Thursday, June 22, 2023

Why is Robert F. Kennedy Running for President as a Democrat When Republicans Would Love Him?

I just don't get it.

What possessed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to run for president as a Democrat? 

He knows the entire Kennedy clan won't support his efforts to upset Joe Biden in 2024.

What's really puzzling is that he would be a viable candidate for the Republican Party that's starting to realize that if Trump wins the election, it would be a "bad look" having a president trying to run the government from a jail cell. 

Setting that aside for a moment there's plenty of other reasons why Republicans would support Kennedy's bid to pollute the White House.

- Right off the bat... it would be a great way to own the libs having the spawn of a famous Democratic family cross over to the dark side.

- He would bring voters, die-hard vaccine deniers (who wouldn't vote for anyone but him), into the GOP circus tent that looks more like a triage center for the mentally ill.

- He has the stuff GOP extremists respect in regard to bad attitudes towards women's rights. Trump set the standard, but Kennedy (it turns out) is worse!

The recently unearthed journal of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (by a family member)exposed years of extra-marital sexual exploits and interactions with 37 women, 16 of whom he slept with.

His wife, Mary Richardson, discovered it and committed suicide last year. Even Trump's sexual exploits appear pale alongside Kennedy's. He had a scorecard of all of his sexual conquests and noted the name of women alongside a 1-10 scale, with 10 indicating intercourse.

Now that we know Kennedy's "lust demons" (his words in the journal) are probably still running rampant with future performances in the West Wing on his wish list agenda he would be a perfect Republican candidate for the President of the United States.

As it stands, I don't think it's too late for Republicans to woo him into their fold as he doesn't have a conscience (see his journal) and capsulizes everything they stand for.

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