Tuesday, September 4, 2018

A Day Without Trump

Good Day World!

Imagine, if you can, a day without Trump. 

A day without having to listen to lies spew from his vile little lips like venom.

A day when someone in our nation or abroad, isn't being insulted by Trump.

A day where immigrants are treated like human beings.

A day when our Justice Department and the FBI aren't being attacked by the leader of the land.

A day where Trump's tweets are silenced.

A day where Republican congressman can go without fear of angering Trump if they dare to criticize him or try to compromise with the Democrats.

A day where America isn't embarrassed when Trump attacks our allies and befriends a dictator somewhere on the planet.

A day without attacking the Russian investigation special counsel Robert Mueller.

A day where Trump doesn't get his marching orders from Fox News.

A day when the headline news doesn't have a story about Trump.

A day without springing nasty surprises like not giving Federal employees a raise to save money so he can use it on his WALL (that Mexico will never pay for).

A day without Trump bragging about what a good president he thinks he is.

A day where Trump's name is not even mentioned in coffee shops across the nation.

A day when we can pretend America's values are not under siege by our Liar-In-Chief.

Just imagine...a day without Trump.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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