Monday, November 22, 2010

There’s snow in the hills today as I try to hold on to the Fall

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Marketing Missteps: 10 toys that likely won't be on holiday wish lists

Image: Security checkpoint toy

What kind of moron thought the Harry Potter vibrating broom was a good idea?

The TSA action figures may get up close and personal with travelers (right).

Make sure you talk to it while its mouth is open (below).Image: Play Dough


Image: Cleaning girl

Just give her the real thing and cut down on housework (right).

“'Tis the season when toys come front-and-center in our consciousness. In the drive to produce thousands of new toys each year, the industry occasionally missteps, producing toys that anger rather than amuse the buying audience.”

Sunday, November 21, 2010

As It Stands: A look at the 'Toad in the Moon' and other lunar lore

By Dave Stancliff/For the Times-Standard

Posted: 11/21/2010 01:27:13 AM PST

There will be a full moon tonight. Most Humboldters probably won't be able to see it, but you never know. We can hope for an unusually clear night sky.

We do know that tides will shift strongly, animals and people may act weird and strange things will happen tonight. Anecdotal stories about animals' reactions to the effects of the full moon abound.

According to a July 2007 study by the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, full moon emergency room visits for pets increase compared to the rest of the month, to 23 percent higher for cats and 28 percent higher for dogs.

Why? No one really knows.

Animals are more sensitive than humans to the natural world. I think we can all agree on that. We shiver at tales of werewolves baying at the full moon. A full moon can be a great setting for a horror movie or a romance.

In China, the dark shadows on the moon are seen as “the toad in the moon,” not the “man in the moon” of Western culture. The toad is considered one of the five poisons of yin. It is believed eclipses occur when the “toad in the moon” tries to swallow the moon itself.

There's loads of evidence that full moons affect humans. Doctors report an increase in epileptic seizures and bleeding ulcers at the time of the full moon. A recent poll showed 86 percent of casualty nurses and 64 percent of doctors believe a full moon affects patient behavior.

Researchers at psychiatric hospitals in New York found a dramatic rise in admissions on the days of full moons. Law enforcement studies nationwide show motiveless crimes trebled around the time of full moons.

Experts tell us Earth is about four times the size of the moon. If you were to fly once around the moon (however unlikely that sounds) it would be the equivalent of a round trip from New York to London. If the moon were placed on the surface of the continental United States, it would extend from San Francisco to Cleveland (2,600 miles).

Here's more perfectly useless trivia about Luna (you don't have to be a Latin student to know that Luna means moon):

* Golfing enthusiasts may find it interesting that astronaut Alan Sheppard once hit a golf ball that went 2,400 feet (nearly one-half mile) while he walked on the moon. What a course, eh?

* With no competition in sight for the foreseeable future, it looks like the Apollo lunar rover will hold the surface speed record on the moon at an exhilarating 10.56 miles per hour.

* The U.S.S.R. captured the first photo of the moon taken from space in 1959, an image of the dark side of the moon. Fourteen years later the rock band Pink Floyd made an album by that name. If there's a connection, let me know.

* The footprints left by the Apollo astronauts will not erode since there is no wind or water on the Moon. Men and women sporting lab coats and degrees in science say the footprints should last at least 10 million years. I wonder how they know that?

* For all you lefties out there, astronaut Neil Armstrong first stepped on the moon with his left foot. Take that, you righties!

* Your desktop computer contains five to 10 times more computing power than was used to land a man on the moon. Think about that for a moment. OK, you're cleared for takeoff!

* Everyone knows who the first man on the moon was, but did you know that in 1972 Gene Cernan was the last man to step on the moon?

* NASA claims when the Apollo 12 astronauts landed on the moon, the impact caused the moon's surface to vibrate for 55 minutes. It appears we made quite an impact.

Quick! What was the name of the guy/gal who timed it? Now there's some serious trivia for you.

