Sunday, April 21, 2024

The Realization That You Can't Always Get What You Want

"And I went down to the demonstration

To get my fair share of abuse

Singing "We're going vent our frustration

If we don't, we're going blow a fifty-amp fuse"

Sing it to me, honey...

You can't always get what you want"

The Rolling Stones

Generally, when we reach a certain age, we come to the conclusion we're not always going to get what we want in life. Reality intrudes with practicality in most cases.

However, there's a lot of wealthy families whose children get most of what they want like their parents do. It's called entitlement. But that doesn't mean they get EVERYTHING they want.

I desperately want the LA Lakers to beat the Denver Nuggets in the playoffs despite sports guru's not giving them a chance in hell. 

Okay. They lost game one. It doesn't mean the series is over... at least not in my mind. I'm prepared to back them to the bitter end. It's called being a fan.

The odds are I'm not going to get what I want, and I'll have to wait until next season.

Americans are tired of the constant political warfare being waged over the airways and social media. Most people just want some civility restored where it's safe to debate without going nuclear.

I say to those exhausted people you won't get what you want unless you vote for change and fight for truth and defend facts. Even then you may not get what you want...but at least you gave it a shot.

Being human we don't all react nicely when we don't get what we want. Some people, like rapist and former president Donald Trump throw tantrums and threaten people with harm when their will is thwarted.

There's no such thing as a good loser in 2024. The fact that there's going to be millions of sore losers - regardless of the results - is scary. 

I've come to the conclusion that people are strange. Me included. I can go all day without eating with very little discomfort, but I can barely contain my uncertainty before each Laker game.

Part of me suspects we suffer whether we get what we want or not. If I don't get it, I suffer the loss. If I do get it, I still suffer because my team may lose next time.

As it Stands, there's nothing wrong in going after what you want - it's how you deal with the results that determines the difference between being happy or sad.

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