Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Trump's Theatre of the Absurd Threatens America: The Truth Will Set Us Free

The only way to contend with Trump and his cult is to challenge the lies and disinformation that come on a daily basis.

Even though Trump was run out of office in 2020, the Republican party continues to put on a show for the ages.

Trump's bad actors are everywhere. In the school districts, state and congressional lawmakers, Fox News, Newsmax, Oann, and social media platforms.

The result has been a flood of disinformation and lies designed to restore Trump to power.

There were several good opinion articles today, but I selected this one from Salon because it's so right on.

Why the Revelations About Trump and the Kremlin are True (even if the documents are fake)

"Joe Biden may be president, but in too many ways the Age of Trump marches on. American political and civic life continues to resemble a spy thriller, a horror movie or a science fiction dystopia that keeps spawning sequels.

Most Americans want to escape the theater, but the doors are locked. Those who remain in their seats love these movies and can't get enough of their charismatic star.

The ending of this saga has been obvious since the beginning: Donald Trump is a malevolent force, with no loyalty to the United States and its people; yet his followers worship him as a god and nothing can tear them away from the cult." (Read the rest here)

There's so much more to say, but I'll save it for another day.

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Blog Break Until Presidential Election is Over

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