Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Demanding Reparation for Historical Grievances is Unrealistic and Devisive

                                           Good Day World!

In an alternate world...
where racial groups and nationalities are sueing one another over past crimes, Germany has finally paid reparations to every Jew in the world for torturing and murdering them by the millions during and before World War II.

Switching over to the Americas, it's looking good for Native Americans who have sued the US government for murdering them and taking their lands away. Plans are underway to cut checks for all current Native Americans and to restore their lands.

Back to reality.

The Movement for Black Lives - under the catch-all banner of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement - has put together what it describes as "a clear vision of the world where black humanity and dignity is the reality."

In the plan titled "A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands For Black Power, Freedom and Justice dozens of established activist and advocacy groups joined forces to offer six core demands and 40 policy priorities.

I think that's good, because the whole movement has been criticized for lack of direction. After reading the plan, I only have one problem with number two of the six core demands:

(2. Reparations for past and continuing harm.)

It is not only counter-preductive, but actually devisive to demand Americans pay some blood price for the transgressions of their ancestors.

The same can be said of all countries with a history of inhumanity towards humanity. 

If BLM wants to be taken seriously they need to drop the reparations rhetoric and concentrate on the here-and-now.

I'm no political scientist, but the idea of paying for the sins of the fathers is not going to go down well with the majority of people in this country.

Just saying.

Time for me to walk on down the road...

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