As It Stands, look out for lunatics and if you see the “Toad in the Moon,” would you please report your encounter to CNN, MSNBC or Fox News?

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Perchlorate Poisoning: water emergency declared in Barstow California


Barstow water supply shown to  be contaminated with perchlorate:

“Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared a state of emergency Saturday in Barstow after samples of the city's water supply were found to be contaminated with a chemical used in rocket fuel and defense manufacturing.”


Enhanced ‘pat-downs, full body scanners, and pissed-off travelers


The new enhanced safety procedures at airports is being met with a lot of resistance from the flying public.

The problem is some people feel like their being sexually assaulted. But what are the airlines to do? Safety has to come first. Doesn’t it?

Obama: TSA pat-downs frustrating but necessary

“President says enhanced airport security measures necessary to guard against new terrorist techniques”

Fed-up fliers protest airport security measures

“Online campaign urging travelers not to fly Nov. 24, refuse full-body scan”


TSA forces cancer survivor to show prosthetic breast

“Some fliers with medical conditions call new airport security procedures 'humiliating'”

Government insists full-body scanners are safe

“Radiation exposure is vastly lower than a single dental X-ray, TSA says”


TSA pat-down leaves traveler covered in urine

'I was absolutely humiliated,' said bladder cancer survivor

“A retired special education teacher on his way to a wedding in Orlando, Fla., said he was left humiliated, crying and covered with his own urine after an enhanced pat-down by TSA officers recently at Detroit Metropolitan Airport.”


image source

Wall Street Report: U.S. to lift lid on 'pervasive insider trading'

Executive tells clients he declined FBI's 'gracious offer to wear a wire and therefore ensnare you in their devious web'

“U.S. officials are preparing insider trading charges against a host of financial players, including investment bankers and hedge fund managers, according to The Wall Street Journal, which cited people familiar with the matter.

The charges could surpass any previous investigations on Wall Street, and examine whether certain players garnered tens of millions of dollars in illegal profits, according to the newspaper.

The three-year investigation could expose "a culture of pervasive insider trading in U.S. financial markets", especially in ways private information is transmitted to traders through connected insiders, the newspaper said, citing federal authorities.” More here.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Travel: Cats on a plane? Allergy sufferers can't escape

Image: Cat in carrier about to travel on an airplane

Some airlines allow 10 cats on a flight; all seats tested had traces of allergen

“Holiday travelers with cat allergies may find the best advice is beware in the air, according to a new study that says it’s nearly impossible to avoid feline fallout at 30,000 feet.

Whether it's residue from cats actually on board, or detritus carried by pet-loving passengers, the most common feline allergen was detected in 100 percent of aircraft seats tested — and in high enough amounts to trigger serious reactions in sensitive people, according to a report by Swiss scientists.”

Liberal Dutch marijuana policy taking another hit?

Image: A tourist smokes marijuanaNew proposal would block tourists from buying the drug

“The new conservative Dutch government wants to force the country's marijuana cafes to become "members only" clubs, a move that would effectively block foreigners from buying the drug.

If the idea ever becomes reality — it would be legally complicated and politically divisive — it would be the latest of the country's liberal policies to be scrapped or curtailed as the Dutch rethink the limits of their famed tolerance.” Full story.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rangel Runs Scared: House of Rats Turn On One Of Their Own

Chief House ethics lawyer: Rangel should be censured

image source

Science Alert: 3 New Distinctive Frog Species Discovered

Conservation International just reported the discovery of three new amphibian species in Colombia. The three species include: “a mysterious toad with ruby-colored eyes, a diminutive long-nosed beaked toad which hides in dead leaves, and a gorgeous new rocket frog with flashes of red on its legs,” (shown here) according to CI. All three species are new to science. Scientists were actually in Colombia to search for the Mesopotamia beaked toad, which hasn’t been seen in decades, and is listed as critically endangered.

Read more here

Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

I finally hit the wall today. I can't think of what to say about all of the madness going on in this country right now. I'm a writer...