Monday, February 12, 2024

Clueless Quotes That Show America's Challenges

When GOP Sen. John Cornyn told the press he doesn't take Trump "literally" I instantly could tell he was clueless.

After nearly eight years of Trump being in the national limelight political analysts have concluded that when Trump says something out loud, he means it.

Here's a classic clueless rant from former GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann:

"What we have to do today is make a covenant, to slit our wrists, be blood brothers on this thing (health care)...We are looking at reaching down the throat and ripping the guts out of freedom. And we may never be able to restore it if we don't man up."

Color that not only cluses but also psychotic.

But wait! There's more...

"I'm sick and tired of stupid people in Washington" Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green told reporters recently.

You see what I mean when I say clueless?

"My opinion of a white nationalist, if someone wants to call them white a nationalist, to me is an American." GOP Sen. Tommy Tuberville opined recently. 

To be clear, white nationalists are not your average Americans - they're domestic terrorists who are on the DOJ's list of hate groups. 

Looking at Tuberville's career, I'm reminded of Groucho Marx's classic quip in Duck Soup (1933) that brother Chico "may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."

Here's what North Carolina's Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson recently said at a campaign rally about arresting transgender individuals using women's restrooms,

"We're going to defend women in this state. That means if you're a man on Friday night, and all of a sudden on Saturday, you feel like a woman, and you want to go to the women's bathroom in the mall, you will be arrested - or whatever we got to do to you."

He further emphasized, "If you are a man, you better go to the men's bathroom. If you are confused find a corner outside."

Besides being clueless about the LGBTQ community, Robinson's apparent anger towards people he doesn't understand only promotes hate.

High on the list of conservative idiots, Megyn Kelly, showed why she's clueless when she tweeted on X yesterday,

"The so-called Black National Anthem does not belong at the Super Bowl. We already have a National Anthem, and it includes EVERYONE," she ranted on social media."

To be clear, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" did not replace the National Anthem. It was part of a tribute that included the National Anthem and America the Beautiful.

Of course, when you're clueless those kinds of facts never sink in.

As it stands, this country faces numerous challenges and clueless, bigoted hatemongers are top among them. 

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