Monday, July 21, 2008

A Satanic Surge results from Column

Back again.
I have been deluged with emails from so-called Satantists and the Online version of the Eureka Reporter where it appeared - has gathered over 3000 hits in 24 hours! Looks like I touched another nerve central in America.
That, of course, is my goal. To make people think about things. To entertain them and to educate them them. To challenge them and to make them laugh.
Sometimes - like this case of the Satanic surge - I get lots of hate mail. That's fine. One has to expect that. It's only part of the game.
I have a mission to write. That's what I do. That's who I am. A writer.
I love words and their ability to make us dream and think critically on paper for all to see. They are my personal vanguard to the world as I sit behind my word processor and pour out my soul daily.

Sometime this week I expect to be announcing a change in publications for my column
Stay tuned. It's a step up.

Google wanted a domain name that I own so I got one -
It'll be another day or two before this link is available but when it is I should be able to get ads and start that process. This is my experiment in Desk Top Publishing and I don't expect to get rich from it.


"But truly, I have wept too much.
The Dawns are heartbreaking.
Every moon is atrocious and every sun is bitter."

Arthur Rimbaud
(French Poet)


If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular?"

BATMAN BREAKS BOX OFFICE RECORDS with $155.3 Million weekend
I can remember reading comics with my brother-in-law/and one of my best friends in the world-Tom Holloway-back in the sixties.
We use to spend hours talking about who Batman could beat up among the other DC characters. We always agreed SuperMan was the top dog. Then Marvel Comics came along and we starting falling for SpiderMan, The Fantastic Four, Doctor Strange, Thor-God of Thunder,The Hulk, X-Men, and the whole Marvel line of good guys and bad guys. Those were heady days.
Now, to see these comics come alive on the Big Screen - and be a box office hit - is still a wonderful feeling! Sort of a blast from the past!


Coming soon....Presidential Libraries and Corruption, and
Prosthetics, Thieves, and Payback

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Satanic Community is Upset With Me!

I got an early morning email today from a witch who was very upset about my article in The Eureka Reporter today. (See link - The Eureka Reporter under Opinion)
My column has already pulled over 1200 readers Online after just being published 8 hours ago.
It is the most read thing in the entire issue today. Not bad.

I'm waiting to get my Google ads here soon. They said it takes a day or two. This site is still under some construction, but is coming along. Note slide show (on bottom) and Links.
I want to encourage everyone who has my site here to visit it each day - as I will have something to say.... and share!
Plus I'll make more money on the amount of hits I get when the ads are in place when you visit me! No use being shy eh?

OBSERVATION OF THE DAY: "He who binds to himself a joy does the winged life destroy;
But, he who kisses the joy as it flies lives in eternity's sun rise."
William Blake
(English Poet)

Right now I'm living my dreams by pursuing my passion for writing, which in the last two years, has risen from my personal ashes of PTSD and come back to me like an old friend.
I've always written things on my own ever since I first learned how to put a sentence together with another. My delight with words grows again from that garden of my imagination, and lightness shines forth were not so long ago darkness dwelled.

.Barack Obama's appearance at the "Victory Garden" in Berlin's Tiergarten park is expected to draw hugh crows and is being likened to Jogn F. Kennedy's celebrated "Ich bin ein Berliner" performance of 1963.
Germany's leaders however, are hesitant to show Obama any love yet because their not so sure he's going to be the next president of the United States. It's interesting to see this world reaction to Obama. I think many see him as a way for good change in this country. I have to agree that he represents change and that McCain is more of the same - which has been devastating on our economy and how the world has been viewing us.

w many laptops, on average, do US travelers lose each week?
Try 10,278 - the next question is who ends up with these laptops?)

It's time to go now. There are things to see and do and the day doesn't hold enough hours to do them all!
Peace be with you all!

Friday, July 18, 2008

As It Stands

This blog is a showcase for my newspaper column which has run, off-and-on, for 30 years.
It currently runs in a daily on Sundays in The Eureka Reporter (they have an Online edition too), and in a weekly in the town I live in, The McKinleyville Press.

I am a medically retired newspaper editor and publisher, combat Vietnam/Cambodian veteran (1970), chief dish-washer in my wife and I's empty nest, critic of the Bush Administration, critic of all politicians, wanna be comedian, believer in the power of positive thinking, rabid Laker fan and longtime fan of the Dodgers, owner of a Pug and a Jug (you'll have to look this breed up!), onetime carpet and linoleum saleman, Marvel Comic fan since the sixties, one-time security guard for Pinkerton where I checked cars out in a gated community where John Wayne use to live with then-wife Pilar, once upon a time good chess player, and overall curious guy!

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...