Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Stange Science: Invisibility cloak made of silk created

Image: Silk and resonator

I guess I’ve seen it all now. You can put on a cloak and be invisible.

I’ve read many books, mostly fiction, that employed the use of a fabled invisible cloak. Now it’s a reality! Forgive me, but all I can say is…wow!

Biomedicine, defense may benefit from scientists' research

For the first time ever, scientists have created an invisibility cloak made from silk, and coated in gold.

Invisibility cloaks, along with their optically exotic cousins, perfect absorbers and perfect reflectors and others, belong to a special class of materials known as metamaterials. Unlike most materials, which derive optical properties like color from their chemical make up, metamaterials derive their properties from the physical structure.”

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