hope for some sanity in this administration. I don't think that's asking for too much.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Friday, August 3, 2018

No More Pretenses: Trump's War On Free Press Out In The Open

                                          Good Day World!

Looking for topical political drama?

Just tune in to White House Press briefings with Sarah Huckabee Sanders - when they have one.

Yesterday, Sarah nearly came unglued when asked if she would say that the mainstream press is not the enemy of the people. 

She simply would not answer the question. Instead she deflected the question and went off on a rant about how mean the press is to the president, and her. In a rare show of passion, her face got redder than usual and her eyes sent lightning bolts to the assembled press.

A good performance actually. I almost believed she was so stupid that parroting Trump's false accusations were becoming an alternate reality for her. 

On the other hand, we should also consider she lives in a bubble created by Trump and his cohorts. In order to stay in that swamp she has to swim with the reptiles.

In other words, she either believes anything Trump asserts - in spite of facts to the contrary - or she just wants to keep her job and accepts lying is a vital part of staying with team Trump.

The bottom line: we have a president (and willing cronies) who are out to destroy the free press so they can control the national narrative.

The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees the freedom of the press in the United States.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise, thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or the press; or the right of the people peacefully to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Therefore we know that when the president attacks the mainstream media he's really attacking our Constitution. What else is the average American supposed to think when the leader of our nation tries to undermine one of the pillars of our Democracy?

A convergence of events are coming down on Trump and he's running scared. The Russian investigation, the flipping of his "Fixer" Michael Cohen, an emolument case progressing in court, a porn star and Playboy model suing him, and a Federal case against the Trump Foundation for fraudulent use of funds, and more.

That's a lot of shit. Trump doesn't want the press to report on any of those stories, so in his infantile way, he's stepping up his attacks against the press (which started on his first day in office), hoping his base will somehow save him at the end of the day.

This is not a well-planned strategy - nothing is planned in his reactionary world - it's a last ditch effort to turn back the tidal wave coming at him.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Trump's 'Real' Base Shows Up At His Rallies

Good Day World!

When talking about Trump's base of supporters it's important not to lump them into one giant slime ball.

It's not fair. And it's not accurate.

Millions voted for Trump for different reasons. The fact that he appealed to farmers and other cross-sections of society may surprise his detractors who are often too quick to label anyone that voted for Trump as witless rednecks.

Give them some credit. A lot of Americans wanted a change. And a lot of Americans hated Hillary Clinton. It didn't necessarily mean they approved of his habit of lying or that he was a womanizer most of his adult life.

That said, there's hard core supporters, who I call his real followers, that have been waiting for their chance in the limelight, and Trump has opened the door to giving them a platform after Charlottesville.

The alt-right has been given the green light in the Trump era to foul our national discourse with hateful lies and racism. Conspiracy theorists, who once hid in their parent's cellars, have become social media stars with followers as crazy as they are.

Anyone that saw the recent Tampa rally, where Trump showed up to stump for some Republicans running for office in the midterms, had to be struck with the site of unhinged conspiracy wing nuts screaming at the media who attended the event.

Those devotees of falsehoods, some of which are specific to faith in Trump, others with plain old nonsense with racist and anti-Semitic tones, have been liberated by a reality star president who will do, or say anything, for good ratings.

Reports of the Tampa rally didn't just come from the mainstream media. 

There was live coverage on the Internet coming from 8chan, an anonymous image board also known as Infinitechan or Infinitychan, which is best described as the unglued twin of a better-known 4chan, a message board already untethered from reality.

This is the core of Trump's base. Once bottom dwellers in society, these wing nuts are now the new reality stars in the Trump regime. Neo-Nazis, KKK members, and extreme ant-immigrant groups are flourishing like deadly mushrooms in a shit heap of lies.

Next time you view footage of a Trump rally, look closely at the people behind him. Some may look familiar because they are. They attend all of his rallies. They follow him like lemmings, anxious to fight off Trump's detractors, and to worship him in person.

You'll probably also notice that the press trying to cover the event will be verbally attacked, urged on by a child-like Trump repeating the same lies wherever he goes.

A Trump rally is always a circus, and he's the ringmaster. Just look at his audience. That's his "real" base.

Time for me to walk on down the road... 

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Mueller Won't Indict Trump: That's Going To Be Up To Congress

Good Day World!

Let's clear away some misconceptions about the Mueller investigation on Team Trump, and Russia partnering up for a win in the 2016 election.

Special Counsel Mueller isn't going to indict Trump at the conclusion of his controversial investigation. Sorry about that. I know a lot of people believe Mueller has the power to file an indictment and are counting on him doing that.

Here's what they, and you, should know. Mueller doesn't believe he can indict a sitting president. When his investigation is finished he's going to toss the evidence up and it's congress's job to act on it.

The court of public opinion has been swaying against the Russian investigation because of Trump's campaign to discredit it. One survey recently pointed out a list of the top 10 words, or phrases associated with the investigation are; 
(Top 3) Collusion, Witch Hunt, and 13 Angry Democrats.

Americans have been brainwashed with those three words since the investigation began. Trump's campaign to discredit the Mueller probe has been steady and unrelenting. He's been doing everything he can to disrupt the probe with false claims and accusations.

In the end Trump is counting on his base believing his version of events, and a cowed congress willing to wipe his dirty ass clean.

Two thoughts on that:

1) The timing of Mueller's report being released is going to be critical. If it's before the midterms it could hurt GOP members running for re-election...or, on the flip side, it could give Trump an advantage with his jellyfish still in charge of congress.

2) If the Democrats retake the House there's a good chance of impeachment proceedings taking place. Especially, if the general population is outraged with Trump getting away with treason. 

I have a hunch there's going to be an iron-clad case presented by Mueller, outlining how our president worked with the Russians during the election. There's a good chance they have a "smoking gun" that's going to shoot Trump in the foot! (Hint, Cohen)

Time for me to walk on down the road...

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